28 research outputs found

    STUDI KOMPARATIF PRESTASI SISWA (Mengikuti dan tidak Mengikuti Ekstrakurikuler ROHIS)

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    A teacher has to be aware that every student he faces is entitled to a good teaching. But in his daily duties the teacher is faced with a challenge of giving the same teaching to different students. We know that humans are endowed with interests and talents, but it becomes wasteful when the interests and talents are not well established and channeled in accordance with the expectation so that less result an achievement.  We  honestly  admit  that  not  all  students  are  able  to  master  the subjects taught in the classroom when in fact that is what should be a provision for them, of course this is caused by many factors, these factors can be interest, study time and disorders when they want to learn. So that their ability to the fields taught in the classroom is not maximal. Every student is entitled to a good education. Schools should therefore provide a special venue for the development of interests, talents, and the addition of students' knowledge in the areas they love so they can hone their interests and talents, and add to their knowledge, such as Rohis extracurricular

    Studi Komparatif Prestasi Siswa (Mengikuti dan Tidak Mengikuti Ekstrakurikuler Rohis)

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    A teacher has to be aware that every student he faces is entitled to a good teaching. But in his daily duties the teacher is faced with a challenge of giving the same teaching to different students. We know that humans are endowed with interests and talents, but it becomes wasteful when the interests and talents are not well established and channeled in accordance with the expectation so that less result an achievement.  We  honestly  admit  that  not  all  students  are  able  to  master  the subjects taught in the classroom when in fact that is what should be a provision for them, of course this is caused by many factors, these factors can be interest, study time and disorders when they want to learn. So that their ability to the fields taught in the classroom is not maximal. Every student is entitled to a good education. Schools should therefore provide a special venue for the development of interests, talents, and the addition of students' knowledge in the areas they love so they can hone their interests and talents, and add to their knowledge, such as Rohis extracurricular


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    The progress in education side today, cannot be separated from the role of figures as the main actor. The figure who has a major contribution to the development of education in Indonesia and become a Father of National Education that is KI. Hajar Dewantara, This study is a library research by using content analysis approach. His thought about education is relevant to the K13, such as learning objectives, which are aimed at educational goals in four dimensions, physical, intellectual, spiritual and social objectives. The purpose of education is; equally directing educational goals relating to individuals and society, but in K13 the objectives itself are further related to the nation and state, even the civilization of the world. The role of educators according to KI. Hajar Dewantara as facilitator and motivator. Meanwhile, according to the k13 the role of educator itself as a facilitator in learning and as a learning partner for learners. Both agree that there are four competencies that must be owned by an educator, namely pedagogic, personality, social and professional. The principle of learning in theEka Yanuarti414 Jurnal Penelitian, Vol. 11, No. 2, Agustus 2017K13 also related to the Father of National Education’s learning principles. He stated that there are five principles itself: the principle of independence, the principle of nationality, the principle of culture, the principle of nature and the principle of humanity. Furthermore, in the learning materials both agreed that learning materials are taught in accordance with the level of development of the age of learners. Both of them put the subjects of education of Religion and Character in every level of the educational uni

    Analisis Perbandingan Pendidikan Multikultural (Indonesia, Amerika, Kanada, Inggris)

