11 research outputs found

    Pengembangan E-book Interaktif Laju Reaksi Berbasis Representasi Kimia

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    This research purposed to (1) develop interactive e-book on reaction rate based on chemical representation, (2) describe characteristics of the interactive e-book as development product, (3) describe teacher\u27s and students\u27 responses of the interactive e-book as development product, (4) know the obstacles faced, and (5) know the supporting factors during the process of developing interactive e-book. The research used Research and Development (R&D) method. The characteristics of interactive e-book developed was completed by pictures, animations, and videos which involving macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic level. Based on the teacher\u27s and students\u27 responses of the interactive e-book, it were obtained that the percentage on aspects of the contents suitability, graphically, and readability were 98.46%; 97.00%; and 90.37%, respectively which categorized in very good. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengembangkan e-book interaktif pada materi laju reaksi berbasis representasi kimia, (2) mendeskripsikan karakteristik e-book interaktif sebagai hasil pengembangan, (3) mendeskripsikan tanggapan guru kimia dan siswa terhadap e-book interaktif sebagai hasil pengembangan, (4) mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi, dan (5) mengetahui faktor pendukung dalam proses pengembangan e-book interaktif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Karakteristik dari e-book interaktif yang dikembangkan yaitu dilengkapi dengan gambar, animasi, dan video yang mencakup level makroskopis, submikroskopis, dan simbolik. Berdasarkan hasil tanggapan guru dan siswa terhadap e-book interaktif , diperoleh persentase pada aspek kesesuaian isi, grafika, dan keterbacaan sebesar 98,46%; 97%; dan 90,37% yang semuanya dikategorikan sangat baik

    Penerapan Teknik Pembelajaran Probing Prompting untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V Sdn 112 Pekanbaru

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    This research is motivated by the lack of science learning outcomes of students with an average grade 69.47. Forms of this research is the Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is consist of two cycles whose implementation started onFebruary 15 until March 5, 2016 with the subject amounted to 38 students consisting of 23 male students and 15 female students. This study aims to improve learning outcomes fifth grade science students at SDN 112 Pekanbaru through the application of learning probing prompting techniques, this study consisted of learning tools and data collection instruments. Data analysis technique used is the analysis of the activity of teachers and students and analysis of student learning outcomes. Analysis techinque of data on the activities of teachers and students is based on the observation sheet during the implementation of the action. While the data analysis of student learning outcomes demonstrate mastery of student learning outcomes. Based on the analysis of activity observation sheet teachers and students evidently the activities of teachers and students has increased at every meeting. Teachers activity with the application of learning techniques probing prompting at the first meeting is 57,14% (sufficient categories), and the second meeting of the first cycle is 75% (good categories). In the second cycle, the activity of teachers at the first meeting amounted to 85,71% (the excellent category), and the second meeting amounted to 96,43% (excellent category). Activities of students at the first meeting of the first cycle is 53,57% (sufficient category) and the secondmeeting of 78,57% (both categories). In the second cycle, the student activity at the first meeting is 85,71% (excellent category), the second meeting amounted to 92,86% (excellent category). Science learning outcomes of students before the application of learning techniques probing prompting has an average value of 69.47, after the application of learning techniques prompting probing average student learningoutcomes increase in daily tests (UH I) became 76,76 with a percentage increase of 10, 49% and at the second daily test (UH II) average student learning outcomes increased to 85,78 with the percentage increase of 23,48%. Based on this it can be concluded that the application of the probing prompting learning techniques could improve the learning outcomes fifth grade science students at SDN 112 Pekanbaru

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Stad dengan Problem Solving dan Stad tanpa Problem Solving

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    This study aims to investigate : (1) The difference between learning outcomes of Geography at STAD learning model with problem solving and learning model STAD with no problem solving. (2) The difference between the increase (n with-gain) of Geography learning outcomes using STAD learning model with problem solving and learning model STAD with no problem solving. The research used a quasi-experimental method (Quasi Experimental Design). The population in this research were all students of class X which consists of two classes such as experimental class (X.1) and a control class (X.2). Data analysis used t test. The results are: (1) There are differences in geography learning outcomes using STAD learning model with Problem Solving higher than the learning outcomes of Geography students with learning model STAD without Problem Solving. (2) There are differences in the increase (n-gain) Geography learning outcomes with STAD learning model with problem solving and learning model STAD without Problem Solving.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Perbedaan hasil belajar Geografi pada model pembelajaran STAD dengan Problem Solving dan model pembelajaran STAD tanpa Problem Solving. (2) Perbedaan peningkatan (n-gain) hasil belajar Geografi menggunakan model pembelajaran STAD dengan Problem Solving dan model pembelajaran STAD tanpa Problem Solving. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen semu (Quasi Experimental Design). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X yang terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen (X.1) dan kelas kontrol (X.2). Analisis data menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Ada perbedaan hasil belajar Geografi yang menggunakan model pembelajaran STAD dengan Problem Solving lebih tinggi dari pada hasil belajar Geografi siswa dengan model pembelajaran STAD tanpa Problem Solving. (2) Ada perbedaan peningkatan (n-gain) hasil belajar Geografi dengan model pembelajaran STAD dengan Problem Solving dan model pembelajaran STAD tanpa Problem Solving

