388 research outputs found

    The Chronicler's Description of the Temple Administration and the Incorporation of Non-priestly Cultic Personnel among the Levites

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    Thesis advisor: David S. VanderhooftTo approach the lesser known topic of the temple administration in the post-exilic period (539-333 BCE), we have examined specific passages in the book of Chronicles that create a portrait of the temple administration. This portrait focuses on gatekeepers (1 Chr 9:17-32; 26:1-19); treasurers (1 Chr 9:26-28; 26:20-32); and tax collectors (2 Chr 24:5-11; 34:9-13). The first two sets of texts belong to what this work will call "David's Installation Block" which provides the major framework for the relevant material of the Chronicler, who authored the book of Chronicles around between the fifth and fourth centuries BCE. The third set of texts shares the Chronicler's characteristic redactional traits in common with "David's Installation Block." These three sets of texts communicate the Chronicler's ideal image of the temple administration. The guiding question in the present work is whether these selected passages can be used as a source to reconstruct the temple administration in the post-exilic period. We conclude that the Chronicler's description of the temple administration, especially his incorporation of non-priestly cultic personnel among the Levites, must be considered to comprise an argument for an ideal temple administration. The Chronicler's ideal was grounded in his creative exegetical approaches to Pentateuchal traditions and his responses to the contemporary debate about the legtitimate priesthood among different priestly circles; his ideal is not simply a projection of the administrative reality of his own time. For this purpose, we have expounded on the selected passages through a series of literary analyses. These analyses have enabled us to identify, building on the work of other scholars, the Chronicler's literary methods by which he built his sophisticated arguments. Furthermore, we have compared the Chronicler's presentations of the temple gates, the temple revenue, the temple tax, imperial taxes, and the temple staff with other post-exilic biblical and non-biblical data. This comparative approach successfully shows that the Chronicler's treatments of those topics deviated, to a greater or lesser extent, from his contemporaries, while the Chronicler's work displayed the linguistic and sociocultural peculiarities of Persian era Yehud. Although the book of Chronicles does not provide straightforward data to reconstruct the actual realities of the temple administration in the post-exilic period, the work done in this dissertation illuminates how the Chronicler engaged ancient traditions and contemporary situations to develop his image of the ideal future temple administration.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2011.Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Theology

    Optimization of isoprene production using a metabolically engineered Escherichia Coli

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    The volatile C5 hydrocarbon, isoprene is an important platform chemical, which has been used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber for tires and also has the potential for various other applications such as elastomers and adhesives. Moreover, isoprene is convertible to biofuel blend stocks such as C10 gasoline, C15 diesel, and jet fuels because of its higher energy content than other biofuels. Although isoprene is currently derived from petroleum, its sustainable supply has been suffered from price fluctuation of crude oil, high refining cost and energy consumption, and low recovery yield of pure isoprene. As an alternative, the biologically produced isoprene (bio-isoprene) has been developed rapidly for the last decade. Bio-isoprene is synthesized from dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP), which is derived from mevalonate (MVA) pathway or the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway, by isoprene synthase. In this study, metabolic engineering for enhanced production of bio-isoprene was performed by deletion of relevant genes and optimization of culture condition. In comparison of isoprene production between E.coli DH5α and MG1655, lower isoprene production was observed in MG1655. The lower isoprene production in E. coli MG1655 was ascribed to the presence of recA gene which is absent in the DH5α strain. The deletion of recA gene in E.coli MG1655 allows higher isoprene production than E. coli DH5α. Moreover, the optimized expression of isoprene synthesis pathway with 0.03mM IPTG induction enhanced the isoprene production up to 2,850 mg/L. Overall, isoprene production through the optimization was improved by 28.5-fold compared to the initial production of MG1655 strain. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Comparative Microarray Analysis of Intestinal Lymphocytes following Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima, or E. tenella Infection in the Chicken

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    Relative expression levels of immune- and non-immune-related mRNAs in chicken intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes experimentally infected with Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima, or E. tenella were measured using a 10K cDNA microarray. Based on a cutoff of >2.0-fold differential expression compared with uninfected controls, relatively equal numbers of transcripts were altered by the three Eimeria infections at 1, 2, and 3 days post-primary infection. By contrast, E. tenella elicited the greatest number of altered transcripts at 4, 5, and 6 days post-primary infection, and at all time points following secondary infection. When analyzed on the basis of up- or down-regulated transcript levels over the entire 6 day infection periods, approximately equal numbers of up-regulated transcripts were detected following E. tenella primary (1,469) and secondary (1,459) infections, with a greater number of down-regulated mRNAs following secondary (1,063) vs. primary (890) infection. On the contrary, relatively few mRNA were modulated following primary infection with E. acervulina (35 up, 160 down) or E. maxima (65 up, 148 down) compared with secondary infection (E. acervulina, 1,142 up, 1,289 down; E. maxima, 368 up, 1,349 down). With all three coccidia, biological pathway analysis identified the altered transcripts as belonging to the categories of “Disease and Disorder” and “Physiological System Development and Function”. Sixteen intracellular signaling pathways were identified from the differentially expressed transcripts following Eimeria infection, with the greatest significance observed following E. acervulina infection. Taken together, this new information will expand our understanding of host-pathogen interactions in avian coccidiosis and contribute to the development of novel disease control strategies

