6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of morning reports situation in the educational hospitals of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences

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    Background: Morning report is an important and influential method in clinical training of medical field. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morning reports in. University hospitals of khorramabad. Methods: In this study, 83 sessions of morning reports were evaluated. Informations were collected by objective morning report check list. It was designed using reliable sources of clinical training and contained questions about the structure, educational content, patient presentation method, physical environment conditions and how ethical considerations during the morning report meetings. ANOVA and Chi-square were used to data analysis. Findings: The mean duration of morning reports was 49/8 ±16/7 minutes. The number of patients presented in the majority of sessions (60.2 percent), was 2 patients .in the majority of meetings (38/6 percent), three faculties were present. Average length of time a patient presention was 22/7 ± 11/6 minute. The main core of Discussion in 20/3 percent of sessions was stepwise approach to the patient and in the 19/5% was discussion about how to treat patients. In most sessions (69/9 percent), interns were introduced the patients. Conclusion: Develop a standard and appropriate educational objectives model for morning reports, in educational programs of clinical sections seem necessary. Key words: Morning report, Khorramabad, Educational hospital

    The self care and its related factors in diabetic patients of khorramabad city

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    Background : Self-care is considered as an important process in to control diabetes. The aim of this study was to investigate the self care and its influencing factors in diabetic patients in Khorramabad city. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study 80 patients with type 2 diabetes, a‌dmitted to hospitals diabetes clinic and urban health care centers and an endocrinologist's office in Khorramabad, were selected using convenience sampling method. Data ghathering tool in this study was self-care scale Tubert – Glasgow which assessed the self care of their patients in different domains during the past seven days. Data were analysed by independent t- tests and one way ANOVA. Results: Self-care average scores in patients were (32.7±12.76) and the utility level was moderate. Low self-care behaviors were seen in daily check of blood glucose (3.4±3.8), physical activity(4.7±4.2) and general care of the feet(4.9±4.9). The self care average scores based on litrecy, resident place , type of treatment and the patients' life net was significantly different . Conclusion: : In order for health promotion and optimal control of disease in diabetic patients, training programs to empower patients in their self care should be considered

    Frequency of iron deficiency anemia and its related factors in adult patients referred to the internal clinic of Shohada Ashayer from 6 March to 6 July 2011

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    Background : Anemia is one of the most common health problems in Iran and the world. Moreover, iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent nutritional anemia in the world. Considering the high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia and the relationship between their severity and cultural-economic condition in an area, this study was conducted to obtain the prevalence and plan the treatment of diseases. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted using a census method. All the adult patients with anemia signs and symptoms referred to the internal clinic of Shohada Ashayer were examined for CBC and RBC indices. The patients whose hemoglobin amounts fell in the anemia definition range were included. Iron level, serum ferritin, and TIBC assessments were performed and a questionnaire was completed for each patient. Then data were analyzed statistically. Results: Out of all the anemic patients, 44.4% suffered from iron deficiency anemia. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia was 52.3% in women and 22.6% of the men. 60.9% of the patients in 15-49 age group and 24.5% of those aged over 49 had iron deficiency anemia. A significant relationship was found between age, sex, and iron deficiency anemia. No significant relationship was found between history of NSAIDs consumption and the incidence of iron deficiency anemia. Conclusion: Since the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in the studied population is high, considering improving and preventive interventions and comprehensive training programs in this regard seem to be necessary

    Dietary patterns associated with metabolic syndrome: The Khorramabad Study

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex disorder considered as a worldwide epidemic. The aim of this study was to characterize the dietary patterns of Iranian adults and examine its association with metabolic syndrome. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 973 persons were selected using multi-stage cluster, random sampling method in Khorramabad city. Dietary intake was assessed using a validated, 168 food-item, self-administrated, and semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ). To identify the dietary patterns, factor analysis was used for principal components. Results: Three major dietary patterns were identified: the western dietary pattern (WDP), the healthy dietary pattern (HDP), and the traditional dietary pattern (TDP). Participants in the highest quintile of HDP had lower odds of MetS (OR: 0.45; 95% CI: 0.27-0.77) than those in the lowest quintile, whereas those in the highest quintile of the WDP score had greater odds of the MetS (OR: 3.44; 95% CI: 2.08-5.70) than participants of the lowest quintile. Multi linear regression showed that the WDP score was associated negatively with serum high density lipoprotein-cholesterol and positively with other components of MetS. Even after body mass index adjustment, the association remained significant, except for fasting plasma insulin. Conclusions: a HDP is associated with reduced risk of MetS. In contrast, a WDP is associated with a greater risk of the MetS

    The frequency of blood transfusion and its components in hospitalized patients in Shohada Ashayer hospital in Khorramabad, 2009

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    Background : Blood is a resusciate source of life which there is no replacement for it. Limited time of preserving, screening tests of blood health, group determining, and cross-matching, that necessitate personal and laboratory costs, increase the importance of correct request and suitable consumption. This study was conducted to determine the frequency of blood transfusion and its components and calculate the ratio of C/T. Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytic study included 648 patients for whom blood and blood components were requested during the study. The data regarding the variables were recorded in a checklist and then were analyzed using the SPSS software. Results: The results showed that during the study 7746 patients were hospitalized and blood or blood components were requested for 648 (8%) of them. Out of these patients, 265 (40.9%) received transfusions of blood or its components. Packed cell was the most frequently transfused component (71.3%). The mean HB (hemoglobin) in the patients before transfusion was 9.49 gr/dl. Chronic anemia was the most prevalent indication of transfusion, and femoral fracture surgery was the most frequent operation needing blood transfusion. The C/T ratio was found to be 1.1. Conclusion: In this study, 59.1 % of the requested units were not used. Realizing requests based on scientific needs, and costs of production, preserving, separating components, transporting them to hospitals, and cross-matching including laboratory needs and manpower are recommended

    Seroprevalence of Human Fasciolosis in Pirabad, Lorestan Province, Western Iran

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to perform seroepidemiological investigation for determining the status of human fasciolosis in Pirabad Village, Lorestan Province, western Iran. Methods: Blood samples were taken from residents of the village including 801 individuals. Sera were separated and stored at -20°C until used. The samples were analyzed using ELISA. Results: Anti-Fasciola antibodies were detected in 6 (0.7%) individuals. Difference between age, sex and drinking or swimming in the surface water with seropositivity to fasciolosis was not significant. Out of 7 shepherds, 1 (14.3%) was seropositive. Due to the small number of shepherds, comprehensive statistical inference in this regard cannot be done. Significant difference was detected between seropositivity to fasciolosis and consuming local freshwater vegetables during the last 6 months (P=0.001). Conclusion: Metacercariae carrying local freshwater plants might be the main source of contamination because consumption of these kinds of vegetables was confirmed by all participants. Awareness of local communities regarding the danger of freshwater plant consumption, through health education programs, will decrease the risk of infection