1,011 research outputs found

    An overview of the Clupeid fishing gear of Kainji Lake

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    Fishing gears and methods that target the Clupeids are atalla lift net, light attraction, midwater trawl and dala (Clupeid beach seine).Dala fisheries have been the most lucrative fishing gear on Clupeids within the recent past. However, it has been declared as 100% illegal gear having a mesh size of 0.1 mm, because it catches indiscriminately undersized (juveniles/larvae) commercial fish. The ban on the gear was therefore mounted through promulgation and implementation of special fisheries laws for Kainji Lake (Nigeria). Although, the use of Dala fishing gear and method has decreased due to this management approach, its use is currently increased again. It is therefore suggested that the ban on the use of Dala may not be the answer to indiscriminate fisheries, but modification of the gear and methods for harvesting Clupeids should be the main objectiv

    A practical approach to the design, construction and operation of midwater trawl used in Kainji Lake, Nigeria

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    Review paper on the production trials of rice-cum fish culture - a transferable concept into Niger State, Nigeria

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    This paper reviews the production trials of rice-cum-fish culture. Rice and various fish species using rotation and concurrent methods of cultivation are used. The farming system is mostly practiced and researched in to in Southeast Asian countries. It addresses the problems of high external inputs, sustainable aquaculture, poverty and nutrition in the rural population, insect pests, use of insecticides, weeds control and under-utilization of agricultural lands. The production trials yields are summarized and a summary of annual income per hectare from rice and fish have been given. The yield however depends to a large extent on the species stocked, culture period, fertility of the soil and water, degree of supplemental feeding and culturing methods. The production results are discussed. Niger state is blessed with abundant wetlands/rice fields suitable for the practice. However, ecological differences from country to country and region to region, research and development trials are necessary to ensure a successful adoption of the technology to farmers in the Stat

    Impact assessment of Niger State fisheries legislation on fisheries conservation in Edozhigi local government area (L.G.A.) of Niger State

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    A preliminary survey was conducted among the fishermen in five selected villages in Edozhigi L.G.A. of Niger State. One hundred and fifty fishermen were randomly selected and interviewed to find out the impact of Niger State fisheries legislation on fisheries conservation resources in the area. The analysis of data collected using descriptive statistics indicated that undersized mesh of gill nets, beach seines and traps are being used unabated. Also, fenced barriers across the entrance of flood plain ponds and Ex-bow lakes from the main stream are in the area. The fisheries rules and regulations implementers are rarely seen or not seen at all in the area. The decreasing nature of fish catches was detected. It is observed that government policy on fish conversation is neglected due to inadequate or lack of funding for meaningful extension and implementation of the fisheries rules and regulation

    Selection of efficient hanging ratios of gillnet on fish catch in Lake Kainji, as means of alleviating poverty among artisanal fishermen in Nigeria

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    Five experimental gillnet each measuring 50mx 3m nylon multi filament netting of 3" by210/2 mesh size were constructed using 40%, 45%, 50%, 55% and 60% hanging percentages, the report was carried out at Yunawa fishing village on the eastern bank of Lake Kainji. The nets were set over night (6 hours approximately). Between April-July 2004, the fish caught by the five nets were recorded taking into consideration the three mode of capture i.e. enmeshing entanglement and wedging Weight number and percentage mean weight and number based on species at five different hanging ratios were analyzed in general 50% hanging ratio was found to be the best followed by 40% among others. There was significant difference (P<0.05) in the mode of capture for both hanging ratios. Most of the fish were caught by entanglement i.e. about 83% of the catch was by entanglement while 505 hanging ratio was the best considered after the report. The occurrence of species of the five hanging ratios has significant difference (P<0.05) in terms of catch by weight and numbe

    Poverty alleviation among fishermen within the floodplains of Kaduna River: implication for introducing commercial fish farming at village level in Doko local government area of Niger State, Nigeria

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    A diagnostic survey was conducted among the fishermen in six selected villages in Doko Local Government Area of Niger State. One hundred and fifty fishermen were randomly selected and interviewed to find out whether or not they had interest in commercial fish farming aimed at improving their livelihood. The dwindling fish catches in the natural flood plain ponds and Ex-bow Lakes continue to have a serious negative effect on the socio-economic well being of the village communities in question. A break on natural regular annual flooding of the plains had resulted into very low natural fish recruitment. Data analysis using simple descriptive statistics revealed that land tenure system, educational status, inadequate infrastructural facilities, religious taboos, existing fish species among others were found to be favourable indices for commercial fish farming. However, serious conflicts among the fishermen concerning the ownership status of these natural fish ponds are found to be major obstacles to commercial fish farming despite that the traditional ownership of the ponds were vested in the lands of individuals and village communities. Extensive fish farming and small-scale fish farming in the ponds and Ex-bow Lake with improved management practices are considered to be profitable venture. Despite the fact that fish seeds supply and extension effort are still inadequate, the fish farmers have indicated willingness to adopt commercial fish farming in the Ex-bow Lakes and flood plains in order to restore abundant fish production thereby providing for their food security and also increasing the daily incom