    Longitudinal relationship between depression and antisocial behaviors in Korean adolescents

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    BackgroundIt is well known that depression and delinquency in adolescents are highly correlated, but longitudinal studies on the causal relationship between them are not active in East Asia compared to in Western culture. In addition, even the results of research on causal models and sex differences are inconsistent.ObjectivesThis study examines the longitudinal reciprocal effects between depression and delinquent behavior in Korean adolescents based on sex differences.MethodsWe conducted multiple-group analysis by using an autoregressive cross-lagged model (ACLM). Longitudinal data from 2,075 individuals (2011–2013) were used for analysis. The longitudinal data are from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS), and data were used beginning with students at 14 years old (in the second grade of middle school) and tracked them until they were 16 (in the first grade of high school).ResultsBoys’ delinquent behaviors at 15 years (the third grade of middle school) affected their depression at 16 years (the first grade of high school). In contrast, girls’ depression at 15 years (the third grade of middle school) influenced their delinquent behaviors at 16 years (the first grade of high school).DiscussionThe findings support the failure model (FM) among adolescent boys and the acting-out model (ACM) among girls. The results imply that strategies to effectively prevent and treat delinquency and depression in adolescents must consider sex effects

    Cargo proteins in extracellular vesicles: potential for novel therapeutics in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

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    Background Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are recognized as novel cell-free therapeutics. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) remains a critical health problem. Herein, we show that EVs from pan peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonist-primed induced mesenchymal stem cell (pan PPAR-iMSC-EVs) has unique cargo protein signatures, and demonstrate its therapeutic function in NASH. Results A unique protein signatures were identified in pan PPAR-iMSC-EVs against those from non-stimulated iMSC-EVs. NASH mice receiving pan PPAR-iMSC-EVs showed reduced steatotic changes and ameliorated ER stress and mitochondiral oxidative stress induced by inflammation. Moreover, pan PPAR-iMSC-EVs promoted liver regeneration via inhibiting apoptosis and enhancing proliferation. Conclusions We conclude that our strategy for enriching unique cargo proteins in EVs may facilitate the development of novel therapeutic option for NASH. Graphical AbstractThis work was supported by the Technology Development Program (S2823001) from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (MSS, Korea). This work was also supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (2018R1D1A1A02085481)

    Pure Sensory Deficit at the T4 Sensory Level as an Isolated Manifestation of Lateral Medullary Infarction

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    In rare cases restricted sensory deficits along the somatotopic topography of the spinothalamic tract can develop from a lateral medullary infarction. To our knowledge, isolated dermatomal sensory deficit as a single manifestation of a lateral medullary infarction has not been reported previously. A 58-year-old man presenting with sudden left-sided paresthesia complained of sensory deficit of pain and temperature below the left T4 sensory level without other neurologic deficits. Diffuse- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain showed high signal intensities in the right lower medulla oblongata, whereas thoracic-spine MRI and somatosensory evoked potentials produced normal findings

    Numb Chin Syndrome with Concomitant Painful Ophthalmoplegia Leading to a Diagnosis of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma

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    Painful ophthalmoplegia (PO) and concomitant numb chin syndrome (NCS) is a very rare event. There are a few reports in the literature about PO and concomitant NCS that have preceded the diagnosis of a malignancy. In this report, we describe a patient with diffuse large B cell lymphoma who presented with PO and concomitant NCS as the initial symptom of the disease

    Refractory Hypertension and Isosexual Pseudoprecocious Puberty Associated with Renin-Secreting Ovarian Steroid Cell Tumor in a Girl

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    Steroid cell tumor, not otherwise specified (NOS), are rare ovarian tumor, in addition, it is more rare in children. The majority of these tumors produce several steroid hormones, particularly testosterone. Estrogen also secreted by steroid cell tumor, NOS, but it is uncommon. Furthermore, hypertension is an infrequent sign in steroid cell tumor, NOS. An 8.5-yr-old girl with hypertension and frequent vaginal spotting visited at our clinic. On laboratory evaluation, secondary hypertension due to an elevated plasma renin level and isosexual pseudoprecocious puberty was diagnosed. Right solid ovarian mass was detected in radiologic tests. She underwent a right ooporectomy and it revealed renin and progesterone receptor positive steroid cell tumor, NOS. After operation, her blood pressure returned to normal level and vaginal bleeding disappeared. Even though this case is very rare, when hypertension coincides with virilization or feminization, a renin-secreting ovarian steroid cell tumor, NOS, should be considered