    Studi Perbandingan Eksistensi Alam pada Novel Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua Karya Nh. Dini dan Sri Rinjani Karya Eva Nourma (Tinjauan Ekologi Sastra)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menjelaskan aspek perbandingan komponen kealaman diungkapkan pada novel Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua karya Nh. Dini dan novel Sri Rinjani karya Eva Nourma; (2) aspek perbandingan interaksi tokoh pada lingkungan diungkapkan pada novel Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua karyaNh. Dini dan novel Sri Rinjani karya Eva Nourma; (3) aspek perbandingan nilai edukatif penyikapan manusia terhadap alam diungkapkan pada novel Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua karya Nh. Dini dan novel Sri Rinjani karya Eva Nourma. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah novel Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua karya Nh. Dini dan novel Sri Rinjani karya Eva Nourma. Adapun data penelitiannya berupa rangkaian cerita. Berdasarkan analisis data dan pembahasan yang dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan tiga hal. Pertama, perbandingan komponen kealaman yang diungkapkan Nh. Dini dalam novel Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua lebih dominan menunjukkan pemanfaatan alam dalam pola eksploitasi dan perekonomian, sedangkan novel Sri Rinjani karya Eva Nourma lebih dominan menunjukkan pemanfaatan alam untuk penunjang perekonomian. Kedua, perbandingan interaksi tokoh pada lingkungan yang diungkapkan dalam novel Tanah Baru Tanah Air Keduakarya Nh. Dini lebih dominan enunjukkan hubungan timbal Balik yang saling mempengaruhi, sedangkan novel Sri Rinjani karya Eva Nourma lebih dominan menunjukkan hubungan timbal Balik yang saling berkomunikasi. Ketiga, perbandingan nilai edukatif penyikapan manusia terhadap alam diungkapkan novel Tanah Baru Tanah Air Kedua karya Nh. Dini lebih dominan menunjukkan pelestarian lingkungan alam, sedangkan novel Sri Rinjani karya Eva Nourma lebih dominan menghargai lingkungan alam.&nbsp

    Hubungan antara Hardiness dengan Burnout pada Perawat Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit 'X' Aceh

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    Perawat rawat inap merupakan perawat yang bekerja di unit pelayanan rawat inap dan memiliki interaksi yang lebih intens dengan pasien dalam menjalankan tugas keperawatan, sehingga rentan mengalami stres yang berpotensi meningkatkan terjadinya burnout. Salah satu faktor yang dapat menurunkan burnout adalah hardiness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara hardiness dengan burnout pada perawat rawat inap di Rumah Sakit ‘X' Aceh. Subjek penelitian ini adalah perawat rawat inap di Rumah Sakit ‘X' Aceh yang berjumlah 114 orang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala hardiness sebanyak 20 aitem dan skala burnout sebanyak 27 aitem. Analisis data menggunakan teknik korelasi Pearson dengan koefisien korelasi r=-0,560 dan p = 0,00 (p<0,01). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat korelasi negatif signifikan antara hardiness dengan burnout pada perawat rawat inap di Rumah Sakit ‘X' Aceh. Artinya semakin tinggi hardiness, maka semakin rendah burnout dan sebaliknya semakin rendah hardiness, maka semakin tinggi burnout pada perawat rawat inap di Rumah Sakit ‘X' Aceh

    Developing the Effective Digital Human Resource Management What Experts Say for Tourism Industry Preparations

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    Efforts to develop effective digital human resource management are the core objectives of this study. To gain an in-depth understanding, we will review hundreds of publications that discuss HRM in the digital era and prepare for the tourism and hospitality industry. Whatever the experts say for the preparation of the tourism industry will be the answer to the question of this study. We have searched for the latest data and information from publications published between 2010 and 2021. We analyze the data with a phenomenological approach and coding system and in-depth evaluation before we conclude as valid and reliable answers to the validity of the findings. We carry out this study depending on secondary data, and we process it qualitatively so that we get the results that the management of human tourism resources is the preparation of all human components that advance the tourism industry, both tangible and intangible, with the primary goal of achieving needs to create tourist satisfaction so that it benefits the industry of tourism in the national economy development

    Relevancy Technological Innovation and Community Economic Development in Indonesia

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    It is undeniable that there is a relevance between advances in science and technology, especially information and communication technology, which has an impact on the progress of the development of the economic sector and human welfare. This paper aims to obtain evidence of the study of technological innovation on economic capacity and development. Supporting data for this study are a number of scientific journal publications, books and websites that discuss issues of technology and economic welfare. Before answering this question, we conducted a data analysis involving a data evaluation system, data coding and deep interpretation to obtain valid and convincing answers. Based on the analysis, the discussion of our results confirms that through the evidence of the study there is a very deep relevance of technological development and innovation impact on economic development. Therefore, the policy-making parties should take advantage of any technological developments for the development of the Indonesian economy