12 research outputs found

    Alaşehir-Manisa yöresi bağ sulamasında kullanılan damla sulama sistemlerinin değerlendirilmesi

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    This study was carried out to determine the application uniformities and the system efficiencies, and to assess the system components which were causing to reduce the efficiencies in drip irrigation systems used in the vineyards of Alaşehir district. For this purpose, six drip irrigation systems were selected and evaluated with respect to the emission uniformity, emitter discharge variation and statistical uniformity methods. According to the results, two systems were performed both low emission uniformity and system efficiency (;lt;60%). Emitter performance variation those of two systems were found very high (;gt;40%). Evaluation results with regard to application efficiency have showed that improper irrigation schedules were implemented. Under existing irrigation systems condition, irrigation schedules have been proposed considering irrigation water requirement of grapevine. Keywords: Vineyard, drip irrigation, system evaluation, application uniformity, system efficiency.Bu araştırma Alaşehir bölgesindeki bağlarda kullanılmakta olan bazı damla sulama sistemlerinin su uygulama yeknesaklıkları ile sistem randımanlarının ve randıman düşüklüğüne neden olan sistem unsurlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla altı damla sulama sistemi seçilerek debi yeknesaklığı, debi değişimi ve istatistiksel yeknesaklık yöntemleri bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre, iki sistemde hem düşük debi yeknesaklığı hem de düşük sistem randımanı elde edilmiştir (%60). Bu sistemlerde damlatıcı performans değişimi çok yüksek bulunmuştur (>%40). Su uygulama randımanlarına ilişkin değerlendirme sonuçları uygun olmayan sulama programlarının yürütüldüğünü göstermiştir. Mevcut sulama sistemi koşullarında asmanın sulama suyu gereksinimini dikkate alan bir sulama programı önerilmiştir

    Gümüldür yöresinde tuzluluğun satsuma mandarini yaprak Na,Ca,K ve CI içeriklerine etkisi

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    This study was carried out in order to examine Na, Cl, Ca and K accumulation and probable toxic effects on Satsuma mandarin leaves in Satsuma mandarin growing area of G;uuml;m;uuml;ld;uuml;r region. B;uuml;y;uuml;kalan, Ortak;ouml;y and Arapyeri districts were selected as the surveying area with a total of 18 orchards and with a separation distance of 350 m from sealine to inland. Results showed that, Na and Cl in the leaves decreased towards inland similar to water and soil salinity and did not reach to the level which ean be toxic. Calcium content of the leaves was found in normal levels in B;uuml;y;uuml;kalan while it was insufficient in Arapyeri and Ortak;ouml;y. Potassium contents were obtained under the normal, level and showed increments towards inland opposite of water and soil salinity in B;uuml;y;uuml;kalan.Bu çalışma Gümüldür yöresinde ,tuzluluk etkisi altındaki Satsuma yetiştirilen alanlarda, yaprak Na, Ca, K, ve Cl içeriklerinin durumunu saptamak ve Na ve Cl'un toksik etkilerini irdelemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Gümüldür yöresinde satsuma mandarini yetiştirilen en önemli bölgeler, Büyükalan, Ortaköy ve Arapyeri bölgeleridir. Bu yörelerde 1995 - 1997 yılları arsında yürütülen çalışmada, denizden karaya yaklaşık 350 m aralıklı hatlar içinde yeralacak şekilde belirlenmiş toplam 18 bahçe incelenmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, yaprak Na ve Cl içeriklerinin sulama suyu ve toprak tuzluluk ölçütlerine benzer olarak denizden karaya doğru azalma gösterdiği ve toksik etkide bulunacak düzeylere ulaşmadığı saptanmıştır. Ortalama olarak Ca içerikleri Büyükalan'da yeterli, Arapyeri ve Ortaköy'de ise normal düzeyin altında bulunmuştur. K içeriklerinin Büyükalan'da normal düzeyin altında olduğu ve denizden karaya doğru artış gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Ortaköy ve Arapyeri'nde ise yaprakta K normal düzeylerde bulunmuştur

    Performance of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) as a salt-removing crop

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    Specific plants can remove salts from the soil and contribute to saline remediation in orchard intercropping. Determining the level of highest salinity that a salt-removing crop can withstand without reducing its yield is important for management. It is also important to know the critical hazardous level of saline irrigation water for the fruit trees. The objective of this study was to investigate the salt-removing capacity of purslane by studying different stress criteria and by tracking its salt removal from germination to harvest. Therefore, a pot experiment was performed by enhanced salinity levels. The results showed that purslane could cumulatively remove considerable amounts of salt from the soil if practical to cultivate as an intercrop all year round. In this regard, 6.5 dS m-1 can be concluded as the reasonable salinity level for the purslane managed to be intercropped in fruit orchards.

