6 research outputs found


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    © 2020. All Rights Reserved. Since the high potential of petrochemical industry in the creation of environmental impact, environment impact assessment of the development of petrochemical industry is of significant importance. This article considers regional management as the regulation of the behavior of a managed facility (state and non-state) by regional bodies, organizations, officials for the purposes determined by the state and the region. The direction of the facility is carried out by applying a variety of means, such as economic, environmental, administrative, ideological, legal and non-legal. Regional management is studying the formation of objective prerequisites for the economic development of the region, the management of the production structure, social sphere, ensuring living conditions, the resettlement and placement of the economy, the formation of a mechanism for the functioning and management of the economy, social sphere and ecology as well as environmental impact assessment of petrochemical industries. The subject of study, in addition to elements of the internal structure of the region’s governance, should be the links of this region with other regions of the country and states. Such relations are of the greatest importance for the region’s production development, which is caused by the need to exchange raw materials and technologies, equipment and components, products at various stages of value added increment. In the petrochemical industry, it is necessary to take into account high capital costs, air pollution, the uncertainties associated with its strong monopolization, as well as the high potential for increasing the oil recovery ratio and the depth of its chemical processing

    Economic model of managing a region with an innovative petrochemical cluster to prevent pollution

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    © 2020 National Society of Environmental Science and Engineering (SNSIM). All rights reserved. There is a global environmental concern about the pollution from industries and other organizations that should not only be controlled but also prevented. Many alternatives are available to those in charge of environmental protection, but they should be able to draw on a system-attic procedure to help implement prevention and control measures. Management of the regional economy is a deliberate coordinating influence of state authorities and management on the course of socio-economic processes, in the interests of achieving stability, self-sufficiency of the region, ensuring normal living conditions for the population of the region as well as prevent environmental pollution. The management of the functioning and development of the region involves a coordinated impact, the implementation of a set of control actions from all three levels of territory management - federal, regional and municipal. Management is carried out on the basis of the rational use of all potential capabilities of the region - natural and non-natural resources, production, scientific and technical potentials. The management process identifies the characteristics of the region, the needs of functioning and development, the whole range of interests that manifests itself in the region. Following them, goals and objectives, priorities, forms, ways and methods of their implementation are formed. A region with a budget forming a petrochemical cluster is always a donor region; high hydrocarbon revenues provide an opportunity for additional support for sustainable development projects of the regional economic system. At the same time, such regions are significantly affected by the uncertainties and crisis situations associated with the high monopolization of the primary sector of the economy. To reduce these negative factors, it is necessary to develop products with high added value and its strong position in highly competitive markets

    Environmental and econometric approach to the study of innovative development of petrochemical regions

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    © 2020 National Society of Environmental Science and Engineering (SNSIM). All rights reserved. The petrochemicals give us innumerable useful products. Nevertheless, they can also be injurious to the health of living beings and the earth's ecosystem. Most of these chemicals when released, can exhibit unfavourable effects on our environment, such as air, water and soil pollution. The article proposes environmental and econometric approaches to the study of the limiting and stimulating factors of the innovative development of oil and gas and chemical regions in the Russian context. The management of the economy of the petrochemical regions is a fairly dynamic process since over time; there is a change in the external and internal and ecosystem conditions that affect the development of the regions. External conditions include the political situation, economic and geographical position, degree of participation in the territorial division of labor and so forth. The internal conditions include the existing natural resource and technical-production potential, the degree of favorable demographic situation, the achieved level of innovative potential, the development of communication routes, etc. Finally, the environmental conditions include potential harmful impacts produced by chemical release, and Unsafe emissions may be due to improper production process and so on. It should be borne in mind that the more dynamically the economic sphere of regions develops, the faster innovation is perceived. However, the process of restructuring the economic systems of the regions during the transformation period continues, which is associated with a number of objective reasons that are caused by historical conditions. The previous type of the country's economic system was planned. This allowed in a fairly short time to build a large number of diverse industries, even in areas with extreme conditions for human habitation

