141 research outputs found

    Direct Integration of the Collisionless Boltzmann Equation in Six-dimensional Phase Space: Self-gravitating Systems

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    We present a scheme for numerical simulations of collisionless self-gravitating systems which directly integrates the Vlasov--Poisson equations in six-dimensional phase space. By the results from a suite of large-scale numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the present scheme can simulate collisionless self-gravitating systems properly. The integration scheme is based on the positive flux conservation method recently developed in plasma physics. We test the accuracy of our code by performing several test calculations including the stability of King spheres, the gravitational instability and the Landau damping. We show that the mass and the energy are accurately conserved for all the test cases we study. The results are in good agreement with linear theory predictions and/or analytic solutions. The distribution function keeps the property of positivity and remains non-oscillatory. The largest simulations are run on 64^6 grids. The computation speed scales well with the number of processors, and thus our code performs efficiently on massively parallel supercomputers.Comment: 35 pages, 19 figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Cosmological Vlasov-Poisson Simulations of Structure Formation with Relic Neutrinos: Nonlinear Clustering and the Neutrino Mass

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    We present the results of cosmological simulations of large-scale structure formation with massive neutrinos. The phase-space distribution of the cosmic relic neutrinos is followed, for the first time, by directly integrating the six-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equations. Our novel approach allows us to represent free streaming and clustering of neutrinos, and their gravitational interaction with cold dark matter accurately. We thus obtain solutions for the collisionless dynamics independent of conventional N-body methods. We perform a suite of hybrid N-body/Vlasov simulations with varying the neutrino mass, and systematically examine the dynamical effects of massive neutrinos on large-scale structure formation. Our simulations show characteristic large-scale clustering of the neutrinos and their coherent streaming motions relative to dark matter. The effective local neutrino "temperature" around massive galaxy clusters varies by several percent with respect to the cosmic mean; the neutrinos in clusters can be hotter or colder depending on the neutrino mass. We study a number of statistics of the large-scale structure and of dark matter halos in comparison with those obtained by N-body simulations and/or by perturbation theory. Our simulations mark an important milestone in numerical cosmology, and pave a new way to study cosmic structure formation with massive neutrinos.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Performance and Method of Environmental Auditing on Foods and Vessels at a Festival in Hiroshima-Univ : from One-way to Re-use

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    Environmental auditing, which constructs, evaluates and improves environmental management system, has attracted increasing attention in the world. Fundamentals of environmental auditing are the concepts of 'system' and 'environment' and the principle of entropy increase. In this study, environmental auditing was carried out at a festival in Hiroshima-Univ. in 1995. Measured were foods, vessels and fuel gas in incoming part, products by street stalls and garbage in outgoing part. Eatable and uneatable parts of the product were separated and measured. Garbage was measured by weight, and categorized according to material, type and source. It was found that unrecycled garbage was for approximately 39% (about 1.6t) of all garbage (about 4.0t). Unrecycled garbage from Street Stalls was approximately 400f all unrecycled garbage and that from consumer was 41%.0 While waste from factory at production part have been mainly focused, recently Green Consumerism appeared so as to focus on products (goods) at consumption part. Advantage and disadvantage were simulated on assumption that one-way vessels were converted to re-use vessels at a festival in Hiroshima-Univ. in 1995. Since by the conversion, emission of CO_2,garbage and material resource were reduced 3okg, 228kg and 126kg, respectively, the conversion plan have a merit overall. Additionally, it is also economically acceptable. This study made Co-op decide maximal support to improve the plan that is from one-way to re-use vessels at a festival in Hiroshima-Univ. in 1996. Environmental auditing will be carried out at a festival by converting one-way vessels to re-use vessels, and quantity of garbage and emission of CO_2 will be determined and elucidated

    Shock-induced star cluster formation in colliding galaxies

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    We studied the formation process of star clusters using high-resolution N-body/smoothed particle hydrodynamcs simulations of colliding galaxies. The total number of particles is 1.2x10^8 for our high resolution run. The gravitational softening is 5 pc and we allow gas to cool down to \sim 10 K. During the first encounter of the collision, a giant filament consists of cold and dense gas found between the progenitors by shock compression. A vigorous starburst took place in the filament, resulting in the formation of star clusters. The mass of these star clusters ranges from 10^{5-8} Msun. These star clusters formed hierarchically: at first small star clusters formed, and then they merged via gravity, resulting in larger star clusters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 270, Computational Star Formatio

    Toward first-principle simulations of galaxy formation: I. How should we choose star formation criteria in high-resolution simulations of disk galaxies?

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    We performed 3-dimensional N-body/SPH simulations to study how mass resolution and other model parameters such as the star formation efficiency parameter, C* and the threshold density, nth affect structures of the galactic gaseous/stellar disk in a static galactic potential. We employ 10^6 - 10^7 particles to resolve a cold and dense (T 100 cm^{-3}) phase. We found that structures of the ISM and the distribution of young stars are sensitive to the assumed nth. High-nth models with nth = 100 cm^{-3} yield clumpy multi-phase features in the ISM. Young stars are distributed in a thin disk of which half-mass scale height is 10 - 30 pc. In low-nth models with nth = 0.1 cm^{-3}, the stellar disk is found to be several times thicker, and the gas disk appears smoother than the high-nth models. A high-resolution simulation with high-nth is necessary to reproduce the complex structure of the gas disk. The global properties of the model galaxies in low-nth models, such as star formation histories, are similar to those in the high-nth models when we tune the value of C* so that they reproduce the observed relation between surface gas density and surface star formation rate density. We however emphasize that high-nth models automatically reproduce the relation, regardless of the values of C*. The ISM structure, phase distribution, and distributions of young star forming region are quite similar between two runs with values of C* which differ by a factor of 15. We also found that the timescale of the flow from n_H ~1 cm^{-3} to n_H > 100 cm^{-3} is about 5 times as long as the local dynamical time and is independent of the value of C*. The use of a high-nth criterion for star formation in high-resolution simulations makes numerical models fairy insensitive to the modelling of star formation. (Abridged)Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ. Abridged abstract. For high resolution figures, see http://www.cfca.nao.ac.jp/~saitoh/Papers/2008/Saitoh+2008a.pd

