69,548 research outputs found

    Large magnetic heat transport in a Haldane chain material Ni(C$_3H_{10}N_2)_2NO_2ClO_4

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    We report a study on the heat transport of an S = 1 Haldane chain compound Ni(C_3H_{10}N_2)_2NO_2ClO_4 at low temperatures and in magnetic fields. The zero-field thermal conductivities show a remarkable anisotropy for the heat current along the spin-chain direction (\kappa_b) and the vertical direction (\kappa_c), implying a magnetic contribution to the heat transport along the spin-chain direction. The magnetic-field-induced change of the spin spectrum has obviously opposite impacts on \kappa_b and \kappa_c. In particular, \kappa_b(H) and \kappa_c(H) curves show peak-like increases and dip-like decreases, respectively, at \sim 9 T, which is the critical field that minimizes the spin gap. These results indicate a large magnetic thermal transport in this material.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in J. Appl. Phys. (Proceedings of the 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference

    Low-temperature thermal conductivity of antiferromagnetic S = 1/2 chain material CuCl_2â‹…\cdot2((CH_3)_2SO)

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    We study the heat transport of S = 1/2 chain compound CuCl_2â‹…\cdot2((CH_3)_2SO) along the b axis (vertical to the chain direction) at very low temperatures. The zero-field thermal conductivity (\kappa) shows a distinct kink at about 0.9 K, which is related to the long-range antiferromagnetic (AF) transition. With applying magnetic field along the c axis, \kappa(H) curves also show distinct changes at the phase boundaries between the AF and the high-field disordered states. These results indicate a strong spin-phonon interaction and the magnetic excitations play a role in the b-axis heat transport as phonon scatterers.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in J. Appl. Phys. (Proceedings of the 58th MMM Conference

    Low-temperature heat transport of CuFe1−x_{1-x}Gax_xO2_2 (x=x = 0--0.12) single crystals

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    We report a study on the thermal conductivity of CuFe1−x_{1-x}Gax_xO2_2 (x=x = 0--0.12) single crystals at temperatures down to 0.3 K and in magnetic fields up to 14 T. CuFeO2_2 is a well-known geometrically frustrated triangular lattice antiferromagnet and can be made to display multiferroicity either by applying magnetic field along the cc axis or by doping nonmagnetic impurities, accompanied with rich behaviors of magnetic phase transitions. The main experimental findings of this work are: (i) the thermal conductivities (κa\kappa_a and κc\kappa_c) show drastic anomalies at temperature- or field-induced magnetic transitions; (ii) the low-TT κ(H)\kappa(H) isotherms exhibit irreversibility in a broad region of magnetic fields; (iii) there are phonon scattering effect caused by magnetic fluctuations at very low temperatures. These results demonstrate strong spin-phonon coupling in this material and reveal the non-negligible magnetic fluctuations in the "ground state" of pure and Ga-doped samples.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetization, specific heat, and thermal conductivity of hexagonal ErMnO3_3 single crystals

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    We report a study of magnetism and magnetic transitions of hexagonal ErMnO3_3 single crystals by magnetization, specific heat and heat transport measurements. Magnetization data show that the cc-axis magnetic field induces three magnetic transitions at 0.8, 12 and 28 T. The specific heat shows a peak at 2.2 K, which is due to a magnetic transition of Er3+^{3+} moments. For low-TT thermal conductivity (κ\kappa), a clear dip-like feature appears in κ(H)\kappa(H) isotherm at 1--1.25 T for H∥abH \parallel ab; while in the case of H∥cH \parallel c, a step-like increase is observed at 0.5--0.8 T. The transition fields in κ(H)\kappa(H) are in good agreement with those obtained from magnetization, and the anomaly of κ\kappa can be understood by a spin-phonon scattering scenario. The natures of magnetic structures and corresponding field-induced transitions at low temperatures are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Low-temperature heat transport of the geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets R_2Ti_2O_7 (R = Gd and Er)

