24 research outputs found
Menilai Kesulitan Belajar Peserta Didik akibat Speech Disorder
Speech disorder is one of the factors that causes learning difficulties of students because this disturbance will impede the communication and familiarization process in their learning community. Speech disorder not only causes disharmony in themselves but also brings negative influence in their learning activities, which in the long run will cause certain difficulties in achieving satisfactory academic performance. Speech disorder in commonly marked by some subtitution symtoms, distortion, omission, clonic spasm dan tonic spasm, which are caused by heredity or inappropriate treatment by people living surrounding the students. Currative effort can be done integratively both psychis therapy and physical medication in order to improve students harmonization as a prerequisite for learning activities
Menilai Esensi dan Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam
Pendidikan Islam sebagai manifestasi dan cita-cita hidup setiap individu untuk melestarikan, menanamkan dan mentransformasikan nilai-nilai yang baik pada masyarakat. Proses pendidikan  berlangsung untuk mengantarkan manusia menjadi seorang yang kaya spiritual dan intelektual dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya serta pembentukan manusia yang baik dengan karakteristik berbadan badan sehat, memiliki keterampilan (aspek jasmani), pikiran cerdas dan pandai (aspek akal), dan hatinya berkembang dengan baik (aspek rasa, kalbu dan rohani). Pendidikan mengarahkan manusia pada upaya peningkatan derajat seseorang sesuai dengan fitrah  dan kemampuan belajarnya. Sasaran pendidikan Islam mencakup perbaikan individual, sosial, dan peradaban. Modernisasi pendidikan Islam sejalan dengan modernisasi Islam yang ingin mengukuhkan kembali kemurnian ajaran Islam. Modernisasi pendidikan Islam dilakukan untuk mendapatkan formulasi sistem pendidikan Islam yang mampu mengantisipasi dinamika masyarakat seiring dengan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, dengan tetap didasari pengamalan ajaran Islam yang benar
Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru melalui Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah dan Supervisi Pendidikan
The research based on the phenomenon that indicates Madrasah Tsanawiyahâs teachers in Samarinda has a good performance when their headmaster lead them effectively and supervision of functional agencies. The purpose of this research are: (a) to describe the quality of the leadership of headmasters of Madrasah Tsanawiyah, (b) to describe  the quality of educational supervision of Madrasah Tsanawiyah, (c) to describe the quality of the teachers performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah, (d) to find out the influence of headmastersâ leadership on the teachers performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah partially, (e) to find out the influence of education supervision on the teachers performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah partially, and (f) to find out the influence of headmastersâ leadership and education supervision on the teachers performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Samarinda simultaneously. The entire study population Madrasah Tsanawiyah teachers of Samarinda amount 629 people, while the sample are 76 teachers applied multi - stage sampling technique. Determination of madrasah through purposive sampling technique, whereas the selection of respondents conducted through random sampling technique. Data collection used questionnaire techniques, while the data analysis techniques used Multiple Linier Regression Analysis. The result of this research concluded as follows. The headmastersâ leadership based teachersâ assessment are categorized as good (ÎŒ= 4,09), while the implementation of education supervision are in good category (ÎŒ = 3,92), and the teachersâ performance are in good category (ÎŒ = 4,01). Partial leadership has a strong influence on the teachersâ performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (r= 0.73). The headmastersâ leadership contributed 54.6 % to the effect for improving the quality of teachers performance. Partial implementation of educational supervision has a strong influence on the teacher performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (r = 0.72). Implementation of educational supervision contributed 53% to the effect for improving the quality of teacher performance. Headmastersâ leadership and implementation of educational supervision simultaneously have a strong influence on the teachers performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (r = 0.74). Headmastersâ leadership and implementation of educational supervision contributied 56.1 % for improving  the quality of teacher performance
Memotret Kinerja Guru Madrasah dalam Pembelajaran
Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai kualitas kinerja guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah di Samarinda, dan memetakan kinerja guru tersebut berdasarkan masa kerja, jenjang pendidikan, dan status kepegawaian guru. Populasi penelitian guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah Samarinda berjumlah 629 guru, kemudian diambil sampel sebanyak 76 guru menggunakan teknik multi-stage sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan questionare model skala likert. Analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif untuk menggambarkan kualitas kinerja guru madrasah dalam proses pembelajaran, dan Analysis of Varian (ANOVA) untuk memetakan kinerja guru berdasarkan masa kerja, jenjang pendidikan, dan status kepegawaian. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan, bahwa para guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah di Samarinda memiliki kinerja yang baik. Kinerja guru berdasarkan masa kerja terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan, dalam arti guru yang memiliki masa kerja lebih lama menunjukkan kinerja lebih baik dibandingkan guru dengan masa kerja lebih pendek. Kinerja guru berdasarkan jenjang pendidikan tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Kinerja guru menurut status kepegawaian juga tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan
Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Agama dan Moral Anak Usia Dini
The strengthening of religious and moral values in early childhood is not limited to intellectual aspects, but rather their habituation in daily behavior in school is important. The strengthening of religious and moral values of early childhood requires exemplary people around them, especially teachers. Strengthening religious and moral values in early childhood is done through coaching and learning strategies in a holistic and integrative way to support their optimal growth and development. This study aimed to describe efforts to cultivate the religious and moral values of Early Childhood in Kindergarten âAisyiyah Busthanul Athfal of Samarinda. This research was qualitative by using a phenomenology approach. Sources of data are teachers, student advisers, and students. Data collection technique are participant observation and in-depth interview. While the data analysis technique uses an interactive analysis model of Milles & Huberman, through the process of presenting data, data reduction, and verification/conclusion. The findings showed that the strengthening of religious and moral values of early childhood at Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten in Samarinda were carried out by combining the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education and Al-Islam 'Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Early Childhood Education curriculum through program solutions, integrated programs, and programs special. The strengthening strategies of religious and moral values of early childhood at Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten were carried out through the example of the teacher in the school, habituation in behaving according to the child's development. Repetition in attitudes and good behavior is done intensively. The establishment of cooperation between schools and parents and the availability of facilities adequately become supporting factors in the strengthening of religious and moral values of early childhood. While the inhibiting factors include limited infrastructure for the process of overhauling religious and moral values
Assessment for Islamic Education Learning and Its Impact to Studentâs Religiousness of Islamic University
Being religious person is absolute for everyone, including the students of Islamic University. Thatâs why PTKI (Islamic University) does some efforts to strengthen the studentâs religiousness. This research is intended to assess the quality of Islamic Education learning and the religiousness of PTKI students and also to observe the implication of this study to studentâs religiousness. All students from selected Islamic University in East Kalimantan were taken as the population, and 374 students were chosen as the sample by multistage sampling technique. The technique of dominant data collection was done by doing the survey. The data analysis technique is descriptive analysis and inferential linear regression, through calibration test (validity and reliability), requirement analysis test, normality test, homogenic test, and linearity test. The result of the research has shown that the learning of Islamic Education in Islamic University in East Kalimantan is done well (”= 4,17). The learning process of Islamic Education in Islamic University has significant influence to studentâs religiousness. The learning process of Islamic Education in Islamic University has contributed 54,6% to the increasing of studentâs religiousness, while the rest of 45,4% is influenced by other factors. The studentâs religiousness in aqeeda aspect is greater than shariâa/muamalah and morals
The Development of Learning Services Assessment Instrument Model of Islamic Higher Education
The Islamic higher educations have an important role in producing the qualified graduates. Therefore, the organization of the Islamic higher educations must be coupled with the quality of learning services. Some institutes and universities are optimizing their learning services, while the others tend to choose different service patterns since there is no standard instrument of the quality of the learning service. This research was conducted to develop an assessment instrument model to measure the learning services in Islamic higher education. This research applied a research and development approach through three stages, namely: pre-development, development, and application of the model. The development of the instrument was done through individual, small group, and large group testing through field tests involving students of Islamic higher education. The instrument model includes the aspects of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance along with the indicators, which is, analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The findings of the research shows that learning assessment instrument model of Islamic higher education developed by integrating some aspects categorized as goodness of fit, which is, proved by Lambda score (λ)> 0,30, Ï-score (p)> 0, 05, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) <0.08, and Goodness of Fit Index (GFI> 0.90). The developed instrument has high validity, while the aspects of learning services meet the requirements and are reliably to assess learning services at Islamic Higher Education</span
The Dynamics of the Development of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia
