19 research outputs found

    The prevalence of penile pearly papules among young men

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of pearly penile papules (PPP) among young men in Eskisehir, Turkey. This was a prospective, non-randomized, cross-sectional study. From December 2014 to September 2015, 2613 consecutive male patients who were referred to the dermatology outpatient clinic were included in the study. Patients were inspected for the presence of PPP, localization, and association with human papilloma virus (HPV). A total of 2613 patients were included in the study. The average age of the patients was 21.33±2.08 (mean ± Standard Deviation (SD); ranging from 18 to 24) years. All of the patients were white and circumcised men. Of the 2613 patients, 449 (17.18%) PPP were observed. PPP were localized on the corona of the glans penis (100%), coronal sulcus (18.9%), frenulum (15.1%), ventral shaft (5.3%), and dorsal shaft of the penis (2.4%). Of the 449 patients with PPP, 23 (5.3%) underwent treatment; 73 (16.2%) would consider removal, 7 (1.5%) had a previous treatment for HPV, and 5 (1.1%) had HPV. PPP are encountered very commonly in the pubertal age in boys and young men. All medical practitioners should be familiar with PPP. Their similarity to genital warts may generate a false apprehension of venereal disease and may lead to unwanted and hazardous treatments. Therefore, better health education is needed.  </p

    Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: Report of two cases

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    Pulmoner alveoler proteinozis, alveollerde ve distal hava yollarında lipoproteinöz madde birikimiyle karakterize nadir bir hastalıktır. En sık rastlanan semptomlar nefes darlığı ve kuru öksürüktür. Radyolojik olarak bilateral simetrik alveoler konsolidasyon veya buzlu cam görüntüsü saptanır. Tanı sıklıkla klinik ve radyolojik bulgular eşliğinde transbronşiyal biyopsi örneği veya bronkoalveolar lavaj (BAL) ile alınan intra alveoler materyalin periyodik asit-Schiff metodu ile pozitif boyanması ile konur. Pulmoner alveoler proteinosis için standart tedavi total akciğer lavajıdır. Çalışmamızda, biri BAL diğeri açık akciğer biyopsisi ile tanı alan iki pulmoner alveoler proteinozis olgusu literatür eşliğinde sunulmuştur.Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a rare disease characterised with lipoproteinous material deposition in alveoles and distal airways. The most common symptoms are dyspnea and dry cough. The radiographic finding is bilateral, symmetric alveolar consolidation or ground-glass opacity. The diagnosis is mostly made by positive staining of transbronchial biopsy or bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) material with periodic- acid-Schiff method accompanied by clinical and radiological findings. The standard treatment for pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is total lung lavage. In our study, two cases of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, one diagnosed by open lung biopsy and the other with BAL, were presented with the literature

    Predictive models for tuberculous pleural effusions in a high tuberculosis prevalence region

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    WOS: 000302146900015PubMed ID: 22057296Patients with pleural effusions who reside in geographic areas with a high prevalence of tuberculosis frequently have similar clinical manifestations of other diseases. The aim of our study was to develop a simple but accurate clinical score for differential diagnosis of tuberculosis pleural effusion (TPE) from non-TB pleural effusion (NTPE). This was an unblinded, prospective study of Turkish patients 18 years of age or older with pleural effusion of indeterminate etiology conducted from June 2003 to June 2005. Unconditional logistic regression models were used to discriminate TPE cases from NTPE cases. Standard errors for the area under the curve (AUC) were calculated using the Mann-Whitney method. Data were statistically significance if two-tailed P 35 U/l or pleural serum protein ratio > 0.710. However, only the combination of age 35 U/l was significant (odds ratio [OR]: 7.46; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.99-13.96). The generated summary score (range = 0-6) was significantly predictive of TPE (OR: 2.91; 95% CI: 2.18-3.89) and with high AUC (0.79). We propose an affordable model that includes age 35 U/l for timely diagnosis of TPE in geographical regions with a high prevalence of TB

    Severe lower urinary tract symptoms due to anteriorly located midline prostatic cyst arising from the bladder neck in a young male: case report

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    ABSTRACT CONTEXT: Prostatic cysts are uncommon. These cysts are usually asymptomatic and are diagnosed incidentally during ultrasonographic examination. On rare occasions, they may cause drastic symptoms. CASE REPORT: We report on a case of severely symptomatic anteriorly located prostatic cyst arising from the bladder neck in a 30-year-old man presenting with lower urinary tract symptoms, without clinical evidence of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS), computed tomography (CT) and cystourethroscopy demonstrated a projecting prostatic cyst that occupied the bladder neck at the precise twelve o'clock position. It was acting as a ball-valve, such that it obstructed the bladder outlet. Transurethral unroofing of the cyst was performed and the patient's obstructive symptoms were successfully resolved. Histopathological examination indicated a retention cyst. CONCLUSIONS: It should be borne in mind that midline prostate cysts can be a reason for bladder outlet obstruction in a young male. Such patients may have tremendous improvement in symptoms through transurethral unroofing of the cyst wall