78 research outputs found

    Quantum double of {\rm U}_q((\ksl_2)^{\leq 0})

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    Let Uq(sl2){U}_q(sl_2) be the quantized enveloping algebra associated to the simple Lie algebra sl2sl_2. In this paper, we study the quantum double DqD_q of the Borel subalgebra Uq((sl2)≀0){U}_q((sl_2)^{\leq 0}) of Uq(sl2){U}_q(sl_2). We construct an analogue of Kostant--Lusztig Z[v,vβˆ’1]{Z}[v,v^{-1}]-form for DqD_q and show that it is a Hopf subalgebra. We prove that, over an algebraically closed field, every simple DqD_q-module is the pullback of a simple Uq(sl2){U}_q(sl_2)-module through certain surjection from DqD_q onto Uq(sl2){U}_q(sl_2), and the category of finite dimensional weight DqD_q-modules is equivalent to a direct sum of ∣kΓ—βˆ£|k^{\times}| copies of the category of finite dimensional weight Uq(sl2){U}_q(sl_2)-modules. As an application, we recover (in a conceptual way) Chen's results as well as Radford's results on the quantum double of Taft algebra. Our main results allow a direct generalization to the quantum double of the Borel subalgebra of the quantized enveloping algebra associated to arbitrary Cartan matrix

    Finite-dimensional quasi-Hopf algebras of Cartan type

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    In this paper, we present a general method for constructing finite-dimensional quasi-Hopf algebras from finite abelian groups and braided vector spaces of Cartan type. The study of such quasi-Hopf algebras leads to the classification of finite-dimensional radically graded basic quasi-Hopf algebras over abelian groups with dimensions not divisible by 2,3,5,72,3,5,7 and associators given by abelian 33-cocycles. As special cases , the small quasi-quantum groups are introduced and studied. Many new explicit examples of finite-dimensional genuine quasi-Hopf algebras are obtained

    The Green rings of the generalized Taft Hopf algebras

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    In this paper, we investigate the Green ring r(Hn,d)r(H_{n,d}) of the generalized Taft algebra Hn,dH_{n,d}, extending the results of Chen, Van Oystaeyen and Zhang in \cite{Coz}. We shall determine all nilpotent elements of the Green ring r(Hn,d)r(H_{n,d}). It turns out that each nilpotent element in r(Hn,d)r(H_{n,d}) can be written as a sum of indecomposable projective representations. The Jacobson radical J(r(Hn,d))J(r(H_{n,d})) of r(Hn,d)r(H_{n,d}) is generated by one element, and its rank is nβˆ’n/dn-n/d. Moreover, we will present all the finite dimensional indecomposable representations over the complexified Green ring R(Hn,d)R(H_{n,d}) of Hn,d.H_{n,d}. Our analysis is based on the decomposition of the tensor product of indecomposable representations and the observation of the solutions for the system of equations associated to the generating relations of the Green ring r(Hn,d)r(H_{n,d}).Comment: To appear in Contemporary Math. AMS, Proceeding of Hopf Algebra conference in Almeria, 201

    Local cohomology associated to the radical of a group action on a noetherian algebra

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    An arbitrary group action on an algebra RR results in an ideal r\mathfrak{r} of RR. This ideal r\mathfrak{r} fits into the classical radical theory, and will be called the radical of the group action. If RR is a noetherian algebra with finite GK-dimension and GG is a finite group, then the difference between the GK-dimensionsof RR and that of R/rR/\mathfrak{r} is called the pertinency of the group action. We provide some methods to find elements of the radical, which helps to calculate the pertinency of some special group actions. The r\mathfrak{r}-adic local cohomology of RR is related to the singularities of the invariant subalgebra RGR^G. We establish an equivalence between the quotient category of the invariant RGR^G and that of the skew group ring Rβˆ—GR*G through the torsion theory associated to the radical r\mathfrak{r}. With the help of the equivalence, we show that the invariant subalgebra RGR^G will inherit certain Cohen-Macaulay property from RR.Comment: 26 page

