563 research outputs found

    The Impact of Industrial Structure Changes on Economic Growth in Jiangxi Province, China

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    China has transformed its industrial and economic structure since the start of the economic reform and the Open-door Policy. While modern cities are participating in this progress, less urbanized areas lagged behind these cities. This paper will attempt to explain this phenomenon by analyzing the impact of industrial structure optimization on economic growth by using a time series model from the data span of 1990 to 2018. This study shows that the modernization and rationalization of the industrial structure have a significant impact on economic growth, and the marginal effect of industrial modernization on economic growth is greater than the rationalization of the industrial structure. Furthermore, when the economic growth is slow, the low-level industrial structure can still maintain economic growth; but when the economic growth rate reaches a certain level, the low-level industrial structure will inhibit economic growth

    The threshold for powers of tight Hamilton cycles in random hypergraphs

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    We investigate the occurrence of powers of tight Hamilton cycles in random hypergraphs. For every r3r\ge 3 and k1k\ge 1, we show that there exists a constant C>0C > 0 such that if p=p(n)Cn1/(k+r2r1)p=p(n) \ge Cn^{-1/\binom{k+r-2}{r-1}} then asymptotically almost surely the random hypergraph H(r)(n,p)H^{(r)}(n,p) contains the kkth power of a tight Hamilton cycle. This improves on a result of Parczyk and Person, who proved the same result under the assumption p=ω(n1/(k+r2r1))p=\omega\left(n^{-1/\binom{k+r-2}{r-1}}\right) using a second moment argument

    Do Perceived Leadership Behaviors Affect User Technology Beliefs? An Examination of the Impact of Project Champions and Direct Managers

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    Understanding the managerial influence on user beliefs of information technology (IT) has been an important concern to the IT adoption research. Our study contributes by examining relationships between managers\u27 leadership behavior and user technology beliefs. Drawing on the transformational leadership theory [Bass 1985], we develop a research model comparing the effect of leadership behaviors of two managerial roles - project champions and direct managers - on user technology beliefs. Our cross-sectional survey across 138 users in five organizations suggests that project champions and direct managers\u27 leadership behaviors exercise different influences on users\u27 technology beliefs. Implications of this study on research and practice are discussed

    Understanding Post-Adoption Regret from the Perspectives of Herding and Mindfulness

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    In the era of multiple technologies, people may herd in technology adoption to save costs. However, they may regret for not choosing a foregone technology later although they are satisfied with the chosen technology. The extant continuance studies have extensively studied how users evaluate the focal technology after adoption, but somewhat overlooking users’ considerations on foregone technologies. In this study, we introduce the notion of post-adoption regret, which considers both the chosen and foregone technologies. We develop a research model based on the literature on regret, herd behavior, and mindfulness. The model depicts how herd behavior induces regret and how regret affects user satisfaction, as well as the subsequent continuance and switching intention. As a remedy for such regret resulting from herding, mindfulness of technology adoption is proposed as a legitimate strategy for technology adoption in parallel with herd in technology adoption. We tested our model through a longitudinal study

    Do Facts Speak Louder than Words? Understanding the Sources of Punishment Perceptions in Software Piracy Behavior

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    Software piracy has become a global problem that hinders the development of software industry. Therefore, it is important to understand the underlying mechanisms that drive users’ software piracy behavior. Previous literature on this issue heavily relied on the general deterrence theory (GDT) suggesting that two key punishment perceptions namely punishment severity and punishment certainty determined the software piracy behavior. However, how these punishment perceptions are formed has been rarely examined. To fill this research gap, from the social learning perspective, this study will investigate the three sources of punishment perceptions – policy awareness, personal experience and vicarious experience – and compare their relative strengths on punishment perceptions. Through a field survey with 253 subjects, we found that: (1) personal and vicarious experience have impacts on both punishment certainty and punishment severity; (2) policy awareness has influence only on punishment severity; and (3) personal and vicarious experience have greater impacts on punishment certainty than policy awareness. The implications for theory and practice are also discussed

