14 research outputs found
Abstrak: Wabah Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19), telah melanda dunia melalui penyebarannya yang masif. Pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk memutus penyebaran Covid-19, yaitu cuci tangan menggunakan sabun dan air mengalir, memakai masker, dan menjaga jarak. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mendesain dan membuat alat cuci tangan tanpa harus memutar keran air sehingga dapat meminimalisir kontak tangan dengan benda dan dapat menarik minat masyarakat untuk mencuci tangan secara intensif di Kelurahan Heledulaa Selatan. Metode kegiatan dilakukan dengan 3 tahapan yaitu observasi, sosialisasi dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan: Setelah dilakukan observasi pada masyarakat, kegiatan ini berhasil meningkatkan minat masyarakat sebesar 90% dalam hal cuci tangan, serta kegiatan ini disambut baik oleh pemerintah Kecamatan Heledulaa Selatan, karena dinilai sangat membantu program pemerintah dalam memutus penyebaran Covid-19. Selain itu, dengan tambahan roda pada kaki dari alat cuci tangan, masyarakat menjadi lebih mudah dalam memindahkan alat tersebut.Abstract: The Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) outbreak has swept the world through its massive spread. The government has made various efforts to stop the spread of Covid-19, namely washing hands using soap and running water, wearing masks, and maintaining distance. The purpose of this activity is to design and manufacture hand washing tools without having to turn the water tap so as to minimize hand contact with objects and attract people to wash their hands intensively in Kelurahan Heledulaa Selatan. The method of activity is carried out in 3 stages, namely observation, socialization and evaluation. Results of the activity: After conducting observations in the community, this tanning activity succeeded in increasing community interest by 90% in terms of washing hands, and this activity was welcomed by the South Heledulaa District government, because it was considered very helpful for government programs in cutting the spread of Covid-19. In addition, with the addition of wheels on the feet of the hand washing equipment, it is easier for people to move the tool
This study to analyze and explain the factors that influence stock prices. The object of this research is the automotive and components sub sector manufacturing companies sector on the Indonesia stock exchange for periode 2010-2018. The variables used in this study are stock prices, micro economic factors and macro economic factors. Micro economic factors are projected by Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Gross Profit Margin (GPM), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Price Earning Ratio (PER) and Return on Assets (ROA). Macro economic factors used as variables are inflation (INF), interest rates (INT) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Data analysis and hypothesis testing were carried out using the SmartPLS 3.0 program. The results of the study indicate that stock prices are determined by microeconomic factors projected by Net Profit Margin (NPM). Companies must keep trying to make a profit so that stock prices remain good, so investors are still interested in owning shares
Purpose: This article aims to examine the scale of social motivation and a measure of the entrepreneurial level of Dayak women working in small (home-based) industries.
Theoretical framework: The context of ‘push-pull theory’, it emphasizes exploratory factor analysis to test entrepreneurial motivation. Regarding entrepreneurial motivation, there are five vital motives, including cultural preservation, independence, economic support, environment, and work flexibility. They have a massive motivation for entrepreneurship
Design/methodology/approach: We interviewed individual informants, in which a semi-structured schedule explored the responses of Dayak women. Open-ended questions were asked to draw attention to the history of being involved in the business world. Thus, the study adopted a mixed methods approach.
Findings: The Dayak women have a massive motivation for entrepreneurship. They also realize that the business has been running so far as part of preserving the culture to commit to the family economy. Even though they apply it while taking care of the family, the work environment factor has certainly been tested.
Research, Practical & Social implications: For the future agenda, the concentration of studies refers not only to a specific gender but also to a wider cross section. Extensive comparisons should consider a qualitative approach to explore other problems related to entrepreneurial motivation.
Originality/value: The results indicate that the related entrepreneurship to aspects of risk and income level uncertainty, so the family factor is an essential part.Propósito: Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar la escala de motivación social y una medida del nivel empresarial de las mujeres Dayak que trabajan en pequeñas industrias (basadas en el hogar).
Marco teórico: el contexto de la 'teoría push-pull', enfatiza el análisis factorial exploratorio para probar la motivación empresarial. En cuanto a la motivación empresarial, hay cinco motivos vitales, que incluyen la preservación cultural, la independencia, el apoyo económico, el medio ambiente y la flexibilidad laboral. Tienen una gran motivación para el emprendimiento.
Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Entrevistamos a informantes individuales, en los cuales un programa semiestructurado exploró las respuestas de las mujeres Dayak. Se hicieron preguntas abiertas para llamar la atención sobre la historia de estar involucrado en el mundo de los negocios. Por lo tanto, el estudio adoptó un enfoque de métodos mixtos.
Resultados: Las mujeres Dayak tienen una gran motivación para emprender. También se dan cuenta de que el negocio ha estado funcionando hasta ahora como parte de preservar la cultura para comprometerse con la economía familiar. Si bien lo aplican mientras cuidan a la familia, el factor ambiente de trabajo ciertamente ha sido probado.
Implicaciones de investigación, prácticas y sociales: para la agenda futura, la concentración de estudios se refiere no solo a un género específico sino también a una sección transversal más amplia. Las comparaciones extensas deberían considerar un enfoque cualitativo para explorar otros problemas relacionados con la motivación empresarial.
Originalidad/valor: Los resultados indican que el emprendimiento está relacionado con aspectos de riesgo e incertidumbre del nivel de ingresos, por lo que el factor familiar es parte fundamental.Objetivo: Este artigo visa examinar a escala de motivação social e uma medida do nível empreendedor de mulheres Dayak que trabalham em pequenas indústrias (domésticas).
Referencial teórico: O contexto da “teoria push-pull”, enfatiza a análise fatorial exploratória para testar a motivação empreendedora. Em relação à motivação empreendedora, existem cinco motivos vitais, incluindo preservação cultural, independência, apoio econômico, meio ambiente e flexibilidade de trabalho. Eles têm uma enorme motivação para o empreendedorismo
Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Entrevistamos informantes individuais, em que um roteiro semiestruturado explorou as respostas das mulheres Dayak. Foram feitas perguntas abertas para chamar a atenção para o histórico de envolvimento no mundo dos negócios. Assim, o estudo adotou uma abordagem de métodos mistos.
Resultados: As mulheres Dayak têm uma enorme motivação para o empreendedorismo. Eles também percebem que o negócio vem funcionando até aqui como parte da preservação da cultura de se comprometer com a economia familiar. Apesar de aplicá-lo no cuidado da família, o fator ambiente de trabalho certamente foi testado.
Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: Para a agenda futura, a concentração de estudos refere-se não apenas a um gênero específico, mas também a um corte transversal mais amplo. Extensas comparações devem considerar uma abordagem qualitativa para explorar outros problemas relacionados à motivação empreendedora.
Originalidade/valor: Os resultados indicam que o empreendedorismo relaciona aspectos de risco e incerteza do nível de renda, portanto o fator família é parte essencial
Abstrak: Air yang dikonsumsi manusia haruslah memenuhi indikator fisika, kimia, dan biologi, agar tidak emnimbulkan gangguan kesehatan. Mn dan Fe adalah indikator kimiawi air, yang apabila dikonsumsi diatas batas aman, maka akan menimbulkan penyakit bagi manusia. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh mitra kegiatan ini adalah air baku yang tercemar Mn dan Fe dalam jumlah yang cukup besar (2) Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan solusi pengolahan air melalui desain alat penjernih air dengan metode aerasi filtrasi (3) Metode kegiatan ini yaitu tahapan pra kegiatan dimana tim melakukan persiapan keperluan pengabmas, pelaksanaan kegiatan, dan tahap evaluasi yaitu tim melakukan pengukuran parameter fisik air. Serta disosialisasikan tentang cara perawatan alat, meliputi pencucian pasir, serta pemeliharaan sambungan pipa, shoer, dan keran, pada masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran. Kegiatan ini melibatkan mitra Desa Tualango yang terdiri dari 5 orang aparat Des, 20 orang masyarakat, dan 1 orang petugas Puskesmas. Evaluasi pasca pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali yang meliputi perawatan serta perbaikan alat, serta pengukuran hasil olahan dari alat. Hasil yang dicapai pada kegiatan ini, adalah diperolehnya air baku masyarakat yang memenuhi syarat fisik (tidak berbau, berwarna, dan berasa) dengan persentase 100% setelah dilakukan pengolahan dengan alat yang digunakan. Sementara, untuk perawatan alat penjernih telah diajarkan pada masyarakat pada saat tahapan sosialisasi .Abstract: Water consumed by humans must meet physical, chemical, and biological indicators, so as not to cause health problems. Mn and Fe are chemical indicators of water, which if consumed above the safe limit, it will cause disease for humans. The problem faced by partners in this activity is raw water that is contaminated with Mn and Fe in large enough quantities (2) The purpose of this service is to provide water treatment solutions through the design of water purification equipment with aeration filtration method (3) The method of this activity is the pre-processing stage. An activity where the team prepares for the needs of community service, implementation of activities, and the evaluation stage, where the team measures the physical parameters