    Braided autoequivalences and quantum commutative bi-Galois objects

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    Let (H,R)(H,R) be a quasitriangular weak Hopf algebra over a field kk. We show that there is a braided monoidal equivalence between the Yetter-Drinfeld module category HHYD^H_H\mathscr{YD} over HH and the category of comodules over some braided Hopf algebra RH{}_RH in the category HM_H\mathscr{M}. Based on this equivalence, we prove that every braided bi-Galois object AA over the braided Hopf algebra RH{}_RH defines a braided autoequivalence of the category HHYD^H_H\mathscr{YD} if and only if AA is quantum commutative. In case HH is semisimple over an algebraically closed field, i.e. the fusion case, then every braided autoequivalence of HHYD^H_H\mathscr{YD} trivializable on HM_H\mathscr{M} is determined by such a quantum commutative Galois object. The quantum commutative Galois objects in HM_H\mathscr{M} form a group measuring the Brauer group of (H,R)(H,R) as studied in [20] in the Hopf algebra case

    Reconstruction of tensor categories from their structure invariants

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    In this paper, we study tensor (or monoidal) categories of finite rank over an algebraically closed field F\mathbb F. Given a tensor category C\mathcal{C}, we have two structure invariants of C\mathcal{C}: the Green ring (or the representation ring) r(C)r(\mathcal{C}) and the Auslander algebra A(C)A(\mathcal{C}) of C\mathcal{C}. We show that a Krull-Schmit abelian tensor category C\mathcal{C} of finite rank is uniquely determined (up to tensor equivalences) by its two structure invariants and the associated associator system of C\mathcal{C}. In fact, we can reconstruct the tensor category C\mathcal{C} from its two invarinats and the associator system. More general, given a quadruple (R,A,Ο•,a)(R, A, \phi, a) satisfying certain conditions, where RR is a Z+\mathbb{Z}_+-ring of rank nn, AA is a finite dimensional F\mathbb F-algebra with a complete set of nn primitive orthogonal idempotents, Ο•\phi is an algebra map from AβŠ—FAA\otimes_{\mathbb F}A to an algebra M(R,A,n)M(R, A, n) constructed from AA and RR, and a={ai,j,l∣1<i,j,l<n}a=\{a_{i,j,l}|1< i,j,l<n\} is a family of "invertible" matrices over AA, we can construct a Krull-Schmidt and abelian tensor category C\mathcal C over F\mathbb{F} such that RR is the Green ring of C\mathcal C and AA is the Auslander algebra of C\mathcal C. In this case, C\mathcal C has finitely many indecomposable objects (up to isomorphisms) and finite dimensional Hom-spaces. Moreover, we will give a necessary and sufficient condition for such two tensor categories to be tensor equivalent

    Cocycle Deformations and Brauer Group Isomorphisms

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    Let HH be a Hopf algebra over a commutative ring kk with unity and Οƒ:HβŠ—H⟢k\sigma:H\otimes H\longrightarrow k be a cocycle on HH. In this paper, we show that the Yetter-Drinfeld module category of the cocycle deformation Hopf algebra HΟƒH^{\sigma} is equivalent to the Yetter-Drinfeld module category of HH. As a result of the equivalence, the "quantum Brauer" group BQ(k,H)(k,H) is isomorphic to BQ(k,HΟƒ)(k,H^{\sigma}). Moreover, the group \Gal(\HR) constructed in \cite{Z} is studied under a cocycle deformation.Comment: 33 pages, no figure

    The Calabi-Yau property of Hopf algebras and braided Hopf algebras

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    Let HH be a finite dimensional semisimple Hopf algebra and RR a braided Hopf algebra in the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules over HH. When RR is a Calabi-Yau algebra, a necessary and sufficient condition for R#H to be a Calabi-Yau Hopf algebra is given. Conversely, when HH is the group algebra of a finite group and the smash product R#H is a Calabi-Yau algebra, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the algebra RR to be a Calabi-Yau algebra.Comment: 30 page

    Calabi-Yau pointed Hopf algebras of finite Cartan type

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    We study the Calabi-Yau property of pointed Hopf algebra U(\mc{D},\lmd) of finite Cartan type. It turns out that this class of pointed Hopf algebras constructed by N. Andruskiewitsch and H.-J. Schneider contains many Calabi-Yau Hopf algebras. To give concrete examples of new Calabi-Yau Hopf algebras, we classify the Calabi-Yau pointed Hopf algebras U(\mc{D},\lmd) of dimension less than 5.Comment: 42 pages, introduction slightly revise

    Calabi-Yau Nichols algebras of Hecke type

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    Let RR be a Nichols algebra of Hecke type. In this paper, we show that if RR is Noetherian and of finite global dimension, then RR has a rigid dualizing complex. We then give a necessary and sufficient condition for RR to be a Calabi-Yau algebra.Comment: no figure
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