149 research outputs found

    Effects of Oriental medicines on the production of advanced glycation endproducts

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    Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) are largely involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. It is apparent that inhibition of AGEs formation is important in preventing the occurrence and progression of nephropathy. Therefore, to seek possible AGEs inhibitors in Oriental medicines, we began our investigation with an in vitro evaluation system. Among the 12 Oriental medical prescriptions examined, Ompi-to inhibited AGEs formation to the greatest extent, followed by Tokaku-joki-to and Keishi-bukuryo-gan and Daio-botampi-to in that order. Among the 21 component galenicals examined, Rhei Rhizoma, Cinnamomi Cortex, Moutan Cortex and Paeoniae Radix all had a potent inhibitory action, indicating that Rhei Rhizoma, vascular system disturbance -eliminating drugs and tannin-containing crude drugs can all inhibit the formation of AGEs. These Oriental prescriptions and component galenicals proved to have more potent inhibitory activity than the positive control aminoguanidine. advanced glycation endproducts(AGE)は糖尿病性腎症の成因に倧きく関䞎しおおり,AGE生成の抑制が腎症発症・進展防止に重芁であるこずが知られおいる。このこずから,本研究ではAGE阻害薬の可胜性を和挢薬に求め,in vitroの評䟡系で怜蚎した。䜿甚した挢方方剀12皮類のうち,最もAGE生成を抑制した挢方方剀は枩脟湯で,次いで桃栞承気湯,桂枝茯苓䞞,倧黄牡䞹皮湯の順であった。実隓に䟛した21皮類の構成生薬では倧黄,桂皮,牡䞹皮,芍薬に匷い抑制䜜甚を認め,倧黄剀,駆〓血剀ならびにタンニン生薬がAGEの生成を抑制しおいるものず考えられた。たたこれらは陜性察照物質のアミノグアニゞンより匷い掻性を瀺した

    A study of Kampo medicines in a diabetic nephropathy model

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    The effects of four Kampo medicines, Ompi-to, Hachimi-jio-gan, Keishi-bukuryo-gan and Sairei-to, were investigated in rats with diabetic nephropathy induced by subtotal nephrectomy and injection of streptozotocin. To evaluate their effects on the glycation reaction, excessive activity of the polyol pathway and oxidative stress (abnormal bio-chemical processes induced by persistent hyperglycemia), we determined levels of the major endproducts of these processes: advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and sorbitol in the kidney and lipid peroxidation in the serum. These three processes were all enhanced in rats with untreated diabetic nephropathy. Oral administration of all four medicines significantly lowered AGEs levels. The renal sorbitol concentration was significantly lowered in the Hachimi-jio-gan-, Sairei-to- and Keishi-bukuryo-gan-treated groups compared with the untreated control group. Serum lipid peroxidation was significantly lowered in the Keishi-bukuryo-gan, Ompi-to and Sairei-to groups, while creatinine clearance and urinary protein excretion (parameters of renal function) were ameliorated by Keishi-bukuryo-gan and Hachimi-jio-gan, respectively, indicating retardation of the progression of diabetic nephropathy. These results suggest the potential therapeutic usefulness of Kampo medicines as a treatment for diabetic nephropathy. It is believed that their actions may occur through different mechanisms. 挢方方剀(枩脟湯,八味地黄䞞,桂枝茯苓䞞,柎苓湯)の糖尿病性腎症に及がす圱響を,モデルラットを甚い怜蚎した。慢性的な高血糖状態では糖化反応,ポリオヌル経路,酞化ストレスの亢進をひき起こすが,これらの指暙の腎組織䞭のadvanced glycation endproducts(AGEs)ず゜ルビトヌル,血䞭脂質過酞化量は,いずれも糖尿病性腎症ラットで有意に増加しおいた。これに察し,4皮類の挢方方剀を投䞎した矀では,いずれの堎合も腎組織䞭のAGEsレベルが有意に䜎䞋しおいた。しかし゜ルビトヌル含量は八味地黄䞞,柎苓湯,桂枝茯苓䞞投䞎矀で,血䞭脂質過酞化量は桂枝茯苓䞞,枩脟湯,柎苓湯投䞎矀で有意に䜎䞋しおいた。たた腎機胜パラメヌタヌのクレアチニンクリアランスず尿蛋癜排泄量は桂枝茯苓䞞,八味地黄䞞投䞎矀で有意に改善しおいた。このこずから,4皮類の挢方方剀はそれぞれ異なった䜜甚機序で,糖尿病性腎症の進展を抑制しおいる可胜性が瀺唆された

    Confirmation that Luobuma ameliorates the deterioration of antioxidant defense in senescence-accelerated mice

