123 research outputs found

    Determination of earthquake focal depths and source time functions in central Asia using teleseismic P waveforms

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    We developed a new method to determine earthquake source time functions and focal depths. It uses theoretical Green's function and a time-domain deconvolution with positivity constraint to estimate the source time function from the teleseismic P waveforms. The earthquake focal depth is also determined in the process by using the time separations of the direct P and depth phases. We applied this method to 606 earthquakes between 1990 and 2005 in Central Asia. The results show that the Centroid Moment Tensor solutions, which are routinely computed for earthquake larger than M5.0 globally using very long period body and surface waves, systematically over-estimated the source depths and durations, especially for shallow events. Away from the subduction zone, most of the 606 earthquakes occurred within the top 20 km of crust. This shallow distribution of earthquakes suggests a high geotherm and a weak ductile lower crust in the region

    Moho depth variation in southern California from teleseismic receiver functions

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    The number of broadband three-component seismic stations in southern California has more than tripled recently. In this study we use the teleseismic receiver function technique to determine the crustal thicknesses and V_p/V_s ratios for these stations and map out the lateral variation of Moho depth under southern California. It is shown that a receiver function can provide a very good ā€œpointā€ measurement of crustal thickness under a broadband station and is not sensitive to crustal P velocity. However, the crustal thickness estimated only from the delay time of the Moho P-to-S converted phase trades off strongly with the crustal V_p/V_s ratio. The ambiguity can be reduced significantly by incorporating the later multiple converted phases, namely, the PpPs and PpSs+PsPs. We propose a stacking algorithm which sums the amplitudes of receiver function at the predicted arrival times of these phases by different crustal thicknesses H and Vp/Vs ratios. This transforms the time domain receiver functions directly into the H-V_p/V_s domain without need to identify these phases and to pick their arrival times. The best estimations of crustal thickness and V_p/V_s ratio are found when the three phases are stacked coherently. By stacking receiver functions from different distances and directions, effects of lateral structural variation are suppressed, and an average crustal model is obtained. Applying this technique to 84 digital broadband stations in southern California reveals that the Moho depth is 29 km on average and varies from 21 to 37 km. Deeper Mohos are found under the eastern Transverse Range, the Peninsular Range, and the Sierra Nevada Range. The central Transverse Range, however, does not have a crustal root. Thin crusts exist in the Inner California Borderland (21ā€“22 km) and the Salton Trough (22 km). The Moho is relatively flat at the average depth in the western and central Mojave Desert and becomes shallower to the east under the Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ). Southern California crust has an average V_p/V_s ratio of 1.78, with higher ratios of 1.8 to 1.85 in the mountain ranges with Mesozoic basement and lower ratios in the Mojave Block except for the ECSZ, where the ratio increases

    Advancement in Source Estimation Techniques Using Broadband Regional Seismograms

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    One important constraint on source retrieval from regional seismograms comes from the amplitude difference between various phases (such as Pnl/surface wave, SV/SH). Because the misfit errors used in some waveform inversions are normalized by the data and synthetics, the amplitude information in the data has not been fully utilized. In this article, we modify the "cut and paste" source estimation technique (Zhao and Helmberger, 1994) by removing this type of normalization. It is shown that the modified method increases the stability and resolution of inversion. When multiple stations at different distance ranges are used, a distance scaling factor is introduced to compensate for the amplitude decay with distance. By applying the technique to the TERRAscope data, we have determined source mechanisms and depths of 335 southern Californian events with M_L ā‰§ 3.5. The amplitude decays with distance are r^(1.13) for Pnl, r^(0.55) for Love waves, and r^(0.74) for Rayleigh waves. In contrast to generally shallow source depths reported by the southern California short period network, the depth distribution from waveform inversion shows a strong peak around 12 km with few earthquakes occurring above 5 km and below 20 km

    Intermediate depth earthquakes beneath the India-Tibet collision zone

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    We report on three intermediate depth earthquakes in the Indiaā€Tibet collision zone, two under the Himalayan Thrust Belt (HTB) and one beneath the Indus Zangbo suture. The mb magnitudes of these three events are from 4.3 to 4.9, and are too small to be well located by conventional means. However, from modeling their broadband waveforms recorded at nearā€regional distances on a temporary PASSCAL array, we can confidently confine the sources to be below the crust, between 70 and 80 km deep. The existence of these intermediate depth earthquakes in this area suggests relatively low temperatures in the mantle lithosphere. The two events under the HTB display strikeā€slip mechanisms with some normal faulting component; this is quite different from the shallow thrust events typical of the same area. The principal P and T axes of all 3 fault plane solutions show roughly NS compression and EW extension, consistent with a regional stress field produced by the indenting of the India continent

    Seismic structures of the Calico fault zone inferred from local earthquake travel time modelling

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    Author Posting. Ā© The Authors, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of John Wiley & Sons for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Journal International 186 (2011): 760-770, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05055.x.We analysed high-frequency body waves of local earthquakes to image the damage zone of the Calico fault in the eastern California shear zone. We used generalized ray theory and finite difference methods to compute synthetic seismograms for a low-velocity fault zone (FZ) to model the direct and FZ-reflected P and S traveltimes of local earthquakes recorded by a temporary array across the fault. The low velocity zone boundaries were determined by apparent traveltime delays across the fault. The velocity contrast between the fault zone and host rock was constrained by the traveltime delays of P and S waves and differential traveltimes between the direct and FZ-reflected waves. The dip and depth extent of the low velocity zone were constrained by a systematic analysis of direct P traveltimes of events on both sides of the fault. We found that the Calico fault has a āˆ¼1.3-km-wide low velocity zone in which the P- and S-wave velocity decreased 40 and 50 per cent, respectively, with respect to the host rock. The low velocity zone dips 70Ā° northeast and extends 3 km in depth.This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EAR-0609969 and EAR-0838195

