36 research outputs found

    Valorizzazione e tutela delle aree verdi periurbane per il recupero dell’identità culturale e della memoria storica del territorio

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    Il progetto di ricerca ha riguardato la progettazione di una greenway nel territorio comunale di Anzio e Nettuno al fine di comprendere come le aree verdi periurbane acquisiscono un ruolo di primaria importanza nell’ambito di attività di pianificazione territoriale. Esse infatti, in qualità di aree multifunzionali, consentono di innescare processi di riequilibrio dei flussi turistici e valorizzazione delle aree urbane. L’obiettivo principale del progetto si è concentrato sulla definizione di un’interazione dinamica tra sistemi sociali ed economici e sistemi ambientali basata su una funzione territoriale compatibile con gli obiettivi di tutela e delle risorse intendendo il territorio come substrato del processo di sedimentazione di valori storici, culturali e sociali.This research project focused on the design of a greenway in the municipality of Anzio and Nettuno in order to understand how green peri-urban areas acquire a role of primary importance within the activities of a territorial planning. As a matter of fact these multifunctional areas allow to trigger processes aimed at balancing tourist flows and enhancing urban areas. The project aims at defining a dynamic interaction between socio-economic and environmental systems based on a territorial function compatible with the objectives of protection of resources, being territory a substrate of the process of settling of historical, cultural and social values.Peer Reviewe

    “Fruizione e tutela della cartografia storica e dei beni culturali attraverso itinerari di ecoturismo”

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    La ricerca qui presentata si focalizza sulla valorizzazione e la tutela dei beni culturali e ambientali di Civitavecchia e del suo entroterra al fine di promuovere un turismo alternativo a quello di massa in grado di rendere fruibile, non solo durante la stagione estiva ma anche durante i mesi invernali, alla popolazione e ai visitatori esterni, il consistente patrimonio storico culturale e ambientale.The research here presented focuses on the valorisation and protection of cultural and environmental heritage of Civitavecchia and its hinterland in order to promote an alternative tourism and to make available to the population and tourists the significant historical and cultural heritage and the environment existing in this area, not only during summer but also during the winter months

    Le fonti d’archivio al servizio della governance del territorio per la ricostruzione degli antichi assetti idrogeologici

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    ARCHIVE SOURCES AS A MEAN OF TERRITORIAL GOVERNANCE FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ANCIENT HYDROGEOLOGICAL STRUCTURES - This work examines the complex hydrogeological dynamics of the lower Valle dell'Amaseno (Regione Lazio), an area that, until the Integral Reclamations carried out in the Thirties of the Twentieth century, has been strongly influenced by the unpredictable and harmful behavior of the homonymous river. This happened for different reasons, first of all the negligence of the population and the local administration with regard to a constant routine maintenance caused by the ab- sence of a proper hydraulic culture. This work is aimed at identifying solutions and tools used over the centuries to solve the hydraulic problems. Our analysis has been carried out through the critical examination of the geostorical sources which proved to be useful and interesting. Among these it is worth mentioning the cartographic source, whose analysis allowed us to identify the causes of the harmful and repeated flooding of the watercourse, understand forms and methods of human intervention and assume virtuous territorial management strategies

    Il paesaggio rurale della Valle dell’Amaseno. Strategie di valorizzazione e fruizione sostenibile

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    Rural landscape of the “Valle dell’Amaseno”: valorization strategies and sustainable fruition This paper examines the rural landscape of the Valle dell’Amaseno, that proved to be useful to bring out the semiotic components of territorialization, the set of cognitive and material sediments, identity, productive and constructive knowledges related to the sense of belonging to a given place. The geostoric research has been enriched through the integration of the analysis of the land where the local societies were actively involved in a dynamic process aimed at reconstructing the cultural and identity processes that gave life to the current rural landscape. In order to promote knowledge, enhancement and fruition of the territory, a precise methodology based on ecotourism and participated work with local communities has been developed. The final result is the cultural portal www. valledellamaseno.it, a storytelling tool of the territory and, at the same time, a means for cultural transmission that links communities and territories in a social network

    “Paesaggi di bonifica. Tra memoria storica e progetto”

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    Il contributo si inserisce nell’ambito degli studi di geografia storica ed è focalizzato sulle trasformazioni dei paesaggi di bonifica e sugli interventi di sistemazione idraulica che hanno interessato alcuni specifici territori del Lazio meridionale e hanno influito nei processi di antropizzazione. Ci si soffermerà specificatamente sugli interventi attuati dal XVII secolo, periodo in cui la questione idraulica emerge con insistenza e si configura come una questione di importanza strategica e collettiva.This contribution is part of historical geography studies and focus on the transformations of land reclamation landscapes and interventions of hydraulic arrangement that affected specific areas of southern Lazio and influenced the processes of human settlement. We will focus specifically on the interventions undertaken starting from the XVII century, a period when the hydraulic question emerged urgently and appeared to be a matter of strategic and collective importance