14 research outputs found

    Investigation of some hematological blood values of smokers

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    The purpose of the study is to identify changes in some haematological indicators and tobacco smokingЦель исследования – выявить взаимосвязь изменений некоторых гематологических показателей и курение табака

    Terms of clinical encephalography of latin and greek origin

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    The aim of the study – to conduct a linguistic analysis of the terms of clinical encephalography, one way or another related to the Latin and Greek languages. Materials and methods. Research materials - English-Latin, Russian-Latin and Latin-Russian dictionaries, a glossary of terms for clinical electroencephalography. Structural-semantic, statistical research methods were used.Цель исследования - провести лингвистический анализ терминов клинической энцефалографии, так или иначе 981 имеющих отношение к латинскому и греческому языку

    Spanish flu

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    The aim of the study - to briefly summarize the data on the origin of the Spanish flu and its scales 1918 -1920.Цель исследования - краткое обобщение данных о происхождении испанского гриппа и его масштабах 1918–1920 гг

    Spanish flu at the beginning of the 20th century: scope, mortality, treatment methods

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    In the literature on the history of medicine and epidemiology, the problem of the emergence and development of the Spanish flu has clearly received insufficient attention. Almost all the literature is devoted to the social consequences of this pandemic. Researchers have repeatedly turned to the history of the deadliest influenza pandemic of the twentieth century, but special interest in it today is associated with the emergence of a new COVID pandemic. The purpose of the study is to briefly summarize the data on the origin of the Spanish flu and clarify its scale in 1918–1920. The authors analyze the treatment methods of that time, and also try to trace modern views on the origin and genesis of this influenza strain. The authors also tried to explain the causes of high mortality among people of military age, the rate of spread and infection, to identify the features of the course of this disease in Russia. It is concluded that the causative agent of the Spanish flu became the progenitors of many modern influenza strains that caused the epidemics of the XX and XXI centuriesВ литературе по истории медицины и эпидемиологии проблеме возникновения и развития испанского гриппа уделялось явно недостаточное внимание. Практически вся литература посвящена социальным последствиям этой пандемии. Исследователи не раз обращались к истории самой смертоносной гриппозной пандемии XX века, но особый интерес к нему сегодня связан с появлением новой пандемии COVID, поскольку штаммы этих заболеваний во многом аналогичны. Цель исследования состоит в кратком обобщении данных о происхождении испанского гриппа и уточнении его масштабов в 1918–1920 гг. Авторы анализируют методы лечения того времени, а также пытаются проследить современные взгляды на происхождение и генез этого гриппозного штамма. Авторы также попытались объяснить причины высокой смертности среди лиц призывного возраста, скорость распространения и инфицирования, выявить особенности протекания этого заболевания в России. Сделан вывод, что возбудитель испанского гриппа стал родоначальников многих современных гриппозных штаммов, вызвавших эпидемии XX и XXI столетий


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    The article highlights the prevention of thromboembolic events in patients with atrial fibrillation. The clinical case is presented and focused on direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran administration as a secondary prevention strategy of thromboembolism (of an arrhythmogenic origin). В статье рассмотрены вопросы профилактики тромбоэмболических осложнений у больных с фибрилляцией предсердий. Приведено описание клинического случая с акцентом на возможную вторичную профилактику тромбоэмболий аритмогенного происхождения с применением прямого ингибитора тромбина дабигатрана.


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    New cultivar of soft winter wheat ‘Berezit’ has been described in the article. The cultivar is a middle-late maturing one with a set of unique characteristics. It possesses a complex immunity to leaf-stem diseases widely spread in the region and doesn’t need any fungicide treatment during vegetation period. The variety possesses higher salt tolerance than a standard one ‘Stepnaya 7’ well-known in the area

    Morphological and endoscopic diagnostic criteria of serrated adenomas of the colon