of water. As well as being socialized on how to maintain tools, including sand washing, as well as maintenance of pipe connections, shoers, and faucets, to the target community. This activity involved Tualango Village partners consisting of 5 village officials, 20 community members, and 1 Puskesmas officer. Post-implementation evaluation activities were carried out 2 times which included maintenance and repair of tools, as well as measurement of the processed results of the tools. The result achieved in this activity is the obtaining of community raw water that meets physical requirements (odorless, colorless, and tasteless) with a percentage of 100% after processing with the equipment used. Meanwhile, the maintenance of the purifier has been taught to the community during the socialization stage
Di Indonesia Tuberkulosis masih menjadi salah satu penyakit yang menimbulkan masalah kesehatan di masyarakat. Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit infeksi menular yang disebabkan bakteri Mycrobacterium tuberculosis, yang dapat menyerang berbagai organ, terutama paru-paru. Salah satu factor yang menjadi penyebab utama TB paru yaitu lingkungan. TB akan lebih mudah menular pada orang dengan tempat tinggal yang berada di kawasan perumahan padat penghuni, kurang adanya pencahayaan sinar matahari yang masuk kerumah dan ventilasi serta struktur bangunan rumah yang tidak memadai. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kmasyarakat ini memberikan solusi yang tepat kepada masyarakat dalam upaya pencegahan penyakit TB baru dan pengendalian terhadap penderita TB paru untuk hidup lebih sehat. Metode kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa Edukasi, pembagian vitamin, leaflet, dan masker ini diberikan kepada masyarakat/keluarga penderita TB paru. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini di peroleh tingkat pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah edukasi adalah ada peningkatan pengetahuan PMO mengenai Peran PMO dan pengetahuan tentang TB Paru setelah diberikan edukasi dari 7% yang memiliki pengetahuan baik menjadi 57% yang memiliki pengetahuan baik, diperoleh Diagram Angka Kesembuhan penderita TB Paru 5 dari hasil intervensi kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat maka diperoleh angka kesembuhan pendirita TB Paru yaitu sebanyak 53% dari jumlah penderita 25 orang. Kesimpulan Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini memberikan peningkatan pengetahuan PMO mengenai Peran PMO dan pengetahuan tentang TB ParuKata Kunci : Edukasi; Vitamin; TB paru.Abstract In Indonesia, Tuberculosis is still one of the diseases that cause health problems in the community. Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycrobacterium tuberculosis, which can attack various organs, especially the lungs. One of the factors that are the main cause of pulmonary TB is the environment. TB will be more easily transmitted to people with residences in densely populated residential areas, lack of sunlight entering the house and inadequate ventilation and structure of house buildings. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide the right solution to the community in an effort to prevent new TB diseases and control pulmonary TB sufferers to live healthier lives. This method of community service activities in the form of education, distribution of vitamins, leaflets, and masks is given to the community / family of people with pulmonary TB. The results of this community service activity obtained the level of knowledge before and after education is that there is an increase in PMO knowledge about the Role of PMO and knowledge about Pulmonary TB after being given education from 7% who have good knowledge to 57% who have good knowledge, obtained a Diagram of the Recovery Rate of Pulmonary TB patients 5 from the results of interventions in community service activities, the cure rate of pulmonary TB founders was obtained, which is 53% of the number of patients 25 person. Conclusion This community service activity provides an increase in PMO knowledge about the Role of PMO and knowledge about Pulmonary TB.Keywords : Education; Vitamin; pulmonary tuberculosis
Motivasi dan Tantangan Pengusaha Wanita: Studi Desa Budaya Dayak Pampang
Opportunities and challenges and for women to contribute to economic growth, which can be started from micro-enterprises, expecialy for East Kalimantan as a new candidate national capital. The study analyzes the motivational factors and challenges of women entrepreneurs who run businesses in the cultural village of Pampang, East Kalimantan. Using a qualitative methodology based on in-depth interviews, providing insight into the entrepreneurship of 10 women in the Pampang cultural village when starting entrepreneurship and managing their businesses. Informans are engaged in various fields related to culture such as producing beads and selling Dayak handicrafts. The results showed that preserving the Dayak culture was the main motivation for starting a business. The challenges faced by women entrepreneurs come from informal and formal institutions. A significant challenge faced by women entrepreneurs is that their abilities as professional entrepreneurs are not recognized by the community. Informans faced emerging challenges in other aspects of the business, such as procuring finance, creating networks, and managing employees. Challenges related to formal institutions such as the lack of quality education and changes in government policies that prohibit holding meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic have reduced the number of tourists who come to the Pampang tourist village, resulting in reduced income
