16 research outputs found

    NE102A Plastic Scintillator Response to He-3 Ions

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    Plastic scintillators are widely used in detecting nuclear radiation due to their low construction cost, the ability to be produced in nearly any shape and size and relatively fast time response, among which NE102A (or its equivalents, BC400 and EJ-212) is one of the most famous and widely used scintillators in the focal plane of the particle magnetic spectrometers. In this study, the response of a large NE102A scintillator to He-3 ions was investigated in the energy range of 55-87 MeV. The experimental data were collected from the measurements carried out at the accelerator center of University of Groningen, the Netherlands (KVI-CART). The results of this research, acceptably consistent with previous published experimental data, confirmed that the response of the NE102A scintillator to He-3 ions with energies more than 10 MeV is approximately linear

    Decision support for the design of a building form for the coupled consideration of daylight and natural ventilation in a dense urban context

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    Climate change, energy crisis, efficiency, equity, and improving indoor air quality are among the primary drivers for applying daylight and natural ventilation for passive cooling in the built environment. Appropriate urban configurations and building forms are vital for the effective admittance of natural resources. Numerous studies investigated daylight and natural ventilation separately. However, a simultaneous application of daylight and natural ventilation is still needed to find the proper form to offer access at the urban and building scale in dense urban areas. Thus, this research study develops the urban configuration and building geometry needed to apply daylight and natural ventilation in dense urban contexts. This is accomplished by dividing the process into four linear and interconnected steps to test whether the form of the building meets the specified criteria in each step. The proper form is evaluated at each stage, using rules of thumb available and climate-based simulation metrics

    Decision support for the design of a building form for the coupled consideration of daylight and natural ventilation in a dense urban context

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    Climate change, energy crisis, efficiency, equity, and improving indoor air quality are among the primary drivers for applying daylight and natural ventilation for passive cooling in the built environment. Appropriate urban configurations and building forms are vital for the effective admittance of natural resources. Numerous studies investigated daylight and natural ventilation separately. However, a simultaneous application of daylight and natural ventilation is still needed to find the proper form to offer access at the urban and building scale in dense urban areas. Thus, this research study develops the urban configuration and building geometry needed to apply daylight and natural ventilation in dense urban contexts. This is accomplished by dividing the process into four linear and interconnected steps to test whether the form of the building meets the specified criteria in each step. The proper form is evaluated at each stage, using rules of thumb available and climate-based simulation metrics

    L'estabilització del producte interferomètrica d'un femtosegon oscil·lador paramètric òptic

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    [ANGLÈS] In this project we present a new technique to stabilize the cavity length of a tunable synchronously-pumped OPO and consequently achieve wavelength stability using more standard equipment commonly used to stabilize single frequency lasers. This technique is based on a concept that was introduced years ago in the context of mode-locked lasers [1], in which a conventional interferometer is synchronized to the repetition rate (RR) of the laser. In this work, we will implement the use of this technique to ultrafast OPOs by deploying an external Fabry-Perot interferometer synchronous with high harmonic number (about14th) of the OPO?s RR. In order to stabilize our OPO to this reference cavity, we use standard feedback techniques where the Fabry-Perot is modulated and the signal from the detector is demodulated by a lock-in amplifier, thus providing our error signal. This one is in turn integrated by our stabilizer, before being sent to the OPO piezoelectric driver. We will present characterization of the wavelength stability and fine tuning of the signal output pulse train for both long and short term regimes.[CASTELLÀ] En este proyecto se presenta una nueva técnica para estabilizar la longitud de la cavidad de un sintonizable OPO sincrónica de bombeo y en consecuencia lograr la estabilidad banda de frecuencia con más equipamiento estándar utilizada para estabilizar los láseres de frecuencia única. Esta técnica se basa en un concepto que se introdujo hace años en el contexto de modo bloqueado láseres [1], en el que un interferómetro convencional se sincroniza con la tasa de repetición (RR) del láser. En este trabajo, vamos a implementar el uso de esta técnica para ultrarrápida OPO mediante la implementación de un interferómetro Fabry-Perot externo sincronizado con alto número armónico (about14th) del RR del OPO. Con el fin de estabilizar nuestra OPO a esta cavidad referencia, usamos técnicas de realimentación estándar donde el Fabry-Perot es modulada y la señal del detector es demodulada por un amplificador lock-in, proporcionando así nuestra señal de error. Éste es a su vez integrado por nuestra estabilizador, antes de ser enviado al conductor piezoeléctrico OPO. Vamos a presentar la caracterización de la estabilidad de la longitud de onda y la puesta a punto de la salida del tren de pulso de la señal de los regímenes a largo y corto plazo.[CATALÀ] En aquest projecte es presenta una nova tècnica per estabilitzar la longitud de la cavitat d'un sintonitzable OPO sincrònica de bombament i en conseqüència aconseguir l'estabilitat banda de freqüència amb més equipament estàndard utilitzada per estabilitzar els làsers de freqüència única. Aquesta tècnica es basa en un concepte que es va introduir fa anys en el context de manera bloquejat làsers [1], en el qual un interferòmetre convencional se sincronitza amb la taxa de repetició (RR) del làser. En aquest treball, anem a implementar l'ús d'aquesta tècnica per ultraràpida OPO mitjançant la implementació d'un interferòmetre Fabry-Perot extern sincronitzat amb alt nombre harmònic (about14th) de l'RR del OPO. Per tal d'estabilitzar la nostra OPO a aquesta cavitat referència, fem servir tècniques de realimentació estàndard on el Fabry-Perot és modulada i el senyal del detector és demodulada per un amplificador lock-in, proporcionant així la nostra senyal d'error. Aquest és al seu torn integrat per la nostra estabilitzador, abans de ser enviat al conductor piezoelèctric OPO. Anem a presentar la caracterització de l'estabilitat de la longitud d'ona i la posada a punt de la sortida del tren de pols del senyal dels règims a llarg i curt termini