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    To determine whether Luobuma extract ameliorates the deterioration in antioxidant defense with aging, the effect of Luobuma extract was investigated in senescence-accelerated mice (SAM). In comparison with AKR/N Slc mice, a strain consistent with SAM but exhibiting normal aging, SAM treated with extract showed a lower glutathione (GSH) and glutathione/glutathione disulfide (GSH/GSSG) ratio in the liver and kidney, and increased levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a lipid peroxidation product. Administration of Luobuma extract increased the GSH level and GSH/GSSG ratio, and suppressed MDA production. On the other hand, the reduced activities of hepatic superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase participating in the glutathione redox cycle were increased significantly by administration of Luobuma extract. A significant increase in renal SOD activity was also observed. In addition, the increased level of MDA in hepatic tissue was reduced in SAM given Luobuma extract. These findings indicate that Luobuma extract helps to ameliorate oxidative stress in SAM. 矅垃麻゚キスが老化における酞化防埡機構にいかなる圱響を及がしおいるかに぀いお,老化促進マりス(SAM)を甚い怜蚎した。SAMず同じ系統ではあるが,通垞の老化過皋を蟿るAKR/N Slcマりスに比べ,SAMでは肝,腎組織䞭のグルタチオンレベルずグルタチオン/グルタチオンゞスルフィド比は䜎䞋し,脂質過酞化物のマロンゞアルデヒドは逆に増加しおいた。䞀方,矅垃麻゚キスを投䞎したSAMでは,これらパラメヌタヌがいずれも改善し,グルタチオン酞化還元サむクルに関係しおいる肝組織䞭のスヌパヌオキシドゞスムタヌれ,グルタチオンペルオキシダヌれ,グルタチオンレダクタヌれ掻性ず腎組織䞭のスヌパヌオキシドゞスムタヌれ掻性が有意に䞊昇しおいた。たた肝組織䞭のマロンゞアルデヒドも䜎䞋し,SAMで認められた酞化的ストレス状態を矅垃麻゚キスが緩和しおいた

    Evaluation of Oriental medicines using a cultured renal epithelial cell line, LLC-PK_1 : Effects of Carthami Flos, Rhei Rhizoma and Astragali Radix

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    The effects of Carthami FlosRhei Rhizoma and Astragali Radix extractwhich have been proved to ameliorate renal failure in rats with glycerol-induced renal failurewere examined in cell culture under three different culture conditionsRhei Rhizoma extract showed the most potent effect among the three crude drugs under any of the routinehypoxia-reoxygenation and cisplatin exposure conditions employedsuggesting that its favorable effect on proximal tubule function is due to suppression of lipid peroxidation via free radicalsIn contrastthis anti-cytotoxic activity was low in Astragali Radix extractand almost nil in Carthami Flos extractThese results indicate that Rhei RhizomaAstragali Radix and Carthami Flos exert their actions on different sites in the kidney

    Chiyu extract stimulates antioxidant defense ability in senescence-accelerated mice

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    The effect of chiyu extract on antioxidant defense alteration in senescence-accelerated mice (SAM) was examined. Comparison with AKR/N Slc mice, a strain consistent with SAM but exhibiting normal aging, showed a lower glutathione (GSH) level and glutathione/glutathione disulfide (GSH/ GSSG) ratio in the kidney and liver of SAM, whereas malondialdehyde (MDA), a lipid peroxidation product, was increased significantly. Administration of chiyu extract increased the GSH level and GSH/ GSSG ratio, and markedly suppressed MDA production. On the other hand, detection of renal enzymes related to the glutathione redox cycle showed that catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities were largely decreased in SAM, whereas chiyu extract reversed this tendency. The reduced activities of hepatic catalase and glutathione reductase were increased significantly by the extract. These findings suggest that a decline of the antioxidant defense system occurs in SAM, and that chiyu extract may have a beneficial effect in ameliorating oxidative stress or damage. 老化促進マりス(SAM)の抗酞化防埡機構に察し,地楡゚キスがいかなる圱響を及がしおいるかに぀いお,SAMず同じ系統ではあるが,通垞の老化過皋を蟿るAKR/N Slcマりスず比范怜蚎した。その結果,SAMの腎,肝グルタチオンレベルずグルクチオン/グルタチオンゞスルフィド比は䜎䞋し,脂質過酞化物のマロンゞアルデヒドは逆に有意に䞊昇しおいたが,地楡゚キスを投䞎したSAMでは,これらパラメヌタヌがいずれも改善しおいた。䞀方,グルタチオン酞化還元サむクルに関係しおいる酵玠のうち,腎ではカタラヌれずグルクチオンペルオキシダヌれ掻性がSAMで著しく䜎䞋し,地楡゚キス投䞎によっおこれら酵玠の掻性が回埩しおいた。肝においおも䜎䞋しおいたカタラヌれずグルタチオンレダクタヌれ掻性が゚キス投䞎により著しく回埩しおいた。これら所芋は,SAMで認められる抗酞化防埡系の䜎䞋が,地楡゚キスによっお是正されるこずを瀺唆するものである

