12 research outputs found

    Causality between corn production cost and cash corn price

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    The correlation between the variable and total producers’ costs and a market price for corn was analysed in this paper. The production price of corn is changing every year and depends on the corn yields and input costs. Being familiar with the correlation between production price and cash price provides the forecast of corn price according to the forecast of the production price trends. The accurate forecast in price trends enables agricultural producers to sell their products „at the right time“, corn purchasers to purchase at the best prices, speculators on commodity exchanges to make high profits, etc. Furthermore, the results in corn production expressed in a relative relationship, i.e. the ratio between the production costs and incomes during one production year are shown in the presented analyses, avoiding on that way the inflation effects, which would otherwise be a significant element in 20 years study. Farmers can use the analyses in comparing their results in the production of corn with the USA average and thereby they can determine their competitiveness. The conducted analyses is showing that a production price has a high impact on the market price creation, so according to the work results, by bringing closer market prices to varia ble costs of production per product units, a further decline in price meets „the resistance“ caused by unwillingness of farmers to sell a product by a price close to achieved variable costs, but they prefer to store a product and postpone sale and thereby reduce supply and prevent further decline of prices. In case that prices increase significantly over the production cost, farmers make profit and supply of cereals grows and slows down further increase in prices. There was determined high correlation between operating costs per bushel and price (USD dollars per bushel at harvest), as well as total costs per bushel and price (USD dollars per bushel at harvest), regarding that an indicator of operating cost per bushel and price (USD dollars per bushel at harvest) has a higher degree of correlation and lower variability

    Novi načini uzgoja povrća na okućnicama u cilju stvaranja dodatnog prihoda i samozapošljavanja u prekograničnoj ruralnoj oblasti

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    Teritorija na obe strane granice karakteriše se velikim procentom nezaposlenog stanovništva (Vojvodina oko 24%, Dél-Alföld oko 10%), kao i onih koji žive od socijalne pomoći od kojih značajan broj živi u seoskim sredinama. Siromaštvo je u seoskim sredinama dva puta veće nego u gradovima (Srbija: 9.8%, Mađarska: 4.3%). Visoka stopa nezaposlenosti u regionu izazvana je niskim nivoom obrazovanja stanovništva i većinskim starijim stanovništvom koje u proseku poseduje 500 do 1000 m2 zemljišta odličnog kvaliteta. Zemljište se obrađuje samo za potrebe domaćinstava (oko 75% površine zemljišta). Uz društvene prilike koje je uzrokovala visoka stopa nezaposlenosti i starenje stanovništva, ovi problemi su osnov društvene, ekonomske, kao i brige za očuvanje životne sredine cele zajednice. Negativan trend gubitka malih poljoprivrednih poseda se nastavlja zbog izdavanja poseda velikim komercijalnim proizvođačima, pograničnih migracija i napuštanja ruralnih sredina. Rezultat ove situacije je velika količina neobrađene visoko kvalitetne zemlje. Postoji takođe problem niske stope efikasnosti korišćenja ovih poseda, pa je jedan od izazova i promena načina razmišljanja (novi trendovi)

    New farming models in backyards as possible solutions for generating additional income and self-employment in the rural cross-border area

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    The territory on both sides of the border is characterized by a high percentage of the unemployed people (Vojvodina about 24%, Dél-Alföld about 10%) and those living on welfare, of which a significant number lives in rural areas. Poverty in rural areas is twice higher than in urban (Serbia: 9.8%: 4.3%). High unemployment in the region is caused by low educational category of the population, and elderly households which possess 500 to 1000 m2 of land (in average) with excellent quality. This land is not cultivated or it is cultivated for their needs (about 75% of land). in addition to the social issues created by high unemployment rate and ageing population, these problems represent social, economic and environmental concerns for the overall community. Also negative trend of small farms disappear because they lease their land to the large commercial producers, coursing migrations and leaving rural areas deserted. As a result of this situation, there is a large amount of uncultivated, high quality land. Also, there is the problem of using these backyards at low efficiency so it is the one of the challenges to change their way of thinking (new trends)


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    The paper analyses the main indicators of financial position of agricultural enterprises in Vojvodina for the period 2001-2009. Due to the length of the observed period, considerable devaluation of RSD (60.6%) and high inflation rate (125.7%), all the values are expressed in euros. The growing level of business activities were not accompanied by corresponding financial effects. Agricultural enterprises made losses in six out of nine years of the observed period, thus reducing own assets for around 22.3%. Accumulated losses are the main cause of financial structure deterioration of the enterprises. Net working capital was even negative in the majority of years, indicating serious problems with liquidity. Debts were constantly increasing reaching the level of 58.1%, which is rather high for agricultural enterprises. Certain signs of recovery in 2006 and 2007 were reversed again, partly affected by the world economic crisis

    Life cycle cost of biomass power plant: Monte Carlo simulation of investment

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    Assessment of life cycle cost is considered as an important instrument for designing and evaluating success of every project. The aim of this work is to determine the precise impact of the investment costs and future operating and maintenance costs of CHP biomass plant. By using the Monte Carlo simulation are determined variations in the settings and the possible impact on the investment risk. The results show that the investment is justified, thanks to the positive outcome of the net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and the payback period. The greatest impact on the variability of annual profits have operating costs, which have the highest coefficient of variation of 6.44% and the largest share. Variability of net present value of 4% is acceptable, and the investment is considered as stable

    Potential of Agricultural Biomass: Comparative Review of Selected EU Regions and Region of Vojvodina

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    Owing to the fact that the EU is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% below 1990 levels by 2020, and having in mind their high dependence on import of oil and oil derivatives, which, in turn, causes instability of power supply, increasing attention is being paid to renewable energy sources. Given the ongoing pre-accession process of the Republic of Serbia in relation to the EU, in order to determine the capacity of the country to increase the share of energy use from renewable sources, in this paper clustering of selected regions in the EU-28 has been carried out, after which a comparative analysis of regions was performed in terms of potential of agricultural biomass, for the purpose of generating energy. The aim of this study is to determine the level of the region of Vojvodina in relation to ten selected EU regions, based on parameters that affect the potential for using renewable energy sources, primarily residues from agriculture. By applying the K-means method, Borda count method and comparative analysis, and based on empirical data, results show that the region of Vojvodina takes a significant fifth place. Its share of agricultural land ranks it as the first, whereas production of cereals and the total number of farms larger than 100 ha rank it as the second. It could be concluded that Vojvodina is an agricultural region with large quantities of plant remains, primarily those left over from harvest, which represents a significant potential for energy generation from agricultural biomass


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    The aim of study was to compare the economic characteristics of production of porkers Mangalitsa and Yorkshire race. The observed productions should provide the raw material for the production of traditional fermented sausages, or specifc products with protected origin. According to this a calculation is derived with the total cost of fattening pigs Mangalitsa and Yorkshire race to the slaughter weight of 132 pounds under the conditions of modern farm housing system. The above calculation includes the cost of materials, the cost of energy and external services, salary costs and amortization of facilities and equipment used. In this way we can get to the total costs of fnishing of pigs produced per kilogram of live weight without the overhead costs. The costs are calculated as described above for Yorkshire race and it is 120.88 RSD/kg or 1.26 €/ kg and it is lower than the current purchase price in the market. On the other hand the costs of fnishing Mangalitsa race are signifcantly higher than the purchase price of pigs bred races and it is 245.19 RSD/kg or 2.13 €/kg, which is caused by a slow weight gain and ineffcient feed conversion compared to the refned race