    Toward First-Principle Simulations of Galaxy Formation: II. Shock-Induced Starburst at a Collision Interface During the First Encounter of Interacting Galaxies

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    We investigated the evolution of interacting disk galaxies using high-resolution NN-body/SPH simulations, taking into account the multiphase nature of the interstellar medium (ISM). In our high-resolution simulations, a large-scale starburst occurred naturally at the collision interface between two gas disks at the first encounter, resulting in the formation of star clusters. This is consistent with observations of interacting galaxies. The probability distribution function (PDF) of gas density showed clear change during the galaxy-galaxy encounter. The compression of gas at the collision interface between the gas disks first appears as an excess at nH∼10cm−3n_{\rm H} \sim 10{\rm cm^{-3}} in the PDF, and then the excess moves to higher densities (nH≳100cm−3n_{\rm H} \gtrsim 100{\rm cm^{-3}}) in a few times 10710^7 years where starburst takes place. After the starburst, the PDF goes back to the quasi-steady state. These results give a simple picture of starburst phenomena in galaxy-galaxy encounters.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted to PASJ. For high resolution figures, see http://www.cfca.nao.ac.jp/~saitoh/Papers/2009/Saitoh+2009a.pd

    Novel pH-dependent regulation of human cytosolic sialidase 2 (NEU2) activities by siastatin B and structural prediction of NEU2/siastatin B complex

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    Human cytosolic sialidase (Neuraminidase 2, NEU2) catalyzes the removal of terminal sialic acid residues from glycoconjugates. The effect of siastatin B, known as a sialidase inhibitor, has not been evaluated toward human NEU2 yet. We studied the regulation of NEU2 activity by siastatin B in vitro and predicted the interaction in silico. Inhibitory and stabilizing effects of siastatin B were analyzed in comparison with DANA (2-deoxy-2,3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid) toward 4-umbelliferyl N-acetylneuraminic acid (4-MU-NANA)- and α2,3-sialyllactose-degrading activities of recombinant NEU2 produced by E. coli GST-fusion gene expression. Siastatin B exhibited to have higher competitive inhibitory activity toward NEU2 than DANA at pH 4.0. We also revealed the stabilizing effect of siastatin B toward NEU2 activity at acidic pH. Docking model was constructed on the basis of the crystal structure of NEU2/DANA complex (PDB code: 1VCU). Molecular docking predicted that electrostatic neutralization of E111 and E218 residues of the active pocket should not prevent siastatin B from binding at pH 4.0. The imino group (1NH) of siastatin B can also interact with D46, neutralized at pH 4.0. Siastatin B was suggested to have higher affinity to the active pocket of NEU2 than DANA, although it has no C7–9 fragment corresponding to that of DANA. We demonstrated here the pH-dependent affinity of siastatin B toward NEU2 to exhibit potent inhibitory and stabilizing activities. Molecular interaction between siastatin B and NEU2 will be utilized to develop specific inhibitors and stabilizers (chemical chaperones) not only for NEU2 but also the other human sialidases, including NEU1, NEU3 and NEU4, based on homology modeling

    Formation of meso, N-diphenylprotoporphyrin IX by an aerobic reaction of phenylhydrazine with oxyhemoglobins.

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    Administration of phenylhydrazine to rabbits resulted in the denaturation of hemoglobins in erythrocytes, causing the formation of intracellular precipitates known as Heinz bodies, severe hemolytic anemia, and reticulocytosis. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of the destabilization, we allowed human oxyhemoglobins to react aerobically with phenylhydrazine. After treatment with acetic acid/HCl and H2SO4/methanol, the chloroform extract contained blue-green pigments of major products accompanied by different minor products. Each product was isolated by column chromatography. By fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectrometry, dimethyl esters of N-phenylprotoporphyrin IX and meso, N-diphenylprotoporphyrin IX were determined. Other major products also were determined to be dimethyl esters of triphenyl-and tetraphenyl-substituted protoporphyrins by FAB-MS. The formation of meso, N-diphenylprotoporphyrin indicated that the addition of a phenyl radical to the meso-carbon atom of the protoporphyrin ring occurred. Triphenyl and tetraphenyl adducts also indicated the formation of phenyl radicals in the aerobic reaction of phenylhydrazine with oxyhemoglobins. From these results, we suggest that the formation of phenyl radicals and the replacement of heme with phenyl-substituted protoporphyrins cause the destabilization of hemoglobins to induce Heinz bodies and hemolytic anemia with phenylhydrazine.</p

    Effects of substitutions of glycine and asparagine for serine132 on activity and binding of human lipoprotein lipase to very low density lipoproteins

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    AbstractFor studying the role of Ser132 in the putative catalytic site of human lipoprotein lipase (LPL), mutant LPL cDNAs expressing LPLs with amino acid substitutions of Gly or Asn for Ser132 were obtained by site-directed mutagenesis, and were expressed in COS-1 cells. Considerable amounts of LPL enzyme protein mass were detected in the culture medium of COS-1 cells transfected with wild-type LPL, LPL-Gly132, or LPL-Asn132. LPL-Gly132 hydrolyzed Triton X-100-triolein and tributyrin as effectively as wild-type LPL, whereas LPL-Asn132 showed no activity. LPL-Asn132 bound to very low density lipoproteins as effectively as wild-type LPL
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