    Evaluation of Keishi-bukuryo-gan in a diabetic nephropathy model by comparison with aminoguanidine, butylated hydroxytoluene and captopril

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    桂枝茯苓䞞の糖尿病性腎症に察する䜜甚を,モデルラットを甚い怜蚎した。腎機胜パラメヌタヌ,病理組織孊的怜蚎に加え,advanced glycation end products(AGEs)の蓄積,酞化ストレスに及がす圱響を,アミノグアニゞン(AGEs阻害薬),カプトプリル(アンゞオテンシン倉換酵玠阻害薬),buthylated hydroxytoluene(BHT)(抗酞化剀)ずで比范怜蚎した。桂枝茯苓䞞では腎機胜(血枅Cr,尿蛋癜排泄量)ず病理所芋の有意な改善䜜甚が認められ,糖尿病性腎症の進展を抑制するこずが実隓的に明らかずなったが,このような腎保護䜜甚はカプトプリルよりは匱く,アミノグアニゞンず同皋床であった。BHTには腎保護䜜甚は認められなかった。腎組織䞭のAGEsの蓄積に察しおは,桂枝茯苓䞞,カプトプリル,BHTがいずれも有意に䜎䞋しおいたが,アミノグアニゞンの䜜甚よりは匱かった。腎組織䞭の脂質過酞化量はBHTで最も䜎䞋し,桂枝茯苓䞞,カプトプリルでも有意に䜎䞋しおいた。䞀方,血䞭脂質過酞化に察しおは,すべおにおいお有意な䜎䞋䜜甚が認められたが,カプトプリルで最も匷かった。このこずから,桂枝茯苓䞞はカプトプリルやアミノグアニゞンずは異なった機序で糖尿病性腎症の進展を抑制しおいる可胜性が瀺された。 A study was done to investigate whether Keishi-bukuryo-gan can delay the progression of diabetic nephropathy in an experimentally induced diabetic nephropathy model. The efficacy of Keishi-bukuryo-gan against renal functional and structural changes and its influence on accumulation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and oxidative stress were also examined by comparison with aminoguanidine (an AGEs inhibitor), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT; an antioxidant) and captopril (an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor). Treatment with Keishi-bukuryo-gan for 10 weeks preserved renal function, as assessed in terms of proteinuria and serum creatinine, and prevented the morphological changes peculiar to diabetic nephropathy. However, its renoprotective activity was inferior to that of captopril and comparable to that of aminoguanidine. BHT lacked any of these effects. On the other hand, renal AGEs accumulation and oxidative stress were significantly enhanced in rats with untreated diabetic nephropathy compared with normal rats. Keishi-bukuryo-gan, captopril and BHT showed significant reduction of AGEs levels, but not to the extent shown by aminoguanidine. Renal lipid peroxidation levels were significantly lowered in the groups given Keishi-bukuryo-gan and captopril, but not to the extent shown in the rats given BHT. The reduction of serum lipid peroxidation levels by captopril was stronger than that by BHT. The effects of Keishi-bukuryo-gan and aminoguanidine on serum lipid peroxidation levels were similar to those of BHT. These results suggest that the pharmaceutical characteristics of Keishi-bukuryo-gan may differ from those of the other three medicines examined

    Protective effect of Sanguisorbae Radix against apoptosis and function of renal tissues subjected to ischemia-reperfusion

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    DNA ladders were detected by gel electrophoresis of DNA obtained from rat kidney subjected to 60 min of ischemia followed by 24 h of reperfusion, indicating the involvement of apoptosis in ischemia-reperfusion injury. This ladder formation was significantly inhibited by oral administration of Sanguisorbae Radix extract to rats for 30 days prior to ischemia-reperfusion. In addition, blood levels of urea nitrogen and creatinine, two parameters of renal function, were markedly lower in the Sanguisorbae Radix-treated animals than in the untreated controls. These results suggest that Sanguisorbae Radix has potential for attenuating renal injury and accelerating the recovery of renal function after ischemia-reperfusion injury, which might involve inhibition of apoptosis. 60分間虚血埌,24時間再灌流したラット腎のDNAにラダヌが出珟し,腎虚血䞀再灌流障害にアポトヌシスが関䞎しおいるこずが瀺唆された。このようなDNAの断片化は,地楡゚キスを前もっお30日間経口投䞎した堎合,有意に抑制され,腎機胜の指暙の血䞭尿玠窒玠ずクレアチニンレベルも地楡゚キス凊理矀で著しく䜎䞋しおいた。このこずから,地楡はアポトヌシスが関䞎した腎虚血䞀再灌流障害を軜滅しお,腎機胜の回埩をはかっおいるものず掚枬された

    Increase of radical in rats with adenine-induced renal failure is suppressed by Wen-Pi-Tang

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    We analyzed the free radical reaction in the body in vivo under the conditions of renal failure, using an L-band electron spin resonance apparatus. In rats with adenine-induced renal failure, the attenuation velocity of 3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxyl was lowered in comparison with normal rats, indicating that they were in a state of augmented oxidation. In contrast, the attenuation velocity was higher in rats given Wen-Pi-Tang, showing a shift toward reduction. In the kidney of rats given Wen-Pi-Tang, we also found that a significant decrease in glutathione disulfide (GSSG) level caused an increase in the glutathione/GSSG ratio. In addition, there were significant reductions of increased thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance level and decreased superoxide dismutase and increased glutathione peroxidase activities, suggesting a decreased hydrogen peroxide production, which presumably drove the glutathione redox cycle toward reduction. The results of the present study suggest the possibility that Wen-Pi-Tang exerts an antioxidant effect through regulation of the redox cycle. L-バンドESR(生䜓蚈枬甚ESR)装眮を甚い,腎䞍党における生䜓内フリヌラゞカル反応を解析した。アデニン誘発腎䞍党ラット腎では,正垞ラットより3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxylの枛衰速床が遅延し,酞化亢進状態にあった。これに察し,枩脟湯投䞎矀では枛衰速床が速やかずなり,還元方向に倉換しおいた。䞀方,枩脟湯投䞎矀の腎臓では増加したグルタチオンゞスルフィドレベルの有意な䜎䞋からグルタチオン/グルタチオンゞスルフィド比の䞊昇が認められ,たた増加したチオバルビツヌル酞反応物質レベル,䜎䞋したスヌパヌオキシドゞスムタヌれず䞊昇したグルタチオンレダクタヌれ掻性の有意な䜎䞋から,過酞化氎玠の産生䜎䞋が瀺唆され,グルタチオン酞化還元サむクルを還元方向に䜜動しおいるものず考えられた。以䞊より,枩脟湯は酞化還元サむクル調節を介しお抗酞化䜜甚を発揮する可胜性が瀺唆された

    Effect of Luobuma leaves against oxidation of low-density lipoprotein : a cell culture assay

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    In a previous study, we observed an improvement in the atherosclerosis index, together with a decrease in blood cholesterol, in rats given Luobuma extract orally and fed a high-cholesterol diet. The present study was designed to examine the function of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in atherosclerotic lesions, using cultured cells. When endothelial cells were cultured with LDL in the presence of Cu^, the release of thiobarbituric acid (TBA) -reactive substance and lactic dehydrogenase into the culture medium was increased, with a decrease in cell viability. However, when Luobuma extract was also present in the culture medium, changes in these parameters were more favorable. In another in vitro system using macrophages, the levels of TBA-reactive substance, total cholesterol and esterified cholesterol were all significantly lower in the presence of Luobuma extract than in its absence. There was also morphological evidence that foam cell formation through incorporation of oxidized LDL was suppressed. These findings indicate that Luobuma suppresses the progression of atherosclerosis, in which oxidized LDL is involved. 先に,高コレステロヌル食投䞎ラットに矅垃麻゚キスを経口投䞎した堎合,高コレステロヌル血症の䜎䞋ずずもに動脈硬化指数の改善䜜甚が認められたので,今回,粥状動脈硬化病倉ぞの酞化LDLの機胜を现胞を甚い怜寞寞した。たず内皮现胞にLDLずCu^を添加しお培逊した堎合,培地䞭ぞのチオバルビツヌル酞反応物質,総LDHの攟出が増加しお,现胞生存率の䜎䞋が芳察された。しかし矅垃麻゚キス添加矀ではこれらパラメヌタがいずれも改善し,たたマクロファヌゞを甚いた系でもチオバルビツヌル酞反応物質,コレステロヌル゚ステル,コレステロヌル゚ステル/遊離コレステロヌル比がいずれも無添加矀より有意に䜎䞋し,圢態孊的な倉化も酞化LDLのずり蟌みに䌎う泡沫化の圢成を抑制する知芋が埗られた。このこずから,矅垃麻は酞化LDLが関䞎する動脈硬化の進展過皋を抑制するこずが明らかずなった
