24 research outputs found

    Models of scheduling synchronized movement of many objects

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    The paper deals with the problem of determining movement schedule of many objects, used in many domains such as: routing in computer networks, movement planning of mobile robots, tasks processing in parallel or distributed computing systems, arms control of independent robots, planning and synchronization of the movement of many objects in computer simulation games (e.g., in Computer Generated Forces (CGF) systems or Semi-Automated Forces (SAF) systems). A lot of movement scheduling models are discussed. Two groups of criteria which are essential from the point of view of schedule estimation are described: a group connected with movement time of all objects and a group connected with “parallelization” of their movement (in the sense of location and times of reaching specified checkpoints). A nonlinear movement scheduling problem in order to minimize the sum of delays of all objects at checkpoints with some additional constraints is defined. Two equivalent formulations of two-criteria mathematical programming problems are also presented. It is proved that constraint coefficient matrices for both problems are totally unimodular and we can use effective algorithms for solving linear programming problems to find lexicographic solution of two-criteria problems. Similarities and differences between the defined problem and classical tasks scheduling problem before critical lines on parallel processors are discussed. Some extensions of the problem are presented, one of which is the scheduling movement problem of many objects according to a group pattern. Methods of solving formulated problems are indicated.movement scheduling and synchronization, shortest paths, disjoint paths, multicriteria shortest paths problems

    Scheduling algorithms of synchronized movement of many objects

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    The paper presents algorithms of determining a synchronized movement schedule of many objects. The author defines movement scheduling as a bicriterion nonlinear optimization problem. He also presents a method of solving the bicriterion problem which is based on finding a lexicographic solution. Two scheduling algorithms of synchronized movement and their properties are given. The first algorithm is based on the dynamic programming, the second one is based on the cost-profit analysis. The necessary and sufficient conditions for obtaining optimal solutions from the algorithms are discussed in detail. The author describes computational complexity and some properties of the algorithms. The idea of the algorithms is presented with a few examples.movement scheduling and synchronization, shortest paths, disjoint paths, multicriteria shortest paths problems, scheduling algorithms

    Military route planning in battlefield simulation: effectiveness problems and potential solutions, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003, nr 4

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    Path searching is challenging problem in many domains such as simulation war games, robotics, military mission planning, computer generated forces (CGF), etc. Effectiveness problems in military route planning are related both with terrain modelling and path planning algorithms. These problems may be considered from the point of view of many criterions. It seems that two criterions are the most important: quality of terrain reflection in the terrain model and computational complexity of the on(off)-line path planning algorithm. The paper deals with two above indicated problems of route planning effectiveness. Comparison of approaches used in route planning is presented. The hybrid, terrain merging-based and partial path planning, approach for route planning in dynamically changed environment during simulation is described. It significantly increase effectiveness of route planning process. The computational complexity of the method is given and some discussion for using the method in the battlefield simulation is conducted. In order to estimate how many times faster we can compute problem for finding shortest path in network with n big squares (b-nodes) with relation to problem for finding shortest path in the network with V small squares (s-nodes) acceleration function is defined and optimized


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    A simplified mathematical model of hipothetic conflict situation is presented. As conflict situation are considered a conflict between two sides which have a some resources of military objects. This conflict is modelled on operational game. Two types of conflict characteristics, output and input-output, are defined. We propose the method of statistical analysis of simulation output data to estimate interesting characteristics. The control variable method to reduction estimator variance of probability distribution function parameters of estimation characteristics are used. We showed a some results of statistical data analysis and method for aiding decision making of players


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    A method for redeployment simulation of military objects is considered. An optimization problem of simultaneous arriving of all redeployed objects to some points is defined and the method of its solving is shown. Definitions of objects needed to making simulation in object-oriented environment are made known. Methods of redeployment simulation of individual and grouped objects based on notation of MODSIM II object-oriented simulation language are proposed

    Graph Method for Prioritizing Capabilities of the Armed Forces

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    The paper presents a novel method to prioritize capabilities of Polish Armed Forces, used in one of the most important stages of planning process i.e. “Required Capabilities Assessment and Prioritization”. The current approach to planning and programming of the capabilities development of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland is executed on the basis of the so-called operational capabilities. The operational capability is defined as “potential competence, feature of an entity resulting from its characteristics, allowing to undertake actions aimed at producing the desired effects”. The elements of functional operational capabilities are as follows: doctrines, organization, training, military equipment, human resources, leadership, infrastructure and interoperability. The capabilities of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland de facto determine executability of the military tasks. In the paper capability dependency graph model was presented and centrality measures were described in details, which are the basis for prioritization method. To manage the capabilities of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, the software for prioritizing capabilities consisting of the Editor of the Capabilities Directory and Prioritization of Capabilities component, was developed and described in the paper

    Adaptive method of similarity detection of user profiles on Online Social Networks

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    W pracy podjęto próbę opracowania adaptacyjnej metody uwzględniającej strukturalne i ilościowe związki między kontami w Internetowej Sieci Społecznej w celu wykrywania potencjalnie sklonowanych profili użytkowników. Wprowadzono również technikę kontenerów podobieństwa, pozwalającą na grupowanie atrybutów profilu użytkownika ze względu na typ danych oraz istotność. Zaprezentowano przykład liczbowy, który ilustruje działanie opracowanej metody. Zasygnalizowano przydatność opracowania symulatora pozwalającego na badanie wpływu zawiązywania znajomości między użytkownikami Internetowej Sieci Społecznej na skuteczność wykrywania sklonowanych profili użytkowników, dając tym samym podstawy do zbudowania środowiska prognozującego klonowanie profili.The paper presents a method, based on graph and network theory, which allows to detect cloned user profiles on Online Social Networks. Moreover, an idea of similarity containers, which gives an opportunity to incorporate importance and context of data into a model, was introduced. The presented solutions were adapted to the idea of simulation environment, which will allow to detect a profile cloning process before that activity will be completely performed by an attacker

    Graph-Network Models and Methods Used to Detect Financial Crimes with IAFEC Graphs IT Tool

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    The article outlines graph-network models used to detect financial crimes. The general graph-network model of transaction participants was defined. The article also provides some examples of the graph-network models used to detect financial crimes. The authors also proposed an original method for detecting financial crimes based on measurements of the network characteristics and graph similarity, used in the R&D project: “Advanced information technologies supporting the (mainly financial) data analysis processes in the area of financial crimes” sponsored by National Centre of Research and Development (NCBiR), Poland. The method is based on the use of measures of the selected graph characteristics and similarity of graph elements. Some examples of the use of the proposed measures and methods on the basis of the IAFEC Graphs IT tool, which was created as part of the project, were described. Tools options, such as filtering graphs, determining clusters, determining centrality measures, or links between network elements are presented. The IAFEC Graphs architecture was presented both from the software point of view (system-to-layer division) and hardware requirements. In addition, an example of the use of the described functions of the tool for examining links between entities contained in public registers in Poland is presented