62 research outputs found

    Does Misclassifying Non-confounding Covariates as Confounders Affect the Causal Inference within the Potential Outcomes Framework?

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    The Potential Outcome Framework (POF) plays a prominent role in the field of causal inference. Most causal inference models based on the POF (CIMs-POF) are designed for eliminating confounding bias and default to an underlying assumption of Confounding Covariates. This assumption posits that the covariates consist solely of confounders. However, the assumption of Confounding Covariates is challenging to maintain in practice, particularly when dealing with high-dimensional covariates. While certain methods have been proposed to differentiate the distinct components of covariates prior to conducting causal inference, the consequences of treating non-confounding covariates as confounders remain unclear. This ambiguity poses a potential risk when conducting causal inference in practical scenarios. In this paper, we present a unified graphical framework for the CIMs-POF, which greatly enhances the comprehension of these models' underlying principles. Using this graphical framework, we quantitatively analyze the extent to which the inference performance of CIMs-POF is influenced when incorporating various types of non-confounding covariates, such as instrumental variables, mediators, colliders, and adjustment variables. The key findings are: in the task of eliminating confounding bias, the optimal scenario is for the covariates to exclusively encompass confounders; in the subsequent task of inferring counterfactual outcomes, the adjustment variables contribute to more accurate inferences. Furthermore, extensive experiments conducted on synthetic datasets consistently validate these theoretical conclusions.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure


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    This paper proposes a method for optimising the hull form of ocean-going trawlers to decrease resistance and consequently reduce the energy consumption. The entire optimisation process was managed by the integration of computer-aided design and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the CAESES software. Resistance was simulated using the CFD solver and STAR-CCM+. The ocean-going trawler was investigated under two main navigation conditions: trawling and design. Under the trawling condition, the main hull of the trawler was modified using the Lackenby method and optimised by NSGA-II algorithm and Sobol + Tsearch algorithm. Under the design condition, the bulbous bow was changed using the free-form deformation method, and the trawler was optimised by NSGA-Ⅱ. The best hull form is obtained by comparing the ship resistance under various design schemes. Towing experiments were conducted to measure the navigation resistance of trawlers before and after optimisation, thus verifying the reliability of the optimisation results. The results show that the proposed optimisation method can effectively reduce the resistance of trawlers under the two navigation conditions

    De-confounding Representation Learning for Counterfactual Inference on Continuous Treatment via Generative Adversarial Network

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    Counterfactual inference for continuous rather than binary treatment variables is more common in real-world causal inference tasks. While there are already some sample reweighting methods based on Marginal Structural Model for eliminating the confounding bias, they generally focus on removing the treatment's linear dependence on confounders and rely on the accuracy of the assumed parametric models, which are usually unverifiable. In this paper, we propose a de-confounding representation learning (DRL) framework for counterfactual outcome estimation of continuous treatment by generating the representations of covariates disentangled with the treatment variables. The DRL is a non-parametric model that eliminates both linear and nonlinear dependence between treatment and covariates. Specifically, we train the correlations between the de-confounded representations and the treatment variables against the correlations between the covariate representations and the treatment variables to eliminate confounding bias. Further, a counterfactual inference network is embedded into the framework to make the learned representations serve both de-confounding and trusted inference. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets show that the DRL model performs superiorly in learning de-confounding representations and outperforms state-of-the-art counterfactual inference models for continuous treatment variables. In addition, we apply the DRL model to a real-world medical dataset MIMIC and demonstrate a detailed causal relationship between red cell width distribution and mortality.Comment: 15 pages,4 figure

    VLUCI: Variational Learning of Unobserved Confounders for Counterfactual Inference

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    Causal inference plays a vital role in diverse domains like epidemiology, healthcare, and economics. De-confounding and counterfactual prediction in observational data has emerged as a prominent concern in causal inference research. While existing models tackle observed confounders, the presence of unobserved confounders remains a significant challenge, distorting causal inference and impacting counterfactual outcome accuracy. To address this, we propose a novel variational learning model of unobserved confounders for counterfactual inference (VLUCI), which generates the posterior distribution of unobserved confounders. VLUCI relaxes the unconfoundedness assumption often overlooked by most causal inference methods. By disentangling observed and unobserved confounders, VLUCI constructs a doubly variational inference model to approximate the distribution of unobserved confounders, which are used for inferring more accurate counterfactual outcomes. Extensive experiments on synthetic and semi-synthetic datasets demonstrate VLUCI's superior performance in inferring unobserved confounders. It is compatible with state-of-the-art counterfactual inference models, significantly improving inference accuracy at both group and individual levels. Additionally, VLUCI provides confidence intervals for counterfactual outcomes, aiding decision-making in risk-sensitive domains. We further clarify the considerations when applying VLUCI to cases where unobserved confounders don't strictly conform to our model assumptions using the public IHDP dataset as an example, highlighting the practical advantages of VLUCI.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Genetic Removal of the CH1 Exon Enables the Production of Heavy Chain-Only IgG in Mice