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    Abstract: Comparative Analysis of Multicultural Education (Indonesia, USA, Canada, UK) Multicultural education in developed countries (Indonesia, United States, United Kingdom and Canada) asks for education that upholds human dignity and dignity by supporting and understanding the differences needed by each individual. Comparison of multicultural education (Indonesia, United States, United Kingdom, and Canada) The first of each developed country (Indonesia, United States, United Kingdom and Canada) has a contribution in multicultural education that is to want to impart decision on Multicultural actions in Indonesia giving a role to the Principal in supporting diversity owned by each student, in the United States teaches multicultural education by providing education to students about diversity, in the UK promoting multicultural education by means of a system using Language, English is not the only language. In Canada, multicultural education is implemented by applying an educational model that reconstructs cultural diversityAbstrak : Analisis Perbandingan Pendidikan Multikultural (Indonesia, Amerika, Kanada, Inggris)Pendidikan multikultural di negara maju (Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Kanada) menginginkan pendidikan yang menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat manusia dengan cara menghargai dan memahami perbedaan-perbedaan yang dimiliki masing-masing individu. Perbandingan pendidikan multikultural (Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Kanada) Pertama dari masing-masing negara maju (Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Kanada) ini memiliki persamaan dalam pendidikan multikultural yaitu ingin membratas adanya tindakan-tindakan diskriminasi dan ingin menegakkan hak-hak asasi manusia secara adil, Kedua Perbedaan pendidikan multikultural di Indonesia memberikan peran kepada Kepala Sekolah dalam memantau keberagaman yang dimiliki masing-masing siswa, di Amerika Serikat menerapkan pendidikan multikultural dengan cara memberikan edukasi kepada siswa mengenai keberagaman, di Inggris menerapkan pendidikan multikultural dengan cara sistem penerapan Bahasa, Bahasa inggris bukan menjadi Bahasa satu-satunya. Di Kanada menerapkan pendidikan multikultural dengan cara menerapkan model pendidikan yang merekonstruksi dari keanekaanragaraman budaya


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    Kemunculan multikulturalisme tidak terlepas dari pengaruh filsafat Post-Modernisme. Prinsip-prinsip paradigmatis yang menjadi dasar filosofis bagi pendidik Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) berbasis multikultural adalah sebagai berikut: 1) mendidik peserta didik untuk berani belajar hidup dalam perbedaan; 2) mendorong peserta didik untuk memiliki kompetensi dalam membangun rasa saling percaya kepada semua orang dengan latar belakang berbeda; 3) mendorong peserta didik untuk mampu memelihara saling pengertian di antara sesama teman yang beragam; 4) menjadikan peserta didik dapat menjunjung sikap saling menghargai; 5) berorientasi untuk melahirkan peserta didik untuk terbuka dalam berpikir, mampu membuka diri bagi pandangan orang lain yang berbeda; 6) menghasilkan peserta didik yang dapat bersikap apresiatif dan memahami bahwa dalam hidup ada keharusan menjalin relasi yang menunjukkan interdependensi antara satu orang/kelompok dengan orang/kelompok lain; 7) mendorong peserta didik ke arah pemahaman pentingnya resolusi konflik dan rekonsiliasi tanpa kekerasan

    Strategi Guru Agama Desa dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’a Warga Desa

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    This study aims to explore and find out the strategies of village religious teachers in improving the ability to read the Koran of Turan Baru villagers especially those aged 40 years and older. By using descriptive qualitative writing methods, data obtained using interviews and observations. The informants in this study were religious teachers and students studying the Koran in the village of Turan Baru. The results of the study obtained information that there are several strategies implemented by the Turan Baru Village Religion Teachers to improve the students' ability to read the Qur'an, namely; routine recitation; strategies for listening and correcting santri readings during recitation; motivate students in learning to read the Qur'an. The listening strategy used by village religious teachers is still quite effective in improving the ability to read Al-Qur'an of pilgrims who are above the age of 40 years and above, because when there is an error the teacher can immediately correct the mistakes of the congregation. Conclusions, methods and listening strategies in reading the Qur'an in the village of Turan Baru is one way to improve the ability to read the Qur'an, this strategy also increases the enthusiasm of learning of the congregation, which will eventually bring the congregation the better in reading the Qur'an with the correct reading rules. Keywords: Strategy, Village Religion Teachers, Al-Qur'an Reading Abilit

    Efektifitas Pembelajaran Kitab Akhlak Lil Banin Dalam Membentuk Akhlak Santri Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Jannah Karang Jaya

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    Researcher Conducted research on Diniyah madrasah education which consisted of two classes for volume one and two consisting of 65 students and for volume three and four consisting of 32 students. In this study, the objectives are first to determine the effectiveness in the learning process of lilbanin morals, second to determine the effectiveness in shaping the morals of students in learning lil banin morals. descriptive qualitative research type. The conclusion is that the effectiveness of lil banin moral learning is quite good and has been very effective even though learning the lil banin book is a yellow book learning, so that the delivery of material is easy to understand by using attractive and appropriate methods such as exemplary methods, refraction, sorogan, wetonan, bandungan and memorization so that achieved in the formation of santri morals

