52 research outputs found

    Different portion of thermally treated fodder pea in chickens fattening

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    Budući da stočni graÅ”ak kao krupnozrna leguminoza sadrži nekoliko antinutritivnih tvari u malim količinama, u sirovom stanju nije pogodan u većim koncentracijama kao komponenta za hranjenje peradi. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti 30 %, odnosno 60 % izobjelančevinaste zamjene sojine sačme i toplinski obrađenog stočnog graÅ”ka u kompletnim krmnim smjesama tovnih pilića. ZavrÅ”na tjelesna masa pilića pokazuje da su pilići pokusnih skupina na kraju pokusa bili za 14,6 % u P I i 15,3 % u P II skupini bolji od pilića kontrolne skupine, a razlike su statistički visoko opravdane (P<0,01). Drugi praćeni pokazatelj, prosječni dnevni prirast, tijekom pojedinih razdoblja tova potvrdio je također visoko značajne (P<0,01) bolje priraste pilića pokusnih skupina I i II u odnosu na piliće kontrolne skupine. Glede potroÅ”nje hrane i konverzije hrane, zabilježene su također značajno bolje vrijednosti u pilića pokusnih skupina prema pilićima kontrolne skupine. Tako je dnevna konzumacija hrane bila veća u prvom razdoblju tova od 25,5 % u pokusnoj I do 8,9 %, u pokusnoj II skupini, uz bolju konverziju hrane u istim pokusnim skupinama, za 6,7 %, odnosno 5,3 %. Kakvoća pilećih trupova dobivenih rasijecanjem, pokazala je veće vrijednosti relativnog udjela prsa i abdominalne masti u pilića pokusne II skupine, statistički visoko značajne (P<0,01) prema kontrolnoj skupini, a statistički značajne (P<0,05) manje vrijednosti za parametre batak i nadbatak, te krila. Analizom kemijskog sastava crvenog mesa pilića, potvrđena je bolja nutritivna vrijednost mesa u pokusnoj II skupini, s tim da utvrđene pozitivne razlike pokusne skupine nisu bile statistički značajne (P>0,05).Concerning the fact that fodder pea as a legume seed contains several antinutritive substances (in small amounts), it is not favourable in high concentrations as a component part of feeding fowls in a raw form. The aim of our research was to compare 30 %, and 60 % of isoprotein substitute of soybean meal and thermally treated fodder pea in the complete mixtures for fattening chickens. The final body mass of chickens shows that the chickens in the experimental group, at the end of the experiment, were 14.6 % in P I and 15.3 % in P II better than the chickens in the control group and the differences were statistically highly justified (P<0,01). The second indicator that we watched, the average daily gain, showed over certain fattening periods significantly better increase in the chickens of the experimental group I and II comparing to the chickens in the control group (P<0,01). Looking at the consumption and the conversion of feed, we also noticed better values in chickens in the experimental group than those in the control group. Therefore, the daily consumption of feed was higher in the first fattening period from 25.5 % in the experimental group I to 8.9 % in the experimental group II with better feed conversion in the same experimental groups by 6.7 % and 5.3 % respectively. The quality of chicken carcass, showed higher values of relative breast share and the abdominal fat in chickens in the experimental group II. They were statistically highly significant (P<0,01) in comparison to the control group with lower values to the thigh, drumstick and wing parametres (P<0,05). Dark meat chemical analysis confirmed better nutritive value of meat in the experimental group II, with the fact that the observed positive differences of the experimental group were not statistically significant (P>0,05)

    The Analysis of Variability of Indicators Associated with Prevalence of Subclinical Ketosis/Acidosis in Dairy Cattle

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    Metabolic disorders of dairy cows, primarily ketosis and acidosis, are one of the most significant problems in dairy herd management. Numerous studies have shown that metabolic disorders induce economic losses for milk producers due to treatment costs, reduced milk production, impaired reproduction, and ultimately increased animal excretion rates. Given the above, and for the purpose of sustainable management of the dairy herd, it is extremely important to detect as early as possible the cows that are at risk of subclinical metabolic disorders and to prevent the development of the clinical form in time. On dairy farms, milk recording is performed every month, which includes the collection of data on the productivity of dairy cattle that are in the system of breeding and selection work. The results of milk recording together with the pedigree data, the basis for calculating the breeding value of cattle and for the implementation of selection in accordance with the breeding program of each breed, also allow the breeder to improve dairy herd management and timely detection of metabolic disorders in the subclinical phase using precision dairy farming technologies. The daily content of milk fat and protein represents the basis for estimating the prevalence, with the optimal values of the ratio of milk fat and protein being 1.1 - 1.5, while the deviation from the same indicates the prevalence of acidosis or ketosis. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of subclinical disorders of Simmental and Holstein cows depending on the season by applying precision dairy farming technologies- that is, the results of milk recording. Our logical control dataset consisted of over 1.6 million of test day records (Holstein cows: 805,247 records/ 69,368 animals/ 4,998 farms; and Simmental cows: 845,514 records/ 78,540 animals/ 7,242 farms). Conducted analysis indicated that daily milk production, stage of lactation, parity, age at first calving, milk recording, and cattle breed significantly affected daily fat and protein content as well as F/P ratio. Also, determined higher values of F/P ratio in winter period indicates higher ketosis prevalence risk, while lower values of F/P ratio in summer period indicates higher acidosis prevalence risk. Finally, in order to more precisely predict the ketosis / acidosis prevalence in dairy cows based on milk recording data, factor that significantly affects the variability of daily fat and protein content, and consequently the fat to protein ratio as well as the prevalence risk of metabolic disorders should be taken into account