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    Nano-antibodies possess great potential in many applications. However, they are naturally derived from heavy chain-only antibodies (HcAbs), which lack light chains and the CH1 domain, and are only found in camelids and sharks. In this study, we investigated whether the precise genetic removal of the CH1 exon of the γ1 gene enabled the production of a functional heavy chain-only IgG1 in mice. IgG1 heavy chain dimers lacking associated light chains were detected in the sera of the genetically modified mice. However, the genetic modification led to decreased expression of IgG1 but increased expression of other IgG subclasses. The genetically modified mice showed a weaker immune response to specific antigens compared with wild type mice. Using a phage-display approach, antigen-specific, single domain VH antibodies could be screened from the mice but exhibited much weaker antigen binding affinity than the conventional monoclonal antibodies. Although the strategy was only partially successful, this study confirms the feasibility of producing desirable nano-bodies with appropriate genetic modifications in mice

    Comparison of Bypass Surgery with Drug-Eluting Stents in Diabetic Patients with Left Main Coronary Stenosis

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    ∙ The authors have no financial conflicts of interest. Purpose: Several studies have compared the effects of coronary stenting and coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG) on left main coronary artery (LMCA) disease. However, there are limited data on the long-term outcomes of these two interventions in diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 56 patients with LMCA stenosis who underwent drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation and 116 patients who underwent CABG in a single hospital in China between January 2004 and December 2006. We compared long-term major adverse cardiac events (death; a “serious outcome ” composite of death, myocardial infarction, or stroke; and targetvessel revascularization). Results: In-hospital (30-day) mortality was 0 % for the DES group and 3.4 % for the CABG group (p=0.31). There was no difference between the two groups in terms of risk of death [hazard ratio for stenting group, 0.49; 95 % confidence interval (CI), 0.13-1.63; p=0.55] or risk of serious outcome (hazar

    Solar Ring Mission: Building a Panorama of the Sun and Inner-heliosphere

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    Solar Ring (SOR) is a proposed space science mission to monitor and study the Sun and inner heliosphere from a full 360{\deg} perspective in the ecliptic plane. It will deploy three 120{\deg}-separated spacecraft on the 1-AU orbit. The first spacecraft, S1, locates 30{\deg} upstream of the Earth, the second, S2, 90{\deg} downstream, and the third, S3, completes the configuration. This design with necessary science instruments, e.g., the Doppler-velocity and vector magnetic field imager, wide-angle coronagraph, and in-situ instruments, will allow us to establish many unprecedented capabilities: (1) provide simultaneous Doppler-velocity observations of the whole solar surface to understand the deep interior, (2) provide vector magnetograms of the whole photosphere - the inner boundary of the solar atmosphere and heliosphere, (3) provide the information of the whole lifetime evolution of solar featured structures, and (4) provide the whole view of solar transients and space weather in the inner heliosphere. With these capabilities, Solar Ring mission aims to address outstanding questions about the origin of solar cycle, the origin of solar eruptions and the origin of extreme space weather events. The successful accomplishment of the mission will construct a panorama of the Sun and inner-heliosphere, and therefore advance our understanding of the star and the space environment that holds our life.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, to be published in Advances in Space Researc

    Parallel hierarchical cross entropy optimization for on-chip decap budgeting

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    Decoupling capacitor (decap) placement has been widely adopted as an effective way to suppress dynamic power supply noise. Traditional decap budgeting algorithms usually explore the sensitivity-based nonlinear optimizations or conjugate gradient methods, which can be prohibitively expensive for large-scale decap budgeting problems. We present a hierarchical cross entropy (CE) optimization technique for solving the decap budgeting problem. CE is an advanced optimization framework which explores the power of rare-event probability theory and importance sampling. To achieve high efficiency, a sensitivity-guided cross entropy (SCE) algorithm is proposed which integrates CE with a partitioningbased sampling strategy to effectively reduce the dimensionality in solving the large scale decap budgeting problems. Extensive experiments on industrial power grid benchmarks show that the proposed SCE method converges 2X faster than the prior methods and 10X faster than the standard CE method, while gaining up to 25% improvement on power grid supply noise. Importantly, the proposed SCE algorithm is parallel-friendly since the simulation samples of each SCE iteration can be independently obtained in parallel. We obtain up to 1.9X speedup when running the SCE decap budgeting algorithm on a dual-core-dual-GPU system. Copyright 2010 ACM