This study illustrates the dynamics of the development of Islamic education in Southeast Asia which includes several states such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Southern Thailand which have different and unique features of Islamic education as a characteristic of each country. This research also not only explains the differences in the style of Islamic education but analyzes the various dynamics of development that occur behind the formation of a pattern of Islamic education as the grand design of Islamic education in Southeast Asia. The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results found a variety of features or models that became the grand design of Islamic education in each country, namely: (1) Indonesia has a grand design of Islamic education with patterns (2-6-3-3-4); RA 2 years, MI 6 years, MTs 3 years and MA 3 years, and PT 4 years; (2) Malaysia has a grand design with patterns: (4 / 6-7 / 12-3-2-1 / 2); PPD 4-6 years, PD 7-12 years, PMP 3 years, PMA 3 years, PP-PMA 1-2 years, PT 3-4 years; (3) Brunei Darussalam has a grand design with patterns: (A 7-3-2-2); 7-year elementary school, 3-year middle school, 2-year high school, 2-year pre-university; and (4) Southern Thailand (Patani) has a grand design with patterns: 6- (3-3); MI 6 years, MM 3 years, and MTs 3 years
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Sains untuk Anak Usia Dini
This research is a type of research and development. The development model used through the adaptation results from the Borg and Gall models. In this study carried out only with 8 stages: 1) Potential and Problems; 2) Information Collection; 3) Product Design; 4) Design Validation; 5) Design Revision; 6) Product Testing; 7) Product Revision; and 8) Usage Tests. The stages carried out in this study are: Phase 1, namely the potential and problems carried out with the aim of finding out the problems in the field about learning models that can improve six aspects of early childhood development. This stage was carried out in six PAUD institutions with observation, interview and documentation methods. Stage 2 is gathering information/data, taken from three sources, namely learning implementation plans (RPP), teaching teachers, and students in six PAUD 5-6 year age groups. Stage 3 is product design, namely developing an existing learning model into a science-based learning model. The purpose of developing this learning model is to improve six aspects of early childhood development. The basis of the development of this science-based learning model is the curriculum 2013, several references from science learning books, learning material taken from daily activities of students, and traditional games that are easily played by early childhood. The observation results from the teacher as a user based on the questionnaire are as follows: 1) PAUD Mutiara Ilmu Samarinda received an average of 4.2 with the category "Good"; 2) PAUD Palapa Samarinda gets an average of 5.0 with the category "Very Good"; 3) RA An Nur Al Ikhlas Kutai Kertanegara received an average of 4.2 with the category "Good"; 4) PAUD Media Sandika Balikpapan gets an average of 5.0 with the category "Very Good"; 5) PAUDBalikpapan Anggrek IÂ received an average of 4.6 with the category "Very Good"; 6) Anggrek II ECD gets an average of 4.5 in the category of "Very Good". So that the observations from the teacher as a user based on the questionnaire as a whole got an average of 4.6 with the category "Very Good". Based on all of the above descriptions, the results of student and teacher testing as instructors are known to be effective science-based learning models used to improve six aspects of early childhood development
Mengembangkan Model Pengukuran dan Struktural untuk Menilai Interrelasi Pengetahuan dengan Akhlak Siswa
Moral in the context of school education management is essential, and execution of education of moral cannot be separated from the quality of learning and teaching, and assessment system. The application of assessment of moral knowledge and moral behavior in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is still conventional and partial. The purpose of this research is: (a) to develop an assessment model of moral applied to assess studentsâ moral in Madrasah Aliyah; and (b) to find out the influence of studentsâ knowledge of moral on their own moral. This research produces a measurement model in the form of an internal structure consisting of dimensions of moral measurement, and a structural model relating moral with the knowledge of moral.This research applies research and development model. The subjects are students of MAs. Data analysis utilizing Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). CFA applied to analyze conformity of measurement model, while SEM applied to analyze conformity of structural model using software LISREL 851. Conformity of measurement and structural model based on the criteria of r-value >0.05, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) < 0.08, and Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) > 0.90.The result of this development research can be concluded as follows. The internal structure of assessment model of learning and teaching including willingness, conscience, value, attitude and moral behavior dimensions is considered as a good assessment model to assess studentsâ moral in Madrasah Aliyah. It is based on the result of CFA, namely low factor loading value 0.39 (λ > 0.30), r-value = 0.0804 > 0.05; RMSEA = 0.074 < 0.08; and GFI= 0.98 > 0.90. The structural model relating moral and knowledge is regarded as a good model based on r-value = 0.08207 > 0.05; RMSEA= 0.005 < 0.08; and GFI = 0.97 > 0.90. The influence of studentsâ knowledge of moral on their own moral (Îł1=0,61) are significant