    Features of the supply chain development in the areas of oil production and refining

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    © ExcelingTech Pub, UK. The oil industry is one of the most important industries, which are the main export goods of Russia. The oil and gas industry is involved in a global supply-chain that includes domestic and international transportation, ordering and inventory visibility and control, materials handling, import/export facilitation and information technology. In addition, the price of the third main component of exports of natural gas substantially depends on the level of prices for oil and oil products. The oil industry of the Russian Federation is closely connected with all sectors of the national economy, and therefore is of great importance for the Russian economy. The demand for oil is always ahead of the offer, so almost all developed countries in the world are interested in the successful development of our oil industry. The object of the research of this article is to organize the supply chain management development in the areas of oil production and refining. The subject of research is the territorial organization of oil production and refining. The purpose of the work is to analyze the territorial organization of oil production and refining in Russia. The goal of the research involves the solution of the following main tasks: To study the theoretical and methodological issues of the oil industry; Identify geographic differences in the distribution of petroleum resources; to substantiate ways to improve the territorial organization of oil production and refining in Russia. The organization of the development of the supply chain management in the areas of oil production and refining is characterized by significant features. These include issues of investment policy and the development of innovations, the efficiency of managing production clusters, the tax structure in this sector of the economy, the supply chain foreign economic activity and others

    The impact of innovations in the production of biologically valuable food products on supply chain management in the regional economy

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    © ExcelingTech Pub, UK. The article shows a study of the role of supply chain management of innovative biologically valuable food products in the industrial development and economy of the region. The analysis of the process of updating the assortment of food products based on the introduction of innovative developments and production principles conducive to the release of a healthy diet product (innovative product) is presented. The main provisions of the concept of healthy food products, the category of "innovative food products" are analyzed. The article systematizes the definitions of the concept of "innovative product". Based on the results of the study, features, functional properties and characteristic features of an innovative food product are determined. Based on the concept of "innovative food product", the concepts of "new food product", "improved food product", and "modified food product" are formulated. A classification model of innovative food products is presented. Based on it, it is shown that the development, production and sale of an innovative food product two functions: economic and social. The study made it possible to formulate the main criteria that make it possible to attribute a food product to a group of innovative food products. The article describes the characteristics of an innovative food product, describes market and consumer properties. The author's definitions of concepts are given: "innovative food product", "new food product", "improved food product", "modified food product". A classification of innovative food products is proposed

    Intercultural Competence as a Predictor of Adaptation of Foreign Students

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    The aim of the study is to determine the role of intercultural competence in the adaptation process of foreign students studying at Russian universities. The research is based on the author's model of intercultural competence, the main components of which are intercultural stability, intercultural interest, the lack of ethnocentrism and the management of intercultural interaction. The sample of the study consisted of 291 foreign students from Turkmenistan studying at universities in Kazan, Saratov, Penza, Rostov-on-Don, Khabarovsk, 291 students (48.5% — Women, average age is 22 years). We showed that intercultural com petence is a significant predictor in the adaptation of foreign students. We revealed different contribution of intercultural competence components to the effectiveness in the adaptation of foreign students. Among the components of intercultural competence only intercultural stability directly affects sociocultural adaptation. The absence of ethnocentrism reduces the effect of culture shock when a student enters a new cultural environment, but increases the success of his/her adaptation in this environment only together with intercultural stability. Two other components of intercultural competence: intercultural interest and the management of intercultural interaction have an impact on the successful adaptation of foreign students not directly, but through the activation of the desire to interact with Russian students and to increase the self-esteem in the effectiveness of intercultural communication with them. In turn these mediators are directly related to both psychological adaptation and intercultural stability. Thus we revealed the mechanism of intercultural competence influence on the adaptation of foreign students. The obtained results can be used to predict the adaptation of foreign students and to reduce the possible risks of their maladjustment in a new culture. © 2021. All Rights Reserved