792 research outputs found

    Book Notice: \u3cem\u3eEmmaus: The Nature of the Way\u3c/em\u3e

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    Gender policy disjunction in education in Kenya : silence, spaces and the implications of vacuum

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    Keeping children in school : a review of open education policies in Lesotho and Malawi

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    The Integration Of Personal Financial Knowledge Into Multi-Disciplines: The First Step Of Reinforcement

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    This study represents an extension of longitudinal studies regarding personal financial literacy.  Graduating college students must have a financial plan in place as they enter the workforce along with a “game plan” on how to attack their college debt.  A college personal finance course can help each student develop their personalized financial plans.  However, other college or university disciplines can help reinforce sound financial principles in their courses.  If you think about it, “money” is a common denominator that links everyone together in our society.  Shouldn’t our universities and colleges be responsible for helping their students become excellent “money managing” stewards

    Personal Branding And e-Professionalism

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    As early as the late 1990s, Tom Peters started the conversation about personal branding with his book The Brand Called You. This concept is not without its supporters and critics. Often people view personal branding as something negative such as bragging or possible view it as self-promotion. In the world of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, it is more important than ever that everyone, but primarily students, understand the implication of their online postings but also consider the importance of crafting, promoting, and defending their personal brand

    The Perception Versus The Reality Of Retirement: Are You Ready To Retire?

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    This study explored the perceptions and the reality of retirement of two groups in northwest Ohio: those planning to retire within five years and those who are currently retired. A survey was constructed to capture the thoughts on retirement, living arrangements in retirement, travel plans, work and volunteer plans, concerns about retirement, philanthropy, working with advisors, and retirement income and debt. Obtaining information pertaining to these areas will assist financial advisors/planners in better serving their clients’ financial future as well as provide “retirement readiness” information for those considering retirement in the near future

    Financial Literacy: Examining The Knowledge Transfer Of Personal Finance From High School To College To Adulthood

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    Many states are now requiring high school students to be competent in the areas of economic and financial literacy.  This is due to the recent escalation of bankruptcies, large credit card debt, and mortgage foreclosures in our society.  This study examines how financial knowledge is transferred from the high school level to the college level and finally to the adult level.  The authors reviewed the components of Blooms taxonomy at each level of learning.  The Jump$tart Survey, which is given to high school students, was evaluated.  College curricula regarding personal finance courses were examined to determine if personal finance was required for graduation, or an option for general education credit, and whether it was required in a major.  The final financial knowledge transfer can happen at the adult level through community programs.  Breakdowns in the transfer of financial learning were noted through the progression from high school to adulthood.  (Keywords: personal finance, financial literacy, high school students, college students, adult learning

    The DSpace Course - Item Submission Workflows

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    This module will introduce the item submission workflows available in DSpace. Workflows allow submissions to be checked before entering the repository. Submissions may be checked for accuracy, in order to improve the metadata, or simply to decide if they are OK to be archived. The module will show the three workflow steps available in DSpace, along with details about adding, changing and removing them from the submission process of collections.This course was created by the Repositories Support Project (http://www.rsp.ac.uk/) and was funded by JISC (http://www.jisc.ac.uk/

    Are Your Personal Financial Characteristics Healthy?

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    This study set out to discover the key personal financial areas or “personal financial characteristics” that individuals should have a basic knowledge of as well as their ability to manage their personal finances.  Once these areas were determined, a self-assessment survey was created.  Upon completion of the survey, a total score can be determined to assess one’s degree of personal financial healthiness.  The study is important because the instrument can help identify problems areas that people have in managing their own personal finances.  The self-assessment survey could be used by financial planners or financial counselors as they work with clients in becoming better stewards of their financial resources.  The instrument also provides an action planning area to be used to identify areas for improvement

    Civility In The University Classroom: An Opportunity For Faculty To Set Expectations

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    This research examines the types of uncivil behaviors frequently encountered in university classrooms.  These behaviors range from walking in late to class, texting in class, and/or unprofessional emails.  These behaviors can often undermine a professor’s teaching.  Setting reasonable and consistent expectations is a combination of university policy, faculty enforcement, and possibly even input from students. While it is understood that we live in a digitally connected world, there is an opportunity for professors to exhibit and reinforce professional behavior that students will be expected to demonstrate in the workplace
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