    Bodur anaçlı elma bahçelerinde malç kullanımının su tüketimi, verim ve bazı parametreler üzerine etkileri

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of different mulch materials on plant water consumption, yield, fruit quality, vegetative growth, and weed control and soil temperature of Braeburn apple variety grafted onto M9 rootstock in Eğirdir Fruit Growing Research Station in 2010-2011. the experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications. Three different treatments were determined as two different mulch materials (white fabric, black plastic covering) and control (without any mulching). Irrigation water was applied by using drip irrigation system in 7 days intervals. Amount of irrigation water to be applied in the each irrigation was determined as water amount needed for raising the soil moisture to the field capacity in 0-60 cm soil depth. As a result, substantial water saving has been provided from both of the mulch materials (%;lt; 22-28) in comparison with the control treatment. the yield results showed statistically significant difference (p;lt;0.05) among the treatments only in the second year. the highest red colour density value, which is an important criterion in apple marketing, was obtained from mulching with white fabric for both years. It was determined that mulch applications with these two materials were positive effects on vegetative growth and they were very effective on weed control. Soil temperature measured in the treatment used white fabric was found 1-2°C lower in comparison with control treatment, while it was found 3-4°C lower in comparison with the black plastic covering.Bu çalışma, tam bodur anaç (M9) üzerine aşılı Braeburn elma çeşidinde farklı malç materyallerinin bitki su tüketimi, verim, meyve kalitesi, vejetatif gelişim, yabancı ot kontrolü ve toprak sıcaklığına etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla Eğirdir Meyvecilik Araştırma İstasyonu’nda 2010-2011 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü kurulan denemede 2 farklı malç materyali (BKÖ ve SP) ve kontrol (K) olmak üzere 3 farklı konu yer almıştır. Sulama suyu tüm konulara 7 günlük aralıklarla damla sulama sistemi ile uygulanmıştır. Her sulamada 0-60 cm toprak derinliğinde eksik nemi tarla kapasitesine getirmek için gerekli miktar kadar sulama suyu uygulanmıştır. Malç uygulanan konularda kontrol konusuna göre sulama suyundan büyük oranda (% 22-28) tasarruf sağlanmıştır. Verim bakımından sadece ikinci yıl kontrol ve malç konuları arasında % 5 düzeyinde farklılık bulunmuştur. Pazarlama için önemli bir kriter olan elmanın kırmızı renk yoğunluğu yönünden ise beyaz kumaş örtü ile her iki yılda da en yüksek değerler elde edilmiştir. Her iki malç materyalinin de vejetatif gelişimi olumlu etkilediği ve yabancı ot gelişimi kontrolünde çok etkili oldukları belirlenmiştir. Toprak sıcaklığı beyaz kumaş örtü kullanılan konuda kontrol konusuna göre 1-2 °C daha düşük, siyah plastik örtü kullanılan konuya göre ise 3-4oC daha düşük saptanmıştır

    The effect of mulching on water consumption, yield and some parameters in apple orchards grafted onto dwarf rootstock

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of different mulch materials on plant water consumption, yield, fruit quality, vegetative growth, and weed control and soil temperature of Braeburn apple variety grafted onto M9 rootstock in Eğirdir Fruit Growing Research Station in 2010-2011. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications. Three different treatments were determined as two different mulch materials (white fabric, black plastic covering) and control (without any mulching). Irrigation water was applied by using drip irrigation system in 7 days intervals. Amount of irrigation water to be applied in the each irrigation was determined as water amount needed for raising the soil moisture to the field capacity in 0-60 cm soil depth. As a result, substantial water saving has been provided from both of the mulch materials (%< 22-28) in comparison with the control treatment. The yield results showed statistically significant difference (p<0.05) among the treatments only in the second year. The highest red colour density value, which is an important criterion in apple marketing, was obtained from mulching with white fabric for both years. It was determined that mulch applications with these two materials were positive effects on vegetative growth and they were very effective on weed control. Soil temperature measured in the treatment used white fabric was found 1-2°C lower in comparison with control treatment, while it was found 3-4°C lower in comparison with the black plastic covering

    Pomological and vegetative changes during transition from flood irrigation to drip irrigation: Starkrimson Delicious apple variety

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    WOS: 000301694400003Considering that apple growers have commonly used flood irrigation method instead of drip irrigation for many decades, this study aims to determine the effects of transition from flood irrigation to drip irrigation on vegetative growth and fruit quality (fruit diameter, length, weight, colour, firmness and classification). An apple orchard which had been irrigated by flood irrigation for many years was used for the study, during which flood irrigation was continued in one section as a control treatment, while drip irrigation was applied for rest of the apple orchard. Two different irrigation intervals (4 and 7 clays) and four different pan coefficients (0.50, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25) were applied during drip irrigation treatments. Flood irrigation included only one treatment (20 clays irrigation interval). Transition to drip irrigation method for apple trees indicated positive consequences on vegetative growth and fruit quality. Fruit diameter, length and weight values were the highest in K-cp3 (1.0) treatments in drip irrigation. K-cp3 treatments also showed the highest red colour density values. K-cp3 and K-cp4 (1.25) represented a more marketable fruit size (extra and class 1) than flood irrigation. Lower amount of irrigation water was consumed with drip irrigation compared to flood irrigation. To obtain the highest quantity of marketable apples, K-cp treatment with 1.0 and irrigation interval with 4 days (I-1 K-cp3 treatment) is recommended during transition from flood irrigation to drip irrigation for similar climatic and soil conditions. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policy, Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry, TurkeyGida Tarim Ve Hayvancilik BakanligiThis study was summarized partially from the research project supported by the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policy, Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry, Turkey