    Media Whatsapp Berpengaruh Terhadap Pengetahuan Gizi Dan Kepatuhan Diet Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Penyakit diabetes melitusmerupakankumpulan gejala yang timbul pada seseorang yang ditandai denganmeningkatnyakadar glukosa darah akibat kekurangan insulin. Penggunaan aplikasi whatsapp groupsebagai sarana pemberian edukasi sangat bermanfaat dan membantu dalam proses berkomunikasi, memberi dan menerima informasi. Tujuan penelitian inin untuk menganalisis pengaruh edukasi menggunakan media Whatshapp terhadap pengetahuan dan kepatuhan diet pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 di Klinik Edukasi Diabetes Melitus Terpadu RSUD Sultan Syarief Mohamad Alkadrie Kota Pontianak.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian preeksperimentaldenganone group pretest posttestuntuk melihat pengaruhedukasi menggunakan media whatsappterhadappengetahuan dan kepatuhan diet  pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2. Intervensi yang diberikan berupa poster dan teks penjelasan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni – Juli 2021.Berdasarkan uji Wilcoxonuntuk pengetahuan gizi dengan p-value 0,000 yang artinya ada perbedaan pengetahuan gizi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi menggunakan media Whatsapp. Beradasarkan uji Paired t-test dengan p-value 0,000 yang artinya ada perbedaan kepatuhan diet sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi menggunakan media Whatsapp.Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan gizi dan kepatuhan diet sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi menggunakan media whatsapppada pasien DM tipe 2 di RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Kota Pontiana


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    Multicultural education is education that prioritizes an education that has a high tolerance value and this multicultural education is the right and appropriate step to be implemented, especially in our country, Indonesia considering that Indonesia is a country that has a variety of cultures, races, ethnicities, and religions, for creating harmony in social life, multicultural education is very appropriate to be applied. The purpose of this multicultural education is to form an attitude of mutual acceptance, mutual respect both in terms of values and culture of each other's beliefs. With this multicultural education, it is hoped that humans can expand humans to defeat selfishness, namely the attitude of someone who tends to expect other people like himself.The purpose of this study is to first find out first how the values of multicultural educational insights in the life of interfaith people in Sindang Jati Village, the second to find out the supporting factors of religious harmony. This type of research is field research using a qualitative approach, the source of data is the Village Head, Religious figures namely Islam, Buddhism, and Catholicism. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation.The results showed: first, the values of multicultural education insight in inter-religious life in Sindang Jati, including the values of democracy, equality, and justice; human values, togetherness, and peace, as well as social attitudes, namely: recognition, acceptance, and respect for others, such as mutual respect when worshiping and implementing a justice system in maintaining security and order. The two factors supporting religious harmony in the village of Sindang Jati include humanity, togetherness, and peace, and social attitudes, namely: recognition, acceptance, and respect for other people who are high, such as respecting when other religious communities worship, maintaining security and order of citizens regardless of religious differences such as the presence of patrol posts

    Implikasi Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Terhadap Kreatifitas Guru PAI di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Darussalam Kepahiang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implikasi era revolusi industri 4.0 dalam meningkatkan kreatifitas guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam rangka menyeimbangi pesatnya teknologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: implikasi era revolusi industri 4.0 dalam meningkatkan kekreatifitasan seorang guru pendidikan agama Islam di Sekolah dan dilaksanakan melalui beberapa cara: mengikuti perkembangan teknologi, Bisa disimpulkan bahwa pihak sekolah berupaya menyeimbangi dampak era revolusi industry 4.0 dan pesatnya teknologi dengan melibatkan banyak pihak, seperti guru, dan komite sekolah, selain itu juga santri dan juga wali santri pembuatan keputusan melalui gugus mutu terdiri dari guru-guru senior secara keilmuan dan metodologi pembelajaran, anggota komite sekolah dari kalangan pakar atau praktisi yang mapan, tim pengendali manajemen pembelajaran dan keputusan sekolah secara partisifatip