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    We report a systematic study on the low-temperature thermal conductivity (\kappa) of R_2Ti_2O_7 (R = Gd and Er) single crystals with different directions of magnetic field and heat current. It is found that the magnetic excitations mainly act as phonon scatterers rather than heat carriers, although these two materials have long-range magnetic orders at low temperatures. The low-T \kappa(H) isotherms of both compounds show rather complicated behaviors and have good correspondences with the magnetic transitions, where the \kappa(H) curves show drastic dip- or step-like changes. In comparison, the field dependencies of \kappa are more complicated in Gd_2Ti_2O_7, due to the complexity of its low-T phase diagram and field-induced magnetic transitions. These results demonstrate the significant coupling between spins and phonons in these materials and the ability of heat-transport properties probing the magnetic transitions.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Ground state and magnetic phase transitions of orthoferrite DyFeO_3

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    Low-temperature thermal conductivity (\kappa), as well as magnetization (M) and electric polarization (P), of multiferroic orthoferrite DyFeO_3 single crystals are studied with H \parallel c. When the crystal is cooled in zero field, M, P, and \kappa all consistently exhibit irreversible magnetic-field dependencies. In particular, with 500 mK < T \le 2 K, all these properties show two transitions at the first run of increasing field but only the higher-field transition is present in the subsequent field sweepings. Moreover, the ultra-low-T (T < 500 mK) \kappa(H) shows a different irreversibility and there is only one transition when the field is swept both up and down. All the results indicate a complex low-T H-T phase diagram involving successive magnetic phase transitions of the Fe^{3+} spins. In particular, the ground state, obtained with cooling to subKelvin temperatures in zero field, is found to be an unexplored phase.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Low-temperature heat transport and magnetic-structure transition of the hexagonal TmMnO_3 single crystals

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    We study the low-temperature heat transport, as well as the magnetization and the specific heat, of TmMnO_3 single crystals to probe the transitions of magnetic structure induced by magnetic field. It is found that the low-T thermal conductivity (\kappa) shows strong magnetic-field dependence and the overall behaviors can be understood in the scenario of magnetic scattering on phonons. In addition, a strong "dip"-like feature shows up in \kappa(H) isotherms at 3.5--4 T for H \parallel c, which is related to a known spin re-orientation of Mn^{3+} moments. The absence of this phenomenon for H \parallel a indicates that the magnetic-structure transition of TmMnO_3 cannot be driven by the in-plane field. In comparison, the magnetothermal conductivity of TmMnO_3 is much larger than that of YMnO_3 but smaller than that of HoMnO_3, indicating that the magnetisms of rare-earth ions are playing the key role in the spin-phonon coupling of the hexagonal manganites.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum optomechanics with a mixture of ultracold atoms

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    We study cavity optomechanics of a mixture of ultracold atoms with tunable nonlinear collisions. We show that atomic collisions provide linear couplings between fictitious condensate oscillators, leading to possibilities of achieving a globally coupled quantum optomechanical network with an integrated atom chip. Potential applications range from simulating collective nonequilibrium dynamics in fields well past physics to probing unique properties of quantum mixtures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    An irreversible magnetic-field dependence of low-temperature heat transport of spin-ice compound Dy_2Ti_2O_7 in a [111] field

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    We study the low-temperature thermal conductivity (\kappa) of Dy_2Ti_2O_7 along and perpendicular to the (111) plane and under the magnetic field along the [111] direction. Besides the step-like decreases of \kappa at the field-induced transitions from the spin-ice state to the kagom\'e-ice state and then to the polarized state, an abnormal phenomenon is that the \kappa(H) isotherms show a clear irreversibility at very low temperatures upon sweeping magnetic field up and down. This phenomenon surprisingly has no correspondence with the well-known magnetization hysteresis. Possible origins for this irreversibility are discussed; in particular, a pinning effect of magnetic monopoles in spin ice compound by the weak disorders is proposed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Submitted at 02Jul2012; resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B at 11Sep201

    Magnetically originated phonon-glass-like behavior in Tb_2Ti_2O_7 single crystal

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    We report a study on the thermal conductivity (\kappa) of Tb_2Ti_2O_7 single crystals at low temperatures. It is found that in zero field this material has an extremely low phonon thermal conductivity in a broad temperature range. The mean free path of phonons is even smaller than that of amorphous materials and is 3--4 orders of magnitude smaller than the sample size at 0.3 K. The strong spin fluctuation of the spin-liquid state is discussed to be the reason of the strong phonon scattering. The magnetic-field dependence of \kappa and comparison with Y_2Ti_2O_7 and TbYTi_2O_7 confirm the magnetic origin of this phonon-glass-like behavior.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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