    The Analysis of Variability of Indicators Associated with Prevalence of Subclinical Ketosis/Acidosis in Dairy Cattle

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    Metabolic disorders of dairy cows, primarily ketosis and acidosis, are one of the most significant problems in dairy herd management. Numerous studies have shown that metabolic disorders induce economic losses for milk producers due to treatment costs, reduced milk production, impaired reproduction, and ultimately increased animal excretion rates. Given the above, and for the purpose of sustainable management of the dairy herd, it is extremely important to detect as early as possible the cows that are at risk of subclinical metabolic disorders and to prevent the development of the clinical form in time. On dairy farms, milk recording is performed every month, which includes the collection of data on the productivity of dairy cattle that are in the system of breeding and selection work. The results of milk recording together with the pedigree data, the basis for calculating the breeding value of cattle and for the implementation of selection in accordance with the breeding program of each breed, also allow the breeder to improve dairy herd management and timely detection of metabolic disorders in the subclinical phase using precision dairy farming technologies. The daily content of milk fat and protein represents the basis for estimating the prevalence, with the optimal values of the ratio of milk fat and protein being 1.1 - 1.5, while the deviation from the same indicates the prevalence of acidosis or ketosis. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of subclinical disorders of Simmental and Holstein cows depending on the season by applying precision dairy farming technologies- that is, the results of milk recording. Our logical control dataset consisted of over 1.6 million of test day records (Holstein cows: 805,247 records/ 69,368 animals/ 4,998 farms; and Simmental cows: 845,514 records/ 78,540 animals/ 7,242 farms). Conducted analysis indicated that daily milk production, stage of lactation, parity, age at first calving, milk recording, and cattle breed significantly affected daily fat and protein content as well as F/P ratio. Also, determined higher values of F/P ratio in winter period indicates higher ketosis prevalence risk, while lower values of F/P ratio in summer period indicates higher acidosis prevalence risk. Finally, in order to more precisely predict the ketosis / acidosis prevalence in dairy cows based on milk recording data, factor that significantly affects the variability of daily fat and protein content, and consequently the fat to protein ratio as well as the prevalence risk of metabolic disorders should be taken into account


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    Prikazane su dvije optičke metode za precizno mjerenje brzine protjecanja fluida: mjerenje brzine na temelju Dopplerovog efekta upotrebom lasera (LDV) i mjerenje brzine fotogramom čestica (PIV), uz postupke za digitalnu obradu signala i snimaka. Prikazana je primjena tih metoda u ispitivanju protjecanja kroz mlaznice dlijeta za buÅ”enje. Uz kratki pregled uloge mlaznica u buÅ”enju, navedeni su dosad primijenjivani postupci njihovog optimiranja. Prikazani su i uzorci rezultata mjerenja mlaznog protjecanja LDV i PIV metodom za mlaznicu kružnog presjeka. Ukratko je komentirana postava eksperimenta zajedno s tijekom ispitivanja. Uz potencijalna poboljÅ”anja mjerene opreme, navedene su mogućnosti upotrebe LDV i PIV metoda u brojnim primjenama u naftnom inženjerstvu.Two optical methods based on laser and video technology and digital signal and image processing techniques - Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and Particle image velocimetry (PIV) were applied in highly accurate fluid flow measurement. Their application in jet velocity measurement of flows through drilling bit nozzles is presented. The role of nozzles in drilling technology together with procedures and tests performed on their optimization are reviewed. In addition, some experimental results for circular nozzle obtained both with LDV and PIV are elaborated. The experimental set-up and the testing procedure arc briefly discussed, as well as potential improvements in the design. Possible other applications of LDV and PIV in the domain of petroleum engineering are suggested


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    Pokus se provodio s ciljem da se ustanove utjecaji genotipa i različitih razina proteina u smjesama na rezultate u proizvodnji prasadi. Pokus je obuhvaćao 96 komada odbite prasadi raspoređene u dvije pokusne grupe prema genotipu (veliki jorkÅ”ir i križanci). Svaka pokusna grupa imala je po dvije podgrupe koje su hranjene smjesama različite razine proteina (Starter smjesa sadržavala je 20, odnosno 22% proteina, a Grover smjesa 17, odnosno 19% proteina). U svim grupama dnevni prirast bio je ujednačen. Rezultati dnevnog utroÅ”ka hrane i konverzije hrane pokazali su se boljima kod prasadi velikog jorkÅ”ira. Razlike uzrokovane razinama proteina u smjesama utvrđene su samo kod dnevnog utroÅ”ka hrane i konvezije hrane, u prilog pokusne grupe koja je dobivala viÅ”u razinu proteina.A trial was carried out in order to determine the effects of genotype and various protein levels in mixtures on the production results of piglets. The trial included 96 weaned piglets which were divided into two trial groups according to the genotype (Large Yorkshire and Crosses). Each trial group had two subgroups which receied various protein levels (the Starter mixture of the ist and the 2 nd subgroup contained 20 and 22% of proteins, ind the Grower mixture of the 3rd and the 4th subgroup contained 17 and 19 % of proteins, respectively). ln all groups, daily gain was uniform. The results of the food consumption and feed conversion were found to be better for the Large Yorkshire. The differences caused by various protein levels were found the food consumption and the feed conversion only, being in favour of the trial group which received higher protein level
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