16 research outputs found

    Aktywność transkrypcyjna genów TGFbeta1 i ich receptorów w gruczole tarczowym

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      Introduction: Determination of gene-candidates’ profile expression responsible for fibrosis, immunosuppression, angiogenesis, and neoplasia processes in the pathogenesis of thyroid gland disease. Material and methods: Sixty-three patients underwent thyroidectomy: 27 with non-toxic nodular goitre (NG), 22 with toxic nodular goitre (TNG), six with papillary cancer (PTC), and eight with Graves’ disease (GD). In thyroid tissues, transcriptional activity of TGFbeta1 and its receptors TGFbetaRI, TGFbetaRII, and TGFbetaRIII genes were assessed using RT-qPCR (Reverse Transcriptase Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction). Molecular analysis was performed in tissues derived from GD and from the tumour centre (PTC, NG, TNG) and from peripheral parts of the removed lobe without histopathological lesions (tissue control). Control tissue for analysis performed in GD was an unchanged tissue derived from peripheral parts of the removed lobe of patients surgically treated for a single benign tumour. Results/Conclusions: Strict regulation observed among transcriptional activity of TGFb1 and their receptor TGFbetaRI-III genes in control tissues is disturbed in all pathological tissues – it is completely disturbed in PTC and GD, and partially in NG and TNG. Additionally, higher transcriptional activity of TGFb1 gene in PTC in comparison with benign tissues (NG, GD) and lower expression of mRNA TGFbRII (than in TNG, GD) and mRNA TGFbetaRIII than in all studied benign tissues (NG, TNG, GD) suggests a pathogenetic importance of this cytokine and its receptors in PTC development. In GD tissue, higher transcriptional activity of TGFbetaRII and TGFbetaRIII genes as compared to other pathological tissues was observed, indicating a participation of the receptors in the pathomechanism of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). TGFbeta1 blood concentrations do not reflect pathological processes taking place in thyroid gland. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (4): 375–382)    Wstęp: Wyznaczenie profilu ekspresji genów-kandydatów odpowiedzialnych za procesy włóknienia, immunosupresji, angiogenezy, nowotworzenia w patogenezie chorób gruczołu tarczowego. Materiał i metody: W grupie badanej było 63 chorych poddanych tyreoidektomii: 27 z wolem guzkowym nietoksycznym (NG), 22 z wolem guzkowym toksycznym (TNG), 6 z rakiem brodawkowatym (PTC), 8 z chorobą Gravesa-Basedowa (GD). W tkankach tarczycy oceniono ilościowo aktywność transkrypcyjną genów TGFb1 i jego receptorów TGFbetaRI, TGFbetaRII, TGFbetaRIII metodą RT-qPCR (ilościową reakcją łańcuchową polimerazy z udziałem odwrotnej transkryptazy). Analizę molekularną wykonano w tkankach pochodzących od GD i z centrum zmiany guzowatej (PTC, NG, TNG) oraz z obwodowych części usuniętego płata w których nie stwierdzono zmian histopatologicznych (tkanka kontrolna). Tkankę kontrolną dla analizy wykonanej u chorych z GD stanowiła niezmieniona tkanka tarczycy pochodząca z obwodowych części usuniętego płata chorych operowanych z powodu pojedynczego łagodnego guza. Wyniki/Wnioski: Obserwowana ścisła regulacja pomiędzy aktywnością transkrypcyjną genów TGFb1 i jego receptorów TGFbetaRI-III w tkankach kontrolnych ulega zaburzeniu we wszystkich tkankach patologicznych – całkowitemu w PTC i GD, częściowemu w NG i TGN. Dodatkowo, większa aktywność transkrypcyjna TGFbeta1 w PTC w porównaniu z tkankami łagodnymi (NG, GD) oraz mniejsza ekspresja mRNA TGFbRII (niż w TNG, GD) i mRNA TGFbetaRIII w porównaniu z łagodnymi tkankami (NG, TNG, GD) sugeruje patogenetyczne znaczenie tej cytokiny i jej receptorów w rozwoju PTC. W tkance GD, zwraca uwagę większa aktywność transkrypcyjna genów TGFbetaRII i TGFbetaRIII w porównaniu do innych tkanek patologicznych wskazując na udział tych receptorów w patomechanizmie autoimmunologicznej choroby tarczycy (AITD). Stężenia TGFbeta1 we krwi nie odzwierciedlają procesów patologicznych zachodzących w gruczole tarczowym. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (4): 375–382)

    Angiogenic Activity of Sera from Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Relation to IL-12p40 and TNFα Serum Levels

