155 research outputs found

    From task structures to world models: What do LLMs know?

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    In what sense does a large language model have knowledge? The answer to this question extends beyond the capabilities of a particular AI system, and challenges our assumptions about the nature of knowledge and intelligence. We answer by granting LLMs "instrumental knowledge"; knowledge defined by a certain set of abilities. We then ask how such knowledge is related to the more ordinary, "worldly" knowledge exhibited by human agents, and explore this in terms of the degree to which instrumental knowledge can be said to incorporate the structured world models of cognitive science. We discuss ways LLMs could recover degrees of worldly knowledge, and suggest such recovery will be governed by an implicit, resource-rational tradeoff between world models and task demands

    Self-Supervised Intrinsic Image Decomposition

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    Intrinsic decomposition from a single image is a highly challenging task, due to its inherent ambiguity and the scarcity of training data. In contrast to traditional fully supervised learning approaches, in this paper we propose learning intrinsic image decomposition by explaining the input image. Our model, the Rendered Intrinsics Network (RIN), joins together an image decomposition pipeline, which predicts reflectance, shape, and lighting conditions given a single image, with a recombination function, a learned shading model used to recompose the original input based off of intrinsic image predictions. Our network can then use unsupervised reconstruction error as an additional signal to improve its intermediate representations. This allows large-scale unlabeled data to be useful during training, and also enables transferring learned knowledge to images of unseen object categories, lighting conditions, and shapes. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method performs well on both intrinsic image decomposition and knowledge transfer.Comment: NIPS 2017 camera-ready version, project page: http://rin.csail.mit.edu

    Differentially Private Accelerated Optimization Algorithms

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    We present two classes of differentially private optimization algorithms derived from the well-known accelerated first-order methods. The first algorithm is inspired by Polyak's heavy ball method and employs a smoothing approach to decrease the accumulated noise on the gradient steps required for differential privacy. The second class of algorithms are based on Nesterov's accelerated gradient method and its recent multi-stage variant. We propose a noise dividing mechanism for the iterations of Nesterov's method in order to improve the error behavior of the algorithm. The convergence rate analyses are provided for both the heavy ball and the Nesterov's accelerated gradient method with the help of the dynamical system analysis techniques. Finally, we conclude with our numerical experiments showing that the presented algorithms have advantages over the well-known differentially private algorithms.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling human intuitions about liquid flow with particle-based simulation

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    Humans can easily describe, imagine, and, crucially, predict a wide variety of behaviors of liquids--splashing, squirting, gushing, sloshing, soaking, dripping, draining, trickling, pooling, and pouring--despite tremendous variability in their material and dynamical properties. Here we propose and test a computational model of how people perceive and predict these liquid dynamics, based on coarse approximate simulations of fluids as collections of interacting particles. Our model is analogous to a "game engine in the head", drawing on techniques for interactive simulations (as in video games) that optimize for efficiency and natural appearance rather than physical accuracy. In two behavioral experiments, we found that the model accurately captured people's predictions about how liquids flow among complex solid obstacles, and was significantly better than two alternatives based on simple heuristics and deep neural networks. Our model was also able to explain how people's predictions varied as a function of the liquids' properties (e.g., viscosity and stickiness). Together, the model and empirical results extend the recent proposal that human physical scene understanding for the dynamics of rigid, solid objects can be supported by approximate probabilistic simulation, to the more complex and unexplored domain of fluid dynamics.Comment: Under review at PLOS Computational Biolog

    Evaluating Spatial Understanding of Large Language Models

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    Large language models (LLMs) show remarkable capabilities across a variety of tasks. Despite the models only seeing text in training, several recent studies suggest that LLM representations implicitly capture aspects of the underlying grounded concepts. Here, we explore LLM representations of a particularly salient kind of grounded knowledge -- spatial relationships. We design natural-language navigation tasks and evaluate the ability of LLMs, in particular GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4, and Llama2 series models, to represent and reason about spatial structures, and compare these abilities to human performance on the same tasks. These tasks reveal substantial variability in LLM performance across different spatial structures, including square, hexagonal, and triangular grids, rings, and trees. We also discover that, similar to humans, LLMs utilize object names as landmarks for maintaining spatial maps. Finally, in extensive error analysis, we find that LLMs' mistakes reflect both spatial and non-spatial factors. These findings suggest that LLMs appear to capture certain aspects of spatial structure implicitly, but room for improvement remains

    Nonlinear Processing with Linear Optics

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    Deep neural networks have achieved remarkable breakthroughs by leveraging multiple layers of data processing to extract hidden representations, albeit at the cost of large electronic computing power. To enhance energy efficiency and speed, the optical implementation of neural networks aims to harness the advantages of optical bandwidth and the energy efficiency of optical interconnections. In the absence of low-power optical nonlinearities, the challenge in the implementation of multilayer optical networks lies in realizing multiple optical layers without resorting to electronic components. In this study, we present a novel framework that uses multiple scattering that is capable of synthesizing programmable linear and nonlinear transformations concurrently at low optical power by leveraging the nonlinear relationship between the scattering potential, represented by data, and the scattered field. Theoretical and experimental investigations show that repeating the data by multiple scattering enables non-linear optical computing at low power continuous wave light.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures and 1 tabl