6 research outputs found

    About reliable indicator of proprioception in agility control

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    Agility is seen as a complex physical quality due to a complex interaction of motor, visual, auditory, vestibular analyzers. A special role in this development is given to kinesthesia. This motor feeling largely determines the accuracy of the differentiation of power, temporal and spatial characteristics of voluntary movement and is regarded as one of the main indicators of quality in the structure of human mobility. The purpose of the study - to make a proposal to improve the procedures for monitoring mobility by quantifying the state of kinesthesia exercise. Material and methods. The study included 101 soccers at the age of 14-18 years. Measured fidelity 50% of the maximum values of the force in the joints of upper and lower extremities seven times. Reliability measurement was evaluated by calculating the linear correlation between the results in the sequential series. Stability measurements evaluated in the same way between the results of precision in the first and seventh attempt. Results . Among the surveyed found significant individual differences in the state of kinesthesia joint efforts in terms of accuracy. Also, different abilities learning accuracy differentiation efforts in a series of successive measurements. Conclusions . The expediency of improving the control of mobility in the direction of study of quantitative and qualitative assessment of kinesthesia in the specific conditions of physical education

    On the transfer of skills skill in different conditions of motor activity

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    The aim of the study is a metric description of the transport of mobility in terms of kinesthesia in examined in a comprehensive registration block of six different motor coordination tasks. A total of 56 students in six different test tasks coordination complexity. The results of the initial control of processed statistically. Two calculated correlation matrix 6x6. The efficiency of use in subsequent statistical operations previously only justified, metrological reliability of the results. The transfer of skills in terms of agility kinesthesia found only in two exercises of this nature, explicable by common physiological mechanisms of regulation. The results of the study confirm the well-known knowledge of the complexity of mobility and contrary to some of the original authors of the possible use of a single universal control exercise - test for evaluation

    Empiric reliability of diagnostic and prognostic estimations of physical standards of children, going in for sports.

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    In the conditions of sporting-pedagogical practices objective estimation of potential possibilities gettings busy already on the initial stages of long-term preparation examined as one of issues of the day. The proper quantitative information allows to individualize preparation of gettings in obedience to requirements to the guided processes busy. Research purpose - logically and metrical to rotin expedience of metrical method of calculations of reliability of results of the control measurings, in-use for diagnostics of psychophysical fitness and prognosis of growth of trade gettings busy in the select type of sport. Material and methods. Analysed the results of the control measurings on four indexes of psychophysical preparedness and estimation of experts of fitness 24th gettings busy composition of children of gymnastic school. The results of initial and final inspection of gymnasts on the same control tests processed the method of mathematical statistics. Expected the metrical estimations of reliability of measurings is stability, co-ordination and informing of control information for current diagnostics and prognosis of sporting possibilities inspected. Results. Expedience of the use in these aims of metrical operations of calculation of complex estimation of the psychophysical state of gettings busy is metrology grounded. Conclusions. Research results confirm expedience of calculation of complex estimation of psychophysical features gettings busy for diagnostics of fitness in the select type of sport and trade prognosis on the subsequent stages of preparation

    Evaluation criteria of the individual motor predisposition of female sport gymnastics

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    In the paper were presented the results of research, aimed to improve criteria for assessing the motor predisposition of girls in sports gymnastics at the initial stage of training. The studies included 24 gymnasts divided into two age groups: A 6,0-7,5 years of age) and B (8,3-13,0). The level of physical fitness was assessed with the use of the EUROFIT battery tests. easurements of the maximum moment of muscle strength in the bending forearm in the elbow joint in terms of isometric contraction were also performed. Assessment f the level of individual strengthspeed and coordination abilities and physical fitness structure including the pace of biological development were the basis for the development of objective criteria for assessing the sports predispositions of young gymnasts at the initial stage of training. Our results provide the basis for improving the control system and optimization of assessment criteria in women gymnastics, including age, training experience and sports level. The results presented in this paper demonstrated the usefulness of the research methodology used to assess the physical fitness and predispositions of gymnasts at the initial stage of training, what enables individualization of training process

    Discussion on the concepts of "coordination" and "agility" in terms of physical education

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    In the scientific and methodological literature and practice of physical education concepts of "coordination" and "agility" are often used synonymously. And discussion about the appropriateness distinguish these concepts is mainly analytical character. Purpose : to evaluate the nature of the relationship metrically between indicators kinesthesia (which characterize the internal processes of interaction in the neuro-muscular system - coordination) and the efficient delivery of a complex exercise (in cooperation man in the external environment of physical education - agility). Material : 77 students surveyed. Students performed on 100 strikes the ball into the goal in terms of golf (10 control measurements). The experiment was conducted for 8 months. 7700 measurement precision of centimeters processed statistically. Calculated reliability of measurements: 100 comparability repetitive beats, accuracy hitting the ball into the goal and the pace of learning in terms of the impact of blows. Results : the total volume measurements was characterized by high variability (V% = 53,5), indicating that the low status of kinesthesia surveyed. This reduces the reliability of the correlation coefficients according to 30 and then 10 of the best students in the general rank in terms of reliability of measurements. Significant correlation occurred only in terms of performance beats the purpose of learning the technique and pace (0,417; n = 30, p <0,05; and 0,677; n = 10, p <0,05). Conclusions : Overall, the results of our study showed that the concept of "coordination" and "agility" should still be distinguished. In some cases, students with a good level of kinesthesia occurred and high mobility in complex locomotion. If we recognize it expedient to continue this discussion, then we must rely on objective, metric information. This information should be obtained in studies with a broad contingent surveyed, consistently show good concentration and high reliability results in a series of repeated measurements

    The influence of a form of physical activity nordic walking on the life's quality of people in the 60-70 years age bracket.

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    The aim of the presented study is to examine the influence of systematic nordic walking training on the subjective quality of seniors' lives. The control group consisted of people who do not take part in any physical activity. In order to reveal the connections between quality of life and participation in nordic walking the examination consisting of three psychological tests was performed. These were the tests measuring the level of satisfaction with life (SWLS), the level of optimism (LOT-R) and the Beck Depression Inventory level. The results of the studies have confirmed the hypothesis that the quality of life in a group of seniors in the experimental group is higher than in the control group. Statistical tests have shown that active seniors feel greater satisfaction from their lives and look in the future more optimistic than their peers in the control group containing inactive seniors. In the experimental group were lower results in scale measuring level of depression. Low results show that systematic training is unconductive to depression development