117 research outputs found

    Animatable 3D Gaussian: Fast and High-Quality Reconstruction of Multiple Human Avatars

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    Neural radiance fields are capable of reconstructing high-quality drivable human avatars but are expensive to train and render. To reduce consumption, we propose Animatable 3D Gaussian, which learns human avatars from input images and poses. We extend 3D Gaussians to dynamic human scenes by modeling a set of skinned 3D Gaussians and a corresponding skeleton in canonical space and deforming 3D Gaussians to posed space according to the input poses. We introduce hash-encoded shape and appearance to speed up training and propose time-dependent ambient occlusion to achieve high-quality reconstructions in scenes containing complex motions and dynamic shadows. On both novel view synthesis and novel pose synthesis tasks, our method outperforms existing methods in terms of training time, rendering speed, and reconstruction quality. Our method can be easily extended to multi-human scenes and achieve comparable novel view synthesis results on a scene with ten people in only 25 seconds of training

    Riemannian Natural Gradient Methods

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    This paper studies large-scale optimization problems on Riemannian manifolds whose objective function is a finite sum of negative log-probability losses. Such problems arise in various machine learning and signal processing applications. By introducing the notion of Fisher information matrix in the manifold setting, we propose a novel Riemannian natural gradient method, which can be viewed as a natural extension of the natural gradient method from the Euclidean setting to the manifold setting. We establish the almost-sure global convergence of our proposed method under standard assumptions. Moreover, we show that if the loss function satisfies certain convexity and smoothness conditions and the input-output map satisfies a Riemannian Jacobian stability condition, then our proposed method enjoys a local linear -- or, under the Lipschitz continuity of the Riemannian Jacobian of the input-output map, even quadratic -- rate of convergence. We then prove that the Riemannian Jacobian stability condition will be satisfied by a two-layer fully connected neural network with batch normalization with high probability, provided that the width of the network is sufficiently large. This demonstrates the practical relevance of our convergence rate result. Numerical experiments on applications arising from machine learning demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method over state-of-the-art ones
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