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    U radu su promatrane danas dvije najčeŔće koriÅ”tene tehnike rekonstrukcije koje za transplantat koriste polutetivasti ili vitki miÅ”ić (m. gracillis i m. semitendinosus) ili srediÅ”nju trećinu patelarne tetive. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoje li kvalitativne neuromuskularne promjene i odstupanja od zdravog obrasca pokreta izražene u povrÅ”inskom elektromiografskom signalu te u kojoj se mjeri one razlikuju ovisno o koriÅ”tenoj operativnoj tehnici jednu godine nakon rekonstrukcijeACL-a. Ispitanici su bili raspoređeni u tri homogene skupine. Prvu eksperimentalnu skupinu (n=5) činili su ozlijeđeni sportaÅ”i nogometaÅ”i koji su bili tretirani tehnikom rekonstrukcije ACL-a patelarnim transplantatom (PAT). Drugu eksperimentalnu skupinu (n=5) činili su ozlijeđeni sportaÅ”i nogometaÅ”i koji su bili tretirani tehnikom rekonstrukcije ACL-a tetivnim transplantatom miÅ”ića gracillisa i semitendinosusa (STG). Treću, kontrolnu skupinu činili su potpuno zdravi nogometaÅ”i (MODEL). Prag miÅ”ićne aktivacije određen je kao 30% maksimalne amplitude srednje anvelope elektromiografskog signala pojedinog miÅ”ića u kontrolnoj skupini. Rezultati godinu dana nakon rekonstrukcije pokazuju statistički značajno kraće vrijeme aktivnosti miÅ”ića vastus lateralis u fazi leta grupe PAT(.0249, p=.05 i .005051, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na Model, kasniji kraj aktivnosti miÅ”ića vastus medialis grupe STG u fazi odraza (.0179, p=.05 i .005051, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na Model te kraće vrijeme aktivnosti miÅ”ića vastus lateralis u prvoj fazi doskoka grupe PAT (.0132, p=.05 i .015873, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na grupu STG. Rezultati pokazuju neuromuskularne promjene kod eksperimentalnih skupina nakon rekonstrukcija i potpune rehabilitacije. Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja nismo u mogućnost ustvrditi koja je od prezentiranih tehnika rekonstrukcije ACL-a primjerenija.This study aimed at comparing two most commonly used ACL reconstruction techniques in Croatia. Subjects were chosen amongst patients who were all active soccer players operated on by the same physician and rehabilitated in the same clinic, by the same therapist. They were divided into two groups according to ACL reconstruction technique used: PAT group (n = 5) was treated byACL reconstruction using patellar tendon graft and STG group (n = 5) was treated byACLreconstruction technique using gracillis and semitendinosus tendon graft. Control group (MODEL) comprised of completely healthy active soccer players. One year after the reconstruction our subjects performed one legged vertical jump using their injured leg and surface electromyographic signals of muscles rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and biceps femoris were recorded.Vertical jump cycle was divided into five phases based on vertical force platform measurements. Muscle activity threshold was defined at 30% of maximum amplitude of mean envelope of individual muscles in MODEL group and several variables describing muscle activity were defined. Nonparametric statistical methods (KruskalWallis test and consecutive Mann Whitney tests with Bonferroni correction) showed some statistically significant differences: shorter activity period of the muscle vastus lateralis in the flight phase for the PAT group (.0249, p=.05 and .005051, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction), delayed end of vastus medialis muscle activity in the take off phase for the STG group (.0179, p=.05 and .005051, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction) when compared to MODEL group and longer activity of the muscle vastus lateralis in the STG group (.0132, p=.05 and .015873, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction) with respect to the PATgroup in the landing1 phase. Based on this we are unable to conclude which of these two surgery techniques should be preferred