    Internationalization of Higher Education: Leadership Roles and Challenges Senior International Officers Face in Their Efforts to Internationalize Regional Comprehensive Universities in the United States

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    This study investigated the leadership roles and challenges senior international officers (SIOs) face in the internationalization of regional comprehensive universities in the United States. The study also explored senior international officers’ understanding of internationalization in the context of regional comprehensive universities, and the strategies they utilize to address the challenges they face. A qualitative approach, specifically an interpretive phenomenological analysis, was employed to conduct this research. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with SIOs from five U.S. regions: West, Midwest, South, Southeast, and Northwest. Findings show that senior international officers at regional comprehensive universities perceive internationalization as a tool to train global citizen leaders who are prepared to address global challenges. Transformational and servant leadership approaches appeared to be the leadership styles SIOs use for an effective and successful internationalization of their institution. The findings provide a wide range of challenges and strategies an SIO may encounter at a regional comprehensive university in the United States. The study outlines implications for practice for aspiring SIOs and existing senior leaders in the United States. Finally, the paper makes recommendations for future research

    An Examination of Theories on Savannasation and the Peasant-Environment Debate

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    The paper examines man-environment relations in the African savanna. It argues that it is important to look at the relationship in a wider dimension involving conceptual frameworks that incorporate the dynamics of rural livelihoods, institutional factors, resource diversity, environmental variability and global influences on local socio-politico-economic landscapes. Land management decisions and investment patterns of diverse peasant representations are reflected in land use changes. Investigating these relationship has moved from the biased technocratic objective assessment of virgin lands and so-called mapping of human impacts to studies identifying the environment as an arena for synergistic interaction between ‘man\' economics and ‘nature\'. A conceptual shift to a ‘people in places\' paradigm allowing the experiences of people in differentiated environments to influence the analyses of social phenomena in savanna landscapes is underway. These shifts in thinking have multiple implications for designing policies for both rural development and environmental sustainability in the Ghanaian savanna. Ensuring sustainable livelihoods through institutions that grant secure and regulated access to resources, provide skills, capital and appropriate technology is key to environmental health and prosperity.West African Journal of Applied Ecology Vol. 13 2008: pp. 1-1

    An Assessment of Bureaucratic Capacity, Financial Resources and Accountability as Instruments of Effective Policy Implementation

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    For employees. It is therefore, recommended that government agencies should take these vital components into consideration so as any nation to record the desired progress and achieve development objectives, its policies must be properly executed. This is based on the fact that implementing government policies irrespective of the sector concerned is very crucial as it promotes accountability, efficiency in service delivery and improves quality. However, for policies to be effectively implemented, certain factors must be taking into consideration. This research assessed some important components of ensuring effective implementation in government bureaucracies as identified by Elmore (1978, 1997). These are bureaucratic capacity, financial resources and accountability. The research used literature review as its map of action, and identified that bureaucratic capacity could be assessed through professionalism, merit recruitment and diffusion of power. Financial resources on the other hand, could be assessed through performance based pay, cost benefit analysis and fiscal discipline. While accountability depends on the commitments of individual to have effectiveness and efficiency in implementing government policies. &nbsp

    Position estimation performance evaluation of a linear lateration algorithm with an SNR-based reference station selection technique

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    The position estimation accuracy of the multilateration system lateration algorithm depends on several factors such as the number of stations deployed, time difference of arrival (TDOA) estimation technique and the choice of reference station. In this paper, a technique to select the suitable reference station for the lateration algorithm based on received signal-to-noise (SNR) at each of the deployed stations is presented. The position estimation performance analysis of the lateration algorithm with the reference selection technique is carried out and improvement in the position estimation accuracy is determined by comparing it with the convention approach of using fixed reference station. Monte Carlo simulation results when compared with the conventional approach based on a square station configuration showed a reduction in the position estimation error of about 20%.Keywords: reference selection, lateration algorithm, signal-to-noise-ratio, position estimatio
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