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    The aim of review. To generalize literature data on endoscopic and morphological diagnostics of serrated adenomas of the colon. Key points. In 2010 a new variant of histological classification of colonic tumors have been accepted by WHO, according to which serrated neoplasms were defined as separate group of preneoplastic changes, along with colonic adenomas. At the present time hyperplastic polyps and other serrated neoplasms are considered to be precursor lesions for 15 to 20% of sporadic or asymptomatic colorectal cancers located mainly in proximal colon, that progress by specific serrated adenoma-related pathway. Diagnostics of such lesions both on microscopic and macroscopical levels is associated with significant difficulties due to absence of the uniform nomenclature, definite morphological features and endoscopic semiotics. Conclusion. Definition of main morphological and endoscopic diagnostic criteria of all types of serrated adenomas will provide successful diagnostics along with differentiation with other epithelial colonic lesions that is required for proper choice of management approach

    MOJAVE – XX. Persistent linear polarization structure in parsec-scale AGN jets

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    Funding Information: The authors thank the referee John Wardle for constructive comments which helped to improve the manuscript. We thank members of the MOJAVE team for discussions of the paper, Alan Roy for thorough reading of the manuscript and providing useful comments as well as Elena Bazanova for language editing. This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant 21-12-00241. The MOJAVE project was supported by NASA-Fermi grants NNX08AV67G, NNX12A087G, and NNX15AU76G. This work is part of the M2FINDERS project which has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement no 101018682). This research has made use of data from the University of Michigan Radio Astronomy Observatory which has been supported by the University of Michigan and by a series of grants from the National Science Foundation, most recently no. AST-0607523. TS was partly supported by the Academy of Finland projects 274477, 284495, 312496, and 315721. This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Long Baseline Observatory and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory are facilities of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. This work made use of the Swinburne University of Technology software correlator (Deller et al. 2011), developed as part of the Australian Major National Research Facilities Programme and operated under licence. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s)We analysed the parsec-scale linear polarization properties of 436 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) based on 15 GHz polarimetric Very Long Baseline Array observations. We present polarization and total intensity images averaged over at least five epochs since 1996 January 19 through 2019 August 4. Stacking improves the image sensitivity down to ∼30 μJy beam−1 and effectively fills out the jet cross-section both in total intensity and linear polarization. It delineates the long-term persistent magnetic field configuration and its regularity by restoring spatial distributions of the electric vector position angle (EVPA) and fractional polarization, respectively. On average, about 10 yr of stacking period is needed to reveal the stable and most-complete polarization distribution of a source. We find that the degree of polarization significantly increases down and across the jet towards its edges, typically manifesting U or W-shaped transverse profiles, suggesting a presence of a large-scale helical magnetic field associated with the outflow. In some AGN jets, mainly BL Lacs, we detect quasi-constant fractional polarization profiles across the jet, accompanied by EVPAs that closely follow the outflow. BL Lacs show higher fractional polarization values in their cores and jets than those in quasars up to hectoparsec de-projected scales, while on larger scales, they become comparable. High-synchrotron-peaked BL Lac jets are found to be less polarized than intermediate and low-synchrotron-peaked BL Lacs. The spatial distribution of the EVPAs in BL Lacs tend to align with the local jet direction, while quasars show an excess of orthogonal polarization orientation.Peer reviewe

    MOJAVE XXI. Decade-long linear polarization variability in AGN jets at parsec scales

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    Using stacking of images obtained at different epochs, we studied the variability properties of linear polarization of active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets on parsec-scales. Our sample is drawn from the MOJAVE programme, and consists of 436 AGNs manifesting core-jet morphology and having at least five VLBA observing epochs at 15 GHz from January 1996 through August 2019, with some additional archival VLBA data reduced by us. We employed a stacking procedure and constructed maps of (i) standard deviation of fractional polarization and electric vector position angle (EVPA) over epochs as the measure of variability and (ii) median polarization degree to quantify typical values in time. The distributions of these values along and across the jet were analysed for the whole sample for the first time. We found that core EVPA variability is typically higher than that of the jet, presumably due to component blending and outflow bends in the core. The BL Lacertae object cores have lower EVPA variability, compared to that of quasars, possibly due to lower Faraday rotation measure, suggesting a stronger ordered magnetic field component. The EVPA becomes more stable down the jet. Most of the sources showing this trend have a time coverage of more than 12 years and at least 15 epochs. The possible cause could be the increase of stability in the magnetic field direction, reflecting an increase in the fraction of the magnetic field that is ordered. There are no significant optical-class-dependent or spectral-class-dependent relations in the EVPA variability properties in AGN jets.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables; accepted by MNRAS; full electronic tables are available as ancillary file