    Decision support for the design of a building form for the coupled consideration of daylight and natural ventilation in a dense urban context

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    Climate change, energy crisis, efficiency, equity, and improving indoor air quality are among the primary drivers for applying daylight and natural ventilation for passive cooling in the built environment. Appropriate urban configurations and building forms are vital for the effective admittance of natural resources. Numerous studies investigated daylight and natural ventilation separately. However, a simultaneous application of daylight and natural ventilation is still needed to find the proper form to offer access at the urban and building scale in dense urban areas. Thus, this research study develops the urban configuration and building geometry needed to apply daylight and natural ventilation in dense urban contexts. This is accomplished by dividing the process into four linear and interconnected steps to test whether the form of the building meets the specified criteria in each step. The proper form is evaluated at each stage, using rules of thumb available and climate-based simulation metrics

    Decision support for the design of a building form for the coupled consideration of daylight and natural ventilation in a dense urban context

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    Climate change, energy crisis, efficiency, equity, and improving indoor air quality are among the primary drivers for applying daylight and natural ventilation for passive cooling in the built environment. Appropriate urban configurations and building forms are vital for the effective admittance of natural resources. Numerous studies investigated daylight and natural ventilation separately. However, a simultaneous application of daylight and natural ventilation is still needed to find the proper form to offer access at the urban and building scale in dense urban areas. Thus, this research study develops the urban configuration and building geometry needed to apply daylight and natural ventilation in dense urban contexts. This is accomplished by dividing the process into four linear and interconnected steps to test whether the form of the building meets the specified criteria in each step. The proper form is evaluated at each stage, using rules of thumb available and climate-based simulation metrics

    Decision support for the design of a building form for the coupled consideration of daylight and natural ventilation in a dense urban context

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    Climate change, energy crisis, efficiency, equity, and improving indoor air quality are among the primary drivers for applying daylight and natural ventilation for passive cooling in the built environment. Appropriate urban configurations and building forms are vital for the effective admittance of natural resources. Numerous studies investigated daylight and natural ventilation separately. However, a simultaneous application of daylight and natural ventilation is still needed to find the proper form to offer access at the urban and building scale in dense urban areas. Thus, this research study develops the urban configuration and building geometry needed to apply daylight and natural ventilation in dense urban contexts. This is accomplished by dividing the process into four linear and interconnected steps to test whether the form of the building meets the specified criteria in each step. The proper form is evaluated at each stage, using rules of thumb available and climate-based simulation metrics

    Decision support for the design of a building form for the coupled consideration of daylight and natural ventilation in a dense urban context

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    Climate change, energy crisis, efficiency, equity, and improving indoor air quality are among the primary drivers for applying daylight and natural ventilation for passive cooling in the built environment. Appropriate urban configurations and building forms are vital for the effective admittance of natural resources. Numerous studies investigated daylight and natural ventilation separately. However, a simultaneous application of daylight and natural ventilation is still needed to find the proper form to offer access at the urban and building scale in dense urban areas. Thus, this research study develops the urban configuration and building geometry needed to apply daylight and natural ventilation in dense urban contexts. This is accomplished by dividing the process into four linear and interconnected steps to test whether the form of the building meets the specified criteria in each step. The proper form is evaluated at each stage, using rules of thumb available and climate-based simulation metrics

    Decision support for the design of a building form for the coupled consideration of daylight and natural ventilation in a dense urban context

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    Climate change, energy crisis, efficiency, equity, and improving indoor air quality are among the primary drivers for applying daylight and natural ventilation for passive cooling in the built environment. Appropriate urban configurations and building forms are vital for the effective admittance of natural resources. Numerous studies investigated daylight and natural ventilation separately. However, a simultaneous application of daylight and natural ventilation is still needed to find the proper form to offer access at the urban and building scale in dense urban areas. Thus, this research study develops the urban configuration and building geometry needed to apply daylight and natural ventilation in dense urban contexts. This is accomplished by dividing the process into four linear and interconnected steps to test whether the form of the building meets the specified criteria in each step. The proper form is evaluated at each stage, using rules of thumb available and climate-based simulation metrics

    Decision support for the design of a building form for the coupled consideration of daylight and natural ventilation in a dense urban context

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    Climate change, energy crisis, efficiency, equity, and improving indoor air quality are among the primary drivers for applying daylight and natural ventilation for passive cooling in the built environment. Appropriate urban configurations and building forms are vital for the effective admittance of natural resources. Numerous studies investigated daylight and natural ventilation separately. However, a simultaneous application of daylight and natural ventilation is still needed to find the proper form to offer access at the urban and building scale in dense urban areas. Thus, this research study develops the urban configuration and building geometry needed to apply daylight and natural ventilation in dense urban contexts. This is accomplished by dividing the process into four linear and interconnected steps to test whether the form of the building meets the specified criteria in each step. The proper form is evaluated at each stage, using rules of thumb available and climate-based simulation metrics