    Lateral Variation in Crustal Structure of the Northern Tibetan Plateau Inferred from Teleseismic Receiver Functions

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    We investigate lateral variations in crustal structure across the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau using the receiver functions at three broadband stations deployed during the 1991-1992 Tibet PASSCAL experiment. The first 5 sec of the receiver functions vary systematically with backazimuth: the radial receiver functions are symmetric across the N-S axis while the tangential receiver functions are antisymmetric across this axis. This symmetry can be modeled by E-W striking dipping interfaces in the upper-middle crust. The strike direction is consistent with the E-W trend of surface geology. Modeling a P-to-S converted phase in the receiver functions at each station suggests that there is a mid-crustal low-velocity layer with its upper boundary dipping 20Ā° to 30Ā° to the south. In addition, a shallow northward-dipping interface is responsible for the ā€œdouble-peakedā€ direct P arrivals in the radial receiver functions and large tangential motions at one of the stations. The low-velocity layer, together with other geological and seismological observations, suggests that there is a hot, possibly partial melt zone in the middle crust of northern Tibet. Alternately, dipping velocity interfaces might be associated with some buried thrust faults in the upper crust that accommodated crust shortening during the plateau formation

    Regional waveform calibration in the Pamir-Hindu Kush region

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    Twelve moderate-magnitude earthquakes (m_b 4ā€“5.5) in the Pamir-Hindu Kush region are investigated to determine their focal mechanisms and to relocate them using their regional waveform records at two broadband arrays, the Kyrgyzstan Regional Network (KNET), and the 1992 Pakistan Himalayas seismic experiment array (PAKH) in northern Pakistan. We use the ā€œcut-and-pasteā€ source estimation technique to invert the whole broadband waveforms for mechanisms and depths, assuming a one-dimensional velocity model developed for the adjacent Tibetan plateau. For several large events the source mechanisms obtained agree with those available from the Harvard centroid moment tensor (CMT) solutions. An advantage of using regional broadband waveforms is that focal depths can be better constrained either from amplitude ratios of Pnl to surface waves for crustal events or from time separation between the direct P and the shear-coupled P wave (sPn + sPmP) for mantle events. All the crustal events are relocated at shallower depths compared with their International Seismological Centre bulletin or Harvard CMT depths. After the focal depths are established, the events are then relocated horizontally using their first-arrival times. Only minor offsets in epicentral location are found for all mantle events and the bigger crustal events, while rather large offsets (up to 30 km) occur for the smaller crustal events. We also tested the performance of waveform inversion using only two broadband stations, one from the KNET array in the north of the region and one from the PAKH array in the south. We found that this geometry is adequate for determining focal depths and mechanisms of moderate size earthquakes in the Pamir-Hindu Kush region

    Fault-Plane Determination of the 18 April 2008 Mount Carmel, Illinois, Earthquake by Detecting and Relocating Aftershocks

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    We developed a sliding-window cross-correlation (SCC) detection technique and applied the technique to continuous waveforms recorded by the Cooperative New Madrid Seismic Network stations following the 18 April 2008 Illinois earthquake. The technique detected more than 120 aftershocks down to M_L 1.0 in the 2 week time window following the mainshock, which is three times more than the number of aftershocks reported by the seismic network. Most aftershocks happened within 24 hrs of the mainshock. We then relocated all events by the double-difference relocation algorithm. Accurate P- and S-wave differential arrival times between events were obtained by waveform cross correlation. After relocation, we used the L1 norm to fit all located events by a plane to determine the mainshock fault plane. The best-fit plane has a strike of 292Ā°Ā±11Ā° and dips 81Ā°Ā±7Ā° to the northeast. This plane agrees well with the focal mechanism solutions of the mainshock and four largest aftershocks. By combining the aftershock locations and focal mechanism solutions, we conclude that the 18 April earthquake occurred on a nearly vertical left-lateral strike-slip fault orienting in the west-northwestā€“east-southeast direction. The fault coincides with the proposed left-stepping Divide accommodation zone in the La Salle deformation belt and indicates reactivation of old deformation zone by contemporary stresses in the Midcontinent

    CAPjoint, A Computer Software Package for Joint Inversion of Moderate Earthquake Source Parameters with Local and Teleseismic Waveforms

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    Accurate earthquake source parameters such as fault mechanism, depth, and moment magnitude are not only important in seismicā€hazard assessment, but also are crucial to studies of earthquake rupture processes and seismotectonics. Although large earthquakes (M_w 7+) may cause substantial damage, they occur less frequently. In contrast, moderate earthquakes (M_w 5.0ā€“6.5) occur with much higher frequency and may occur on faults not geologically identified. Some of the moderate earthquakes cause damage in densely populated communities, especially in developing countries (Baumbach et al., 1994; Hamzehloo, 2005). For example, the 2011 M_w 5 earthquake in Lorca, Spain (Pro et al., 2014), the 2012 M_w 5.9 Ferrara earthquake sequence in northern Italy (Malagnini et al., 2012), the 2010 M_w 5 Suining earthquake in Sichuang Province of China (Luo et al., 2011), and the 1998 M_w 5.7 Zhangbei earthquake in Hebei Province of China (Li et al., 2008) all caused substantial economic loss and casualty. Compared with events larger than M_w 7, rupture processes of these moderate events can be approximated as point sources, which are usually described with a centroid moment tensor (CMT) because the rupture duration is usually shorter than the period used in the waveform inversion
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