    Choosing a Fit Technology: Understanding Mindfulness in Technology Adoption and Continuance

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    Mindfulness is an important emerging concept in society. This research posits that a user’s mindful state when adopting a technology is a crucial factor that determines how the technology will fit the task context at the post-adoption stage and, thus, has profound influence on user adoption and continued use of technology. Based on the mindfulness literature, we conceive of a new concept (mindfulness of technology adoption (MTA)) as a multi-faceted reflective high-order factor. We develop a MTA-TTF (task-technology fit) framework and integrate it into the cognitive change model to develop a research model that delineates the mechanisms through which MTA influences user adoption and continued use of technology. We examined the model via a longitudinal study of students’ use of wiki systems. The results suggest that mindful adopters will more likely perceive a technology as useful and choose a technology that turns out to fit their tasks. Hence, mindful adopters are likely to have high disconfirmation, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction at the post-adoption stage. The findings have significant implications for IS research and practices

    Understanding Sustained Participation in Transactional Virtual Communities

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    Two research gaps in prior studies on knowledge sharing in virtual communities (VCs) are identified. First, prior studies have focused on VCs with no explicit rewards system, whereas VCs using a competition-based reward system (e.g., transactional VCs) is not explored. Second, prior studies have concentrated on the determinants of initial participation rather than sustained participation. In this study, considering that a social learning process is involved in sustained participation, task complexity and self-efficacy – two social learning factors – are proposed to moderate the relationship between motivations and sustained participation. A filed survey with 205 subjects in a transactional virtual community was conducted to test the research model. According to findings, extrinsic and intrinsic motivations significantly influence knowledge sharing intention. Negative interaction effect between extrinsic motivation and task complexity, as well as positive interaction effect between intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy, are observed as well. Implications and future research are discussed


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    In recent years, there has been a significant progress in helicopter traffic, its volume increasing every year. To solve the transport problem of megacities, first of all heliports should be built in the largest cities, with the corporate sector as the customers, and the possibility of excursion transport flights not excluded. UTair-Ukraine (the world’s largest airline in terms of helicopter fleet operating more than 300 helicopters of various models) plans to actively develop the helicopter business in Ukraine. To date, only one modern helipad has been built in the capital of Ukraine – Dnipro-1. Kyiv needs at least 19 helicopter pads located in such a way as to reduce the traffic load on roads and provide an opportunity to evacuate the population in case of an emergency. The article considers the history of the development of designing hard surface airfields and heliports design, the main heliport parts, determination of the helipad geometric parameters, helicopters classification by their impact on the covering.In recent years, there has been a significant progress in helicopter traffic, its volume increasing every year. To solve the transport problem of megacities, first of all heliports should be built in the largest cities, with the corporate sector as the customers, and the possibility of excursion transport flights not excluded. UTair-Ukraine (the world’s largest airline in terms of helicopter fleet operating more than 300 helicopters of various models) plans to actively develop the helicopter business in Ukraine. To date, only one modern helipad has been built in the capital of Ukraine – Dnipro-1. Kyiv needs at least 19 helicopter pads located in such a way as to reduce the traffic load on roads and provide an opportunity to evacuate the population in case of an emergency. The article considers the history of the development of designing hard surface airfields and heliports design, the main heliport parts, determination of the helipad geometric parameters, helicopters classification by their impact on the covering


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    The article considers the calculation of rigid helipad coverings, singlelayer covering modeling in PC LIRA CAD, FEAFAA; calculation of cement-concrete covering, temporary coverings of metal plates, the differential equation of the membrane curved surface. A great contribution to this work was made by the master of construction T.V. Blyznyuk.У статті розглянуто розрахунок жорстких гелікоптерних покриттів, моделювання одношарового покриття в ПК ЛІРА САПР, FEAFAA, розрахунок цементобетонного покриття, тимчасового покриття з металевих пластин, диференціальне рівняння криволінійної поверхні мембрани. Дана робота виконана майстром будівництва Близнюк Т.В