12 research outputs found
This is the first report describing neurogenic factor of Netrin-1 related to chondrogenesis or osteogenesis in a human cells. Netrin is a morphogenetic factor that induces a growth cone of an axial filament of the nervous system. However, the roles of Netrin in chondrogenesis or osteogenesis are not yet understood. We analyzed the relationship between Netrin and bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) in chondrogenesis or osteogenesis, using a human chondrocyte-like cell line (USAC), which also retains multi-potency to differentiate into osteoblasts and adipocytes. Netrin-1 mRNA was decreased in USAC cells, though the expression was increased during osteogenic differentiation at the stage when osteocalcin mRNA were increased by BMP-2. Furthermore, inhibition of Netrin-1 gene increased Cbfa1 mRNA expression, and decreased Sox9 mRNA expression. We also found that Netrin-1was strongly expressed in immature chondrocytes of cartilage-like tissues that were formed in an exo vivo experiment with diffusion chambers. The se findings indicate that Netrin-1 and BMP-2 regulates in the stage dependent process of mesenchymal cell differentiation to chondrocytes or osteoblasts.骨芽細胞または脂肪細胞への分化多能を保持するヒト軟骨細胞様細胞系(USAC)を用い、軟骨形成または骨形成におけるNetrinと骨形成蛋白質-2(BMP-2)との関係を調べた。Netrin-1 mRNAはUSAC細胞中では減少するが、オステオカルシンmRNA濃度がBMPによって上昇する際の骨芽細胞分化時にNetrin-1 mRNAの発現が増加した。Netrin-1遺伝子を阻害すると、Cbfal mRNA発現は増加しSox9 mRNA発現は減少した。またNetrin-1は軟骨様組織の未成熟軟骨細胞において強く発現した。Netrin-1とBMP-2が、間葉細胞の軟骨細胞または骨芽細胞へ分化プロセスを制御すると考えた
松本歯科大学病院における小児全身麻酔下集中歯科治療の検討 : 過去11年間の環境要因の変遷について
We investigated the actual child-rearing environment, considering factors such as hygiene training, among 177 children (102 boys, 75 girls) ranging from 1 year and 9 months to 7 years and 2 months in age who underwent intensive dental treatment under general anesthesia in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Matsumoto Dental University Hospital between January 1990 and December 2000. The following results were obtained. 1) The annual number of patients slightly increased between 1992 and 1994. Thereafter, the annual number of patients decreased slightly each year. 2) The mean age attreatmentwas 3 years and 7 months (44.5±12.9 months). 3) Concerning the regional distribution, more than 50% of the children came from Nagano Prefecture areas other than Shiojiri City, where our university is located. 4) With respect to feeding methods during infancy, most children were breast fed or mixed breast and bottle fed. Furthermore, any feeding irregularity was noted. 5) The mean interval from birth until the start of weaning was 7.5±4.1 months. The mean interval until completion of weaning was 16.0±6.3 months. 6) 95.5% of the children habitually brushed their teeth. The frequency of tooth brushing was "once a day" or "sometimes" in 69.5% of the children. 7) Overall, 46.9% of the children had received fluoride application
The effect of periodontal treatment for atherosclerotic indicator:cardio ankle vascular index(CAVI)
Independent from hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, a classical risk factor for arteriosclerosis, it has been shown that various types of chronic inflammationmay be involved in the development of arteriosclerosis. As a chronic inflammation, theprevalence rate of periodontal disease is reported to be about 80% at the age of 30 to 50years, and about ₉0% at the age of 60ʼs. In this study, cardio ankle vascular index (CAVI),a vascular function test, was measured as an indicator of arteriosclerosis before and aftertreatment of periodontal disease. As a result, it was revealed that CAVI statistically significantly decreased by treatment of periodontal disease. Further studies are needed in th
中国人小児の歯科疾患実態調査 : 天津(市内・郊外)および日本との比較
Dental health checkups of children were conducted in Tianjin, China (central and suburban areas of the city). The prevalence of dental disease in Tianjin was compared with that in Japan as reported in a 1999 survey report. The following results were obtained. 1. There was no marked difference in the prevalence of dental disease between central and suburban areas of Tianjin. 2. The caries incidence ratio and the average number of decayed teeth per child were significantly higher in Tianjin than in Japan, but the treated teeth rate was significantly lower in Tianjin than in Japan. This indicates that the treatment of dental caries is not sufficient in China. 3. Dental caries tended to be more severe among Japanese than Chinese children. As the economy develops and living conditions change in China, dental caries may become more prevalent there, coming to resemble Japan\u27s present condition. Follow-up sur-veys are needed
Investigation of Patients with Oral Trauma Treated at University Hospital Department of Pedodontics-Comparison with Examination and Treatment Conditions 17 years Prior
我々は,2007年4月から2010年3月までの3年間に本院小児歯科へ口腔外傷を主訴として受診した0歳から15歳の233人(男154人,女79人)を対象として調査を行い,17年前に行った同様の調査報告と比較検討を行った。1.受傷時年齢は幼児期後期が最も高いが,17年前の45.5%から38.2%と減少傾向を示した。学童期後期についても17年前の15.6%から10.7%へと減少傾向を示した。一方,幼児期前期は17年前の13.8%から25.3%と増加傾向が認められた。2.受傷原因は,17年前は打撲による受傷が35.9%と最も多く,次いで転倒25.7%,親の目が届かない原因不明の受傷が24.6%の順で多かったが,今回は転倒による受傷が55.4%と最も多く,次いで衝突18.9%の順であった。3.受傷の既往歴があった小児はほぼ変わらなかったが,受傷の既往が不明である割合は17年前の22.8%からO.4%へと減少傾向を示した。4. 受傷部位については17年前とほぼ同様で,上顎前歯部の受傷が約7割を占めた。5. 受傷様式では,17年前と比べ軟組織の裂傷を合併するものが多い傾向を示した。6. 来院までに何らかの処置を受けた者は,17年前も現在も約15%とほぼ同じ割合であった。初診時の処置は経過観察が多いが,今回は整復固定といった機能維持や修復による審美回復の処置が増加傾向を示した