6 research outputs found

    Transurethral resection of the prostate, bladder explosion and hyponatremic encephalopathy: a rare case report of malpractice.

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    We present an original case report of a bladder explosion during a TURP intervention for benign pros- tatic hypertrophy, that was brought on by the absorption of about 5 liters of glycine 1.5% and then onset of a severe hyponatremia. The quick and inappropriate correction of this electrolyte imbalance led the onset of encephalopa- thy and the death of the patient. The authors discuss the pathogenesis of these uncommon diseases and, consider- ing the most recent Italian Legislation, they highlight the importance to respect good clinical practice standards and guidelines to ensure the most appropriate treatments for the patient and remove any assumptions of medical liability

    Transurethral resection of the prostate, bladder explosion and hyponatremic encephalopathy: a rare case report of malpractice

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    We present an original case report of a bladder explosion during a TURP intervention for benign prostatic hypertrophy, that was brought on by the absorption of about 5 liters of glycine 1.5% and then onset of a severe hyponatremia. The quick and inappropriate correction of this electrolyte imbalance led the onset of encephalopathy and the death of the patient. The authors discuss the pathogenesis of these uncommon diseases and, considering the most recent Italian Legislation, they highlight the importance to respect good clinical practice standards and guidelines to ensure the most appropriate treatments for the patient and remove any assumptions of medical liability

    Cell based therapeutic approach in vascular surgery: application and review

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    Multipotent stem cells - such as mesenchymal stem/stromal cells and stem cells derived from different sources like vascular wall are intensely studied to try to rapidly translate their discovered features from bench to bedside. Vascular wall resident stem cells recruitment, differentiation, survival, proliferation, growth factor production, and signaling pathways transduced were analyzed. We studied biological properties of vascular resident stem cells and explored the relationship from several factors as Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) and regulations of biological, translational and clinical features of these cells. In this review we described a translational and clinical approach to Adult Vascular Wall Resident Multipotent Vascular Stem Cells (VW-SCs) and reported their involvement in alternative clinical approach as cells based therapy in vascular disease like arterial aneurysms or peripheral arterial obstructive disease