Background: The most essential aspect to reduce the number of maternal and newborn mortality is midwife competence. Midwives have a great role to be able to handle variety of health services (antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum) to avoid or decrease the maternal and infant mortality rate. Performance of health workers, particularly midwives, is the most crucial in affecting the quality and quantity of midwives’ services to enhance the national health development.Aim: This study analyzed factors affecting village midwife performance for reducing maternal and infant mortality in seek for achieving Bone Bolango cemerlang or bright Bone Balango as the vision of Bone Bolango District in 2021.Methods: This study was an analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach. It was conducted from March to June 2019 in the working area of Bone Bolango District Health Office. There were 227 people from 19 primary healthcare centers as the population, and the sample size was 227 selected by using the total sampling technique. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents and using secondary data. The data processing was done through chi-square test and multiple logistic regression with backward wald method.Results: Midwife performance in Bone Bolango District was assessed based on several variables. Most of them were ≥ 25 years old (80.6%); worked for ≥ five years (58,6%); mostly had not participated in any normal childbirth care training (76.7%); had a good competence (96.5%); had good resources/equipment (79.7%); had a good reward (92.5%); had a good attitude (76.2%); had a good motivation (90.7%). There were 12 maternal mortalities from 2017 to 2019 handled by only 11 midwives (4.8%). On the other hand, infant mortality rate (IMR) reached 25 cases in the same years; of 227 midwives, these cases were handled by only 21 midwives (9.3%).Conclusion: A midwife as a part of the health workers has an important role to increase the quality of maternal and child well-being program. Some variables that became indicators of midwife performance and had an effect on reducing the MMR and IMR included work period, reward, and motivation. This study recommends that all midwives have to be provided with a normal childbirth care training in the working area and increased rewards in the process of labor and delivery. Keywords: midwives, performance, maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate
This study aims to determine the application of job promotions and position mutations that occur at Aston Samarinda Hotel & Convention Center, and how much influence the position promotion and position mutations have on the work performance of Aston Samarinda Hotel & Convention Center employees. The method used is descriptive method. The reason for using this method is to describe or describe the condition of the company systematically, factually, accurately and credibly regarding the object of research. To measure and analyze the influence between variables the authors spread to 85 respondents to employees of Aston Samarinda Hotel & Convention Center.
The Combination of Aeration and Filtration System in Reducing Water Pollution: An Experimental Study
This study aims to determine and analyze the combination of aeration systems with Multiple Tray Aerator and Filtration with Rapid Sand Filter in reducing iron (Fe) content in water. The source of water used is shallow well water that is still used by the community. The research design used in this study was One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The study located in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi Province, and then for the second location in Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. The number of samples with the type of experimental research was 10 with the Purposive Random Sampling technique. The instruments used in this research are Multiple Tray Aerator and Rapid Sand Filter. The results showed that the percentage of reduction using a combination of aeration and filtration systems when averaged for the two study sites, a rate of 58.50 percent obtained. The increase in iron (Fe) content, one of which is influenced by the climate at the research location, will directly increase the water temperature sources in this study, namely surface wells, which will dissolve more iron (Fe) levels. Another factor that affects iron (Fe) levels is the difference in research locations, namely on islands and coasts. This can be seen in the differences in the results of iron (Fe) levels obtained at the two research locations. Those who wish to conduct further study should pay attention to the tool's type and ability and design a more accurate model to minimize energy and cost and a more concrete form