4,626 research outputs found

    Entropic force and entanglement system

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    We introduce the isothermal cavity, static holographic screen, and accelerating surface as holographic screen to study the entropic force in the presence of the Schwarzschild black hole. These may merge to provide a consistent holographic screen to define the entropic force on the stretched horizon near the event horizon. Considering the similarity between the stretched horizon of black hole and the entanglement system, we may define the entropic force in the entanglement system without referring the source mass.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in PR

    Nonexistence of quasinormal modes in the extremal BTZ black hole

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    We show that quasinormal modes cannot exist in the extremal BTZ black hole. For this purpose, we consider propagations of a minimally coupled scalar and a single massive graviton obtained from the cosmological topologically massive gravity on the extremal BTZ black hole. The would-be quasinormal modes for a scalar and graviton could not exist because it is impossible to make an ingoing flux into the extremal (degenerate) horizon. This is consistent with the argument that there is no propagating dynamics in the self-dual orbifold of AdS(3) which is just the near-horizon limit of the extremal BTZ black hole.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, references adde

    BRST quantization of a sixth-order derivative scalar field theory

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    We study a sixth order derivative scalar field model in Minkowski spacetime as a toy model of higher-derivative critical gravity theories. This model is consistently quantized when using the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) quantization scheme even though it does not show gauge symmetry manifestly. Imposing a BRST quartet generated by two scalars and ghosts, there remains a non-trivial subspace with positive norm. This might be interpreted as a Minkowskian dual version of the unitary truncation in the logarithmic conformal field theory.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in MPL

    Entropy of black holes in topologically massive gravity

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    We study the issue of black hole entropy in the topologically massive gravity. Assuming that the presence of gravitational Chern-Simons term with the coupling 1/ΞΌ1/\mu does modify the horizon radius r~+\tilde{r}_+, we propose S~BH=Ο€r~+/2G3\tilde{S}_{BH}=\pi \tilde{r}_+/2G_3 as the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. This entropy of CS-BTZ black hole satisfies the first-law of thermodynamics and the area-law but it is slightly different from the shifted-entropy Sc=Ο€r+/2G3+(1/ΞΌl)Ο€rβˆ’/2G3S_c=\pi r_+/2G_3+ (1/\mu l)\pi r_-/2G_3 based on the BTZ black hole with outer r+r_+ and inner horizon rβˆ’r_-. In the case of rβˆ’=0r_-=0, S~BH\tilde{S}_{BH} represents the entropy of non-rotating BTZ black hole with the Chern-Simons term (NBTZ-CS), while ScS_c reduces to the entropy of NBTZ black hole. It shows that S~BH\tilde{S}_{BH} may be a candidate for the entropy of the CS-BTZ black hole.Comment: 11 pages, an expanded version to discuss thermodynamic aspects of BTZ-CS and CS-BTZ black hole

    Entropy function approach to charged BTZ black hole

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    We find solution to the metric function f(r)=0 of charged BTZ black hole making use of the Lambert function. The condition of extremal charged BTZ black hole is determined by a non-linear relation of M_e(Q)=Q^2(1-\ln Q^2). Then, we study the entropy of extremal charged BTZ black hole using the entropy function approach. It is shown that this formalism works with a proper normalization of charge Q for charged BTZ black hole because AdS_2 x S^1 represents near-horizon geometry of the extremal charged BTZ black hole. Finally, we introduce the Wald's Noether formalism to reproduce the entropy of the extremal charged BTZ black hole without normalization when using the dilaton gravity approach.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, version to appear in GR

    Massive logarithmic graviton in the critical generalized massive gravity

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    We study the generalized massive gravity in three dimensional flat spacetime. A massive logarithmic mode is propagating in the flat spacetime at the critical point where two masses degenerate. Furthermore, we discuss the logarithmic extension of the Galilean conformal algebra (GCA) which may arise from the exotic and standard rank-2 logarithmic conformal field theory (LCFT) on the boundary of AdS3 spacetime.Comment: 11 page

    Entropic force versus temperature force

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    We introduce the cavity enclosing a source mass MM to define the temperature force. Starting with the Tolman temperature in the stationary spacetime, we find a non-relativistic temperature Tnon=T∞(1βˆ’Ξ¦/c2)T_{non}= T_\infty(1-\Phi/c^2) with the Newtonian potential Ξ¦\Phi. This temperature could be also derived from the Tolman-Ehrenfest effect, satisfying a relation of T=T∞eβˆ’Ξ¦/c2T=T_{\infty}e^{-\Phi/c^2} with the local temperature TT. Finally, we derive the temperature force Fβƒ—tem=mc2(βˆ‡βƒ—ln⁑T)\vec{F}_{tem}=mc^2(\vec{\nabla} \ln T ) which leads to the Newtonian force law without introducing the holographic screen defined by holographic principle and equipartition law for entropic force.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Black hole thermodynamics with generalized uncertainty principle

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    We apply the generalized uncertainty principle to the thermodynamics of a small black hole. Here we have a black hole system with the UV cutoff. It is shown that the minimal length induced by the GUP interrupts the Gross-Perry-Yaffe phase transition for a small black hole. In order to see whether the black hole remnant takes place a transition to a large black hole, we introduce a black hole in a cavity (IR system). However, we fail to show the phase transition of the remnant to the large black hole.Comment: 11 pages, 4 eps.figures, version to appear in PL

    Quantization of n coupled scalar field theory

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    We study a model of n coupled scalar fields in Minkowski spacetime where all masses degenerate, which is considered as a toy model of polycritical gravity on AdS spacetime. We quantize this model within the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) scheme by introducing n Faddeev-Popov (FP) ghost fields. Extending a BRST quartet generated by two scalars and two FP ghosts to n scalars and n FP ghosts, there remains a physical subspace with positive norm for odd n, but there exists only the vacuum for even n. This clearly shows a non-triviality of odd-higher order derivative scalar field theories. This is helpful to understand the truncation mechanism which is used to obtain a unitary conformal field theory dual to linearized polycritical gravity. It turns out that the truncation mechanism is nothing but a general quartet mechanism appeared when introducing the FP ghost action.Comment: 18 pages, version to appear in PR

    Hole-driven MIT theory, Mott transition in VO_2, MoBRiK

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    For inhomogeneous high-T_c superconductors, hole-driven metal-insulator transition (MIT) theory explains that the gradual increase of conductivity with increasing hole doping is due to inhomogeneity with the local Mott system undergoing the first-order MIT and the local non-Mott system. For VO_2, a monoclinic and correlated metal (MCM) phase showing the linear characteristic as evidence of the Mott MIT is newly observed by applying electric field and temperature. The structural phase transition occurs between MCM and Rutile metal phases. Devices using the MIT are named MoBRiK.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figures, This was presented in the 8th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors (M2S-HTSC-VIII) held in Dresden Germany from July 9 to July 14, 200
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