1,173 research outputs found

    A Typological Parallel between Latin and Old Church Slavic.

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    Proto-Anatolian as a mora-based language1

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    It is not easy by any means to obtain prosodic information from documents written in ancient languages because it is not usually recorded therein. But the techniques of philology and linguistics sometimes enable us to derive prosodic evidence from written data. The two lenition rules in Proto-Anatolian, which were considered to have operated either after an accented long vowel or between two short vowels, have been unified by Adiego into a single rule in moraic terms: lenition occurred after an unaccented mora. Furthermore, Hittite mediopassive present verbs of the nasal-infix class, which cannot be adequately accounted for on the supposition that the basic units which carried accents in Proto-Anatolian were syllables, come to receive a well-motivated (both morphologically and typologically) and straightforward historical explanation from a moraic point of view. These two independent pieces of evidence inevitably lead us to argue that Proto-Anatolian was a mora-based language

    Twists and Hollow Dislocations in KCl Tubular Whiskers

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    The twists of KCl tubular whiskers grown on KCl crystals have been measured by the Laue method using long slits. Excepting only one example, twenty-eight whiskers show pronounced twists amounting to about 0.1 to 0.7 rad/cm. It seems probable that a hole parallel to the axis of a KCl tubular whisker is a hollow dislocation and that its. twist is due to the screw components of the stress of the dislocation. The Burgers vectors of screw dislocations calculated from the measured twists using Eshelby\u27s theory are larger than 100A, and sometimes larger than 1000A. Frank\u27s formula for the hollow dislocation is modified in order to apply to tubular whiskers, and it is found that the modified formula agrees qualitatively with the experimental results

    Luders Bands of KCl Whiskers

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    KCl whiskers (grown in direction) thicker than about 70μ show logarithmic stress-strain curves, which are caused by the propagation of Luders bands. The front velocity of a Luders band is nearly constant for the constant tensile strain rate in spite of the remarkable increase of the flow stress during its propagation. The average strain in a Luders band increases with its propagation. On the other hand, whiskers thinner than about 70μ show remarkable serrated yielding phenomena. It is shown that both the logarithmic stress-strain curve and the serrated yielding can be interpreted on the basis of experimental facts and on the cross-slip mechanism which may be caused by the stress field of screw dislocation alignments in Luders bands

    Electron Microscope Studies on the Development of Slip Bands on KCl Whiskers

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    The development of slip bands on KCl whiskers made by Amelinckx\u27s method has been investigated electron-microscopically using the replica method. Steep and discrete steps and moderate and homogeneous ones make groups of the width ranging from a few thousands A to about one micron in the early stage of deformation, while a quasiuniform distribution of slip bands is observed in the later stages. A cross slip mechanism seems to play important roles in the development of slip bands. The contribution of the stress field due to the alignment of screw dislocations for the cross slip is investigated. Cross slips over a long distance of about 10 microns observed at the top of Luders bands, which propagate in the initial stage of deformation, are considered to be caused by the stress field due to these alignments

    Onomatopoeia and Repetition

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