55 research outputs found

    On compact Hermitian manifolds with flat Gauduchon connections

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    Given a Hermitian manifold (Mn,g)(M^n,g), the Gauduchon connections are the one parameter family of Hermitian connections joining the Chern connection and the Bismut connection. We will call s=(1s2)c+s2b\nabla^s = (1-\frac{s}{2})\nabla^c + \frac{s}{2}\nabla^b the ss-Gauduchon connection of MM, where c\nabla^c and b\nabla^b are respectively the Chern and Bismut connections. It is natural to ask when a compact Hermitian manifold could admit a flat ss-Gauduchon connection. This is related to a question asked by Yau \cite{Yau}. The cases with s=0s=0 (a flat Chern connection) or s=2s=2 (a flat Bismut connection) are classified respectively by Boothby \cite{Boothby} in the 1950s or by Q. Wang and the authors recently \cite{WYZ}. In this article, we observe that if either s4+237.46s\geq 4+2\sqrt{3} \approx 7.46 or s4230.54s\leq 4-2\sqrt{3}\approx 0.54 and s0s\neq 0, then gg is K\"ahler. We also show that, when n=2n=2, gg is always K\"ahler unless s=2s=2. Note that non-K\"ahler compact Bismut flat surfaces are exactly those isosceles Hopf surfaces by \cite{WYZ}.Comment: 9 pages. This preprint was submitted to Acta Mathematica Sinica, a special issue dedicated to Professor Qikeng L

    Strominger connection and pluriclosed metrics

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    In this paper, we prove a conjecture raised by Angella, Otal, Ugarte, and Villacampa recently, which states that if the Strominger connection (also known as Bismut connection) of a compact Hermitian manifold is K\"ahler-like, in the sense that its curvature tensor obeys all the symmetries of the curvature of a K\"ahler manifold, then the metric must be pluriclosed. Actually, we show that Strominger K\"ahler-like is equivalent to the pluriclosedness of the Hermitian metric plus the parallelness of the torsion, even without the compactness assumption

    Complex product manifolds cannot be negatively curved

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    We show that if M=X×YM = X \times Y is the product of two complex manifolds (of positive dimensions), then MM does not admit any complete K\"ahler metric with bisectional curvature bounded between two negative constants. More generally, a locally-trivial holomorphic fibre-bundle does not admit such a metric.Comment: 6 Pages. To appear in The Asian Journal of Mathematic

    Positivity and Kodaira embedding theorem

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    Kodaira embedding theorem provides an effective characterization of projectivity of a K\"ahler manifold in terms the second cohomology. Recently X. Yang [21] proved that any compact K\"ahler manifold with positive holomorphic sectional curvature must be projective. This gives a metric criterion of the projectivity in terms of its curvature. In this note, we prove that any compact K\"ahler manifold with positive 2nd scalar curvature (which is the average of holomorphic sectional curvature over 2-dimensional subspaces of the tangent space) must be projective. In view of generic 2-tori being non-abelian, this new curvature characterization is sharp in certain sense

    Complex nilmanifolds and K\"ahler-like connections

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    In this note, we analyze the question of when will a complex nilmanifold have K\"ahler-like Strominger (also known as Bismut), Chern, or Riemannian connection, in the sense that the curvature of the connection obeys all the symmetries of that of a K\"ahler metric. We give a classification in the first two cases and a partial description in the third case. It would be interesting to understand these questions for all Lie-Hermitian manifolds, namely, Lie groups equipped with a left invariant complex structure and a compatible left invariant metric

    On Bismut Flat Manifolds

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    In this paper, we give a classification of all compact Hermitian manifolds with flat Bismut connection. We show that the torsion tensor of such a manifold must be parallel, thus the universal cover of such a manifold is a Lie group equipped with a bi-invariant metric and a compatible left invariant complex structure. In particular, isosceles Hopf surfaces are the only Bismut flat compact non-K\"ahler surfaces, while central Calabi-Eckmann threefolds are the only simply-connected compact Bismut flat threefolds.Comment: In this 3rd version, we add a lemma on Hermitian surfaces with flat Riemannian connection. References are updated and typos correcte

    The set of all orthogonal complex structures on the flat 66-tori

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    In \cite{BSV}, Borisov, Salamon and Viaclovsky constructed non-standard orthogonal complex structures on flat tori TR2nT^{2n}_{\mathbb R} for any n3n\geq 3. We will call these examples BSV-tori. In this note, we show that on a flat 66-torus, all the orthogonal complex structures are either the complex tori or the BSV-tori. This solves the classification problem for compact Hermitian manifolds with flat Riemannian connection in the case of complex dimension three.Comment: 14 page