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    The role of angiogenesis in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis (TB) is not clear. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of sera from TB patients on angiogenesis induced by different subsets of normal human mononuclear cells (MNC) in relation to IL-12p40 and TNFα serum levels. Serum samples from 36 pulmonary TB patients and from 22 healthy volunteers were evaluated. To assess angiogenic reaction the leukocytes-induced angiogenesis test according to Sidky and Auerbach was performed. IL-12p40 and TNFα serum levels were evaluated by ELISA. Sera from TB patients significantly stimulated angiogenic activity of MNC compared to sera from healthy donors and PBS (p < 0.001). The number of microvessels formed after injection of lymphocytes preincubated with sera from TB patients was significantly lower compared to the number of microvessels created after injection of MNC preincubated with the same sera (p < 0.016). However, the number of microvessels created after the injection of lymphocytes preincubated with sera from healthy donors or with PBS alone was significantly higher (p < 0.017). The mean levels of IL-12p40 and TNFα were significantly elevated in sera from TB patients compared to healthy donors. We observed a correlation between angiogenic activity of sera from TB patients and IL-12p40 and TNFα serum levels (p < 0.01). Sera from TB patients constitute a source of mediators that participate in angiogenesis and prime monocytes for production of proangiogenic factors. The main proangiogenic effect of TB patients’ sera is mediated by macrophages/monocytes. TNFα and IL-12p40 may indirectly stimulate angiogenesis in TB

    Antimycobacterial antibody level in pleural, pericardial and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with tuberculosis

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    The goal of the study was to evaluate IgG, IgA and IgM mediated humoral immune response against 38kDa and 16 kDa or 38kDa and LAM mycobacterial antigens in pleural, pericardial or cerebrospinal fluidfrompatients with tuberculosis (TB) and to compare to non-tuberculous controls (NTB). 30 cerebrospinal fluids(CSF)(16 TB pts and 14 NTB pts),17 pericardial fluids(6 TB and 11 NTB)and 20 pleural fluids(7 TB and 13 NTB) were examined. Commercially available ELISA-based as says (Pathozyme Tb complex plus, Myco G, A and M - Omega Diagnostic) were used. Tests were performed and cut off established according to manufacturer instruction. Mean IgG level against 38 + 16kDa was significantly higher in neurotuberculosis group compared to control (p < 0.05). Sensitivity of the test in detecting neurotuberculosis was of 42% and specificity of 96%. Mean IgG, IgA and IgM against 38kDa + LAM level was higher in TB group compared to NTB in CSF. No difference was observed between TB and NTB group in pleural effusion. Antimycobacterial antibody levels were non-significantly increased in pericardial fluid in TB. The findings of the study indicate that TB is associatedwiththe presence of detectable levels of antibodies in the CSF and pericardial effusion. Anti 38kDa + 16kDa IgG test can be used in combination with other diagnostic methods to increase diagnostic accuracy of neurotuberculosis

    Long-Term Measurments of Atmospheric Mercury Species (TGM, TPM) and Hg Deposition in the Silesian Region, Poland – Concept of the Mercury Deposition Coefficient

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    The aim of this work was to identify concentration levels of different chemical forms of mercury (TGM, TPM) in the ambient air in selected areas of the Silesian Region, characterized by low and high mercury emission. Based on the obtained data TGM and TPM concentration levels were determined. The project also focused on determination of dry and wet deposition of mercury compounds. Data concerning TGM and TPM flux rates in the ambient air and data on mercury deposition were used to determine a deposition coefficient. The coefficient was calculated as a share of mercury deposition on the land surface (dry and wet) to the amount of this contaminant transported with loads of air in the form of TGM and TPM in a given measurement station. At both monitoring stations the deposition coefficient did not exceed 0.2 %. The idea of calculating the deposition coefficient based on the analysis of TGM and TPM flux rate is a new solution. The proposed deposition coefficient allows to quantify information on a selected contaminant concentration and its potential impact resulting from deposition. Further studies on the deposition coefficient may contribute to the development of methods for estimating the impact of contaminants contained in the ambient air on other environmental components based on the analyses of the contaminant flux rate

    Humoral Immune Response against Mycobacterial Antigens in Patients with Tuberculosis and Mycobacterial Infections Other than Tuberculosis

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    The aim of the study was to compare humoral immune response against various mycobacterial anti­gens in TB and MOTT vs. healthy control group. 350 serum samples from TB patients, 20 samples from MOTT pa­tients and 58 samples from healthy donors were examined. ELISA detecting IgG, lgA and IgM against antigens: 38 kDa and 16 kDa, 38 kDa and lipoarabinomannan, and A-60 were used. Mean IgG level was higher in TB compared to healthy controls (p &lt; 0.001). Mean IgG level against 38kDa and 38 + 16 kDa mycobacterial antigens was higher in TB than in MOTT group. Mean level of the IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies against LAM was higher in MOTT compared to TB patients. In all subgroups person-to-person heterogeneity of antigen recognition was observed. Humoral immune response to recombinant mycobacterial antigens significantly differs in TB and MOTT patients

    Meeting minutes: Interim Report on”Integrated Monitoring of Heavy Metals” in the framework of the European Environment and Health Strategy

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    [Decision COM (2003) 338 final]. Editor: The Technical Working Group on Integrated Monitoring; subgroup: Integrated Monitoring of Heavy Metals, Warsaw, 6-7 Oct 2003. Report to DG ENV, Commission of the European Communities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Project, drafting groups and actions followed by draft Mandate: Interim Report on ”Integrated Monitoring of Heavy Metals” in the framework of the European Environment and Health Strategy

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    2 reports ;[Decision COM (2003) 338 final]. Editor: The Technical Working Group on Integrated Monitoring; subgroup: Integrated Monitoring of Heavy Metals, Warsaw, 6-7 Oct 2003. Reports toDG ENV, Commission of the European Communities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe