56 research outputs found

    Evaluating Intelligent Knowledge Systems (Article Abstract)

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    The article published in Knowledge and Information Systems examines the evaluation of a user-adaptive personal assistant agent designed to assist a busy knowledge worker in time management. The article examines the managerial and technical challenges of designing adequate evaluation and the tension of collecting adequate data without a fully functional, deployed system. The PTIME agent was part of the CALO project, a seminal multi-institution effort to develop a personalized cognitive assistant. The project included a significant attempt to rigorously quantify learning capability, which the article discusses for the first time, and ultimately the project led to multiple spin-outs including Siri. Retrospection on negative and positive experiences over the six years of the project underscores best practice in evaluating user-adaptive systems. Through the lessons illustrated from the case study of intelligent knowledge system evaluation, the article highlights how development and infusion of innovative technology must be supported by adequate evaluation of its efficacy.Algorithmic

    On Learning from Human Expert Knowledge for Automated Scheduling

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    Automated scheduling systems and decision support tools require at least four kinds of knowledge: 1) domain knowledge, 2) problem instance knowledge, 3) control knowledge, and 4) solving knowledge. This short paper draws attention to learning from human experts for these different kinds of knowledge, and advocates a complementarity of knowledge acquisition by automated techniques and by human knowledge engineers.Algorithmic

    Evaluating a Knowledge-Based Scheduling Assistant (Article Abstract)

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    We summarize a recent article that studies the evaluation of a knowledge-based scheduling system. The article considers a user-adaptive personal assistant agent designed to assist a busy knowledge worker in time management. We examine the managerial and technical challenges of designing adequate evaluation and the tension of collecting adequate data without a fully functional, deployed system. The PTIME agent was part of the CALO project, a seminal multi-institution effort to develop a personalized cognitive assistant. The project included a significant attempt to rigorously quantify learning capability in the context of automated scheduling assistance. Retrospection on negative and positive experiences over the six years of the project underscores best practice in evaluating user-adaptive systems. Through the lessons illustrated from the case study, the article highlights how development and infusion of innovative technology must be supported by adequate evaluation of its efficacy.Algorithmic

    A high-impact and expeditious journal for computational and algorithmic computer science research

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    Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Algorithmic

    Responsible Artificial Intelligence: (book review)

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    Agent-Based Simulation of Short-Term Peer-to-Peer Rentals: Evidence from the Amsterdam Housing Market (Article Abstract)

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    The full article published in Environment and Planning B studies the effect of a range of possible municipal policy measures on the peer-to-peer short-term rental market. The case study is the city of Amsterdam. A spatial agent-based simulation indicates that more lower income citizens remain in the city centre when regulation of the market is stronger, and that banning the touristic market restrains the overall increase in house prices, compared to the business-as-usual scenario. However, the feasibility of enforcement of regulation, and its libertarian consequences, must be considered.Algorithmic

    Predicting the Optimal Period for Cyclic Hoist Scheduling Problems

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    Since combinatorial scheduling problems are usually NP-hard, this paper investigates whether machine learning (ML) can accelerate exact solving of a problem instance. We adopt supervised learning on a corpus of problem instances, to acquire a function that predicts the optimal makespan for a given instance. The learned predictor is invariant to the instance size as it uses statistics of instance attributes. We provide this prediction to a solving algorithm in the form of bounds on the objective function. Specifically, this approach is applied to the well-studied Cyclic Hoist Scheduling Problem (CHSP). The goal for a CHSP instance is to find a feasible schedule for a hoist which moves objects between tanks with minimal cyclic period. Taking an existing Constraint Programming (CP) model for this problem, and an exact CP-SAT solver, we implement a Deep Neural Network, a Random Forest and a Gradient Boosting Tree in order to predict the optimal period p. Experimental results find that, first, ML models (in particular DNNs), can be good predictors of the optimal p; and, second, providing tight bounds for p around the predicted value to an exact solver significantly reduces the solving time without compromising the optimality of the solutions.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Algorithmic

    Optimal training of integer-valued neural networks with mixed integer programming

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    Recent work has shown potential in using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) solvers to optimize certain aspects of neural networks (NNs). However the intriguing approach of training NNs with MIP solvers is under-explored. State-of-the-art-methods to train NNs are typically gradient-based and require significant data, computation on GPUs, and extensive hyper-parameter tuning. In contrast, training with MIP solvers does not require GPUs or heavy hyper-parameter tuning, but currently cannot handle anything but small amounts of data. This article builds on recent advances that train binarized NNs using MIP solvers. We go beyond current work by formulating new MIP models which improve training efficiency and which can train the important class of integer-valued neural networks (INNs). We provide two novel methods to further the potential significance of using MIP to train NNs. The first method optimizes the number of neurons in the NN while training. This reduces the need for deciding on network architecture before training. The second method addresses the amount of training data which MIP can feasibly handle: we provide a batch training method that dramatically increases the amount of data that MIP solvers can use to train. We thus provide a promising step towards using much more data than before when training NNs using MIP models. Experimental results on two real-world data-limited datasets demonstrate that our approach strongly outperforms the previous state of the art in training NN with MIP, in terms of accuracy, training time and amount of data. Our methodology is proficient at training NNs when minimal training data is available, and at training with minimal memory requirements—which is potentially valuable for deploying to low-memory devices.Algorithmic

    Delftse Foundations of Computation

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    Delftse Foundations of Computation is a textbook for a one quarter introductory course in theoretical computer science. It includes topics from propositional and predicate logic, proof techniques, set theory and the theory of computation, along with practical applications to computer science. It has no prerequisites other than a general familiarity with computer programming.Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/Distributed SystemsAlgorithmic

    NLtoPDDL: One-Shot Learning of PDDL Models from Natural Language Process Manuals

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    Existing automated domain acquisition approaches require large amounts of structured data in the form of plans or plan traces to converge. Further, automatically-generated domain models can be incomplete, error-prone, and hard to understand or modify. To mitigate these issues, we take advantage of readily-available natural language data: existing process manuals. We present a domain-authoring pipeline called NLtoPDDL, which takes as input a plan written in natural language and outputs a corresponding PDDL model. We employ a two-stage approach: stage one advances the state-of-the-art in action sequence extraction by utilizing transfer learning via pre-trained contextual language models (BERT and ELMo). Stage two employs an interactive modification of an object-centric algorithm which keeps human-in-the-loop to one-shot learn a PDDL model from the extracted plan. We show that NLtoPDDL is an effective and flexible domain-authoring tool by using it to learn five real-world planning domains of varying complexities and evaluating them for their completeness, soundness and quality.Algorithmic
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