9 research outputs found


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    Motivation to learn can determine student morals and achievement. Meanwhile, one of the phenomena that is important and interesting to research is the low motivation of students in participating in religious extracurricular activities at SMK Mutiara and SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bandung. The research method used is a mixed method. Data were collected through observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. The data analysis used is preliminary analysis and hypothesis test analysis. The results showed (1) student motivation in participating in religious extracurricular activities at SMK Mutiara had a low level of relationship and at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bandung City had a high enough level of relationship, (2) SMK Mutiara and SMK Muhammadiyah 2 had a positive correlation. However, there are significant differences between the two, especially in terms of significance. The intensity of religious extracurricular activities at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bandung is more intense than the implementation of religious extracurricular activities at SMK Mutiara

    Sistem Nilai Dan Relasinya Dengan Pendidikan Islam

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    Pendidikan Islam tidak bebas nilai karena memiliki relasi dengan sistem nilai. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menganalisis relasi sistem nilai dengan pendidikan Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah studi kepustakaan, dengan analisis data kualitatif. Adapun hasil penelitiannya yaitu nilai-nilai yang tercakup di dalam sistem nilai islami yang merupakan komponen sistem nilai kultur yang senada dengan Islam, sistem nilai yang memiliki mekanisme gerak yang berorientasi kepada kehidupan sejahtera di dunia dan bahagia di akhirat, sistem nilai yang bersifat psikologis dari masing-masing individu yang didorong oleh fungsi psikologisnya untuk berperilaku secara terkontrol oleh nilai yang menjadi sumber rujukannya ialah Islam, dan sistem nilai tingkah laku dari makhluk yang mengandung interrelasi atau interkomunikasi dengan yang lainnya

    Islamic Education in Facing the Challenges of Radicalism and Extremism among the Younger Generation

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    This research aims to explore the role of Islamic education in facing the challenges of radicalism and extremism among the younger generation. Using a qualitative approach, this study analyzes various strategies implemented by Islamic educational institutions to form a moderate and inclusive religious understanding. The data was obtained through in-depth interviews with educators, scholars, and students in several Islamic schools and Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. The results of the study show that Islamic education that emphasizes the values of tolerance, social justice, and openness to diversity can play a significant role in preventing radicalization among adolescents. In addition, the active involvement of parents and the community in religious education was also found to be an important factor in shaping the character of the young generation who are resilient to the influence of radical ideology. This study concludes that holistic and contextual Islamic education is indispensable to face the increasingly complex challenges of radicalism and extremism in the modern era

    Penguatan Moderasi Beragama Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Dalam Upaya Membentuk Sikap Moderat Siswa Madrasah: Moderasi Beragama

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    Abstrak   Penelitian ini berdasarkan adanya fenomena sikap intoleran yang terjadi pada siswa. Hal ini memunculkan sikap kekhawatiran dari para guru, Lembaga Pendidikan, hingga pemerintah dalam menyikapi sikap intoleran tersebut. Sementara itu, hadirnya Keputusan Menteri Agama Nomor 184 Tahun 2019 sebagai pedoman implementasi kurikulum pada madrasah menjawab kekhawatiran tersebut dengan menyisipkan penguatan moderasi beragama berbasis kearifan lokal di madrasah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan, penguatan moderasi beragama berbasis kearifan lokal di madrasah dapat membentuk budaya berpikir moderat melalui metode pembiasaan, pembudayaan dan pemberdayaan. Setelah dianalisis, bentuk penguatan moderasi beragama berbasis kearifan lokal dan implikasinya terhadap pembentukan budaya berpikir moderat pada siswa antara lain: (1) Bentuk penguatan moderasi beragama ke dalam mata pelajaran, muatan lokal dan ekstrakurikuler ialah melalui metode pembiasaan yang aplikasinya dengan kegiatan rutin, spontan, dan keteladanan. Pembiasaan tersebut menjadi produk budaya siswa dan dapat dimanfaatkan dan diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat (pemberdayaan), (2) Implikasi dari penguatan moderasi beragama berbasis kearifan lokal ialah siswa yang memiliki budaya berpikir moderat dalam pemikiran, perbuatan dan Gerakan. Manifestasi dari sikap tersebut ialah siswa memiliki sikap komitmen kebangsaan, anti kekerasan, toleransi dan mengakomodasi budaya lokal.   Kata Kunci: Moderasi, Kearifan lokal, Moderat

    Sistem Nilai dan Relasinya dengan Pendidikan Islam

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    Pendidikan Islam tidak bebas nilai karena memiliki relasi dengan sistem nilai. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menganalisis relasi sistem nilai dengan pendidikan Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah studi kepustakaan, dengan analisis data kualitatif. Adapun hasil penelitiannya yaitu nilai-nilai yang tercakup di dalam sistem nilai islami yang merupakan komponen sistem nilai kultur yang senada dengan Islam, sistem nilai yang memiliki mekanisme gerak yang berorientasi kepada kehidupan sejahtera di dunia dan bahagia di akhirat, sistem nilai yang bersifat psikologis dari masing-masing individu yang didorong oleh fungsi psikologisnya untuk berperilaku secara terkontrol oleh nilai yang menjadi sumber rujukannya ialah Islam, dan sistem nilai tingkah laku dari makhluk yang mengandung interrelasi atau interkomunikasi dengan yang lainnya

    Ibn Khaldun's Material Religious Pragmatic Ideas Are Relevant To The Goals Of Today's Education

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    The purpose of this study is to elaborate on the pragmatic religious ideas of Ibn Khaldun, and their relevance to the purpose of education today. The research method used is library research, with observation and documentation data collection techniques. Meanwhile, the research analysis used is qualitative data analysis. The results of the study show, from the social side, that students are able to benefit other humans by not abandoning the obligation to maintain their lives and families or more towards educational goals that are religious, pragmatic, and material. The educational curriculum must be able to ensure the direction of students, not only make them current learners but they are preparing for the future. The concept of badawah and hadarah is a pillar of the situation. Students who are in cities and villages will certainly have different facilities and access to education, but the teaching provided has the same signs in order to create students as expected

    Legality of Interfaith Marriages in Indonesia: Legal Review, Implementation Management, and Psychological Impact on Families

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    This study aims to analyze the legality of interfaith marriage in Indonesia, including legal review, implementation management, and psychological impact on the family. The research method used is library research with a qualitative research approach. The study results show that policy recommendations must include changes to marriage laws, increasing public awareness, and education about the importance of tolerance and inclusivity in a multicultural society like Indonesia. The convoluted recording process and the inconsistency between state law and religious law are the main challenges that must be overcome. The implementation of the legality of interfaith marriage in Indonesia is still experiencing bureaucratic rigidity and a lack of coordination between related institutions. This creates administrative barriers that often prevent interfaith couples from obtaining official recognition of their marriage.  Couples of different religions and their families experience significant psychological impacts, including social stigma, identity conflicts, psychological distress, and difficulties in educating children. This indicates the need for greater psychological and social support for interfaith couple