213 research outputs found

    Developing a food education program focusing on cooperation with a local comunity On the basis of making a lesson plan for the integrated learning of an elementary school

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    A Study on Principles and Methods of Citizenship Education in Elementary School Social Studies: Through the Development of a Teaching Plan Dealing with the Protection and Inheritance of the Traditions and Culture of Local Communities

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    本研究は,主権者育成を目指した小学校社会科の原理と方法を解明し,単元開発を通してそれを具体的に提案しようとするものである。18 歳に選挙権年齢が引き下げられて以降,主権者教育が注目されるようになったが,一般的には主権者教育は中等教育段階のものと考えられ,小学校における取組事例は多くはない。しかし,主権者教育は選挙の際の投票行動を促すことを目標とするものではない。主権者として必要な社会認識を形成し,主権者として必要な政治的判断力を養うとともに,主権者としての自覚や態度,さらには主権者として行動するためのスキルを身に着けさせるものである。それらは,初等教育段階から体系的・継続的に育成する必要がある。本研究では,主権者教育の原理に関する先行研究や,小学校主権者教育のために開発された実践等の分析を通して,小学校主権者教育の原理と方法を解明し,社会科の学習として位置づけられる単元の開発を通してそれらを具体的に提案するものである

    Development of a Life and Environment Studies Teaching Plan Aimed at Forming the Foundation of Social Cognition A Case Study of the Development of a Food Education Program that Encourages Students to Understand Their Relationships with People

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    本研究は,社会認識の基盤を形成することを目指した生活科授業の構成原理を,身近な人々との関わりの捉えさせ方に焦点をあて,提案するものである。具体的には,給食を取り上げた食育プログラムの開発を通して,人々との直接的な関わりから間接的な関わりの認識へと視点を転換することを通して,児童の社会認識の範囲を少しずつ拡大し,中学年以降の社会科の目標となる科学的な社会認識の基盤を形成することを目指す。給食という児童にとって学校生活の中でも関心の高い事象を取り上げ,調理員など直接的な関わりを捉えられる人々だけではなく農家の人など間接的にしか自分との関わりが捉えられない人々へと対象を拡大することで,科学的な社会認識の基盤を形成するための視点を獲得させる授業を提案する。This study proposes a principle for constructing a life science class aimed at forming the foundation of social awareness, focusing on how to make students understand their relationships with the people around them. Specifically, through the development of a dietary education program that focuses on school lunches, we aim to gradually expand the scope of children's social awareness by shifting their perspective from direct relationships with people to recognition of indirect relationships, and to form the basis for scientific social awareness that will be the goal of social studies in the middle grades and beyond. By taking up school lunches, an event that is of great interest to students in their school life, and expanding the scope of the subject to include not only those who can be directly related to them, such as cooks, but also those who are only indirectly related to them, such as farmers, we propose a class that allows students to acquire the perspective to form the basis of scientific social awareness. We will propose a lesson that enables students to acquire a viewpoint to form the basis of scientific social awareness

    Research and Development of Educational Content for Citizenship Education in Elementary School Social Studies as Social Participation Learning A Case Study on the Development of a Teaching Plan Aimed at Solving Local Problems

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    本研究は,社会参加学習の原理を小学校社会科に取り入れ,主権者育成を目指した教育内容開発を行うものである。具体的には,先行研究で明らかにされている社会参加学習の原理と方法を検討したうえで,小学校社会科において社会参加を学習指導に取り入れる方法を解明し,その方法を子供自身が地域課題の解決に取り組む単元の開発を通して提案する。主権者教育は,一般的には中等教育段階を想定したものと捉えられがちであるが,主権者育成はたんに投票を促すだけではなく,社会の形成者として必要な資質・能力を広く身に着けさせることを目指したものである。その資質・能力には,認識から思考力・判断力,そして,態度や行動まで含まれる。これを総合的に身に付けさせるためには,社会の中で自ら課題を発見し,その解決に取り組む学習が有効であると考えられる。本研究では,地域課題の解決を目指した社会科の単元開発を通して,初等教育段階の主権者育成の方法を示す。The purpose of this study is to develop educational content aimed at fostering citizens by incorporating the principles of social participation learning into elementary school social studies. Specifically, after examining the principles and methods of social participation learning clarified in previous studies, we will clarify how to incorporate social participation into learning instruction in elementary school social studies, and propose a method through the development of a unit in which children themselves work on solving local issues. Sovereignty education is generally considered to be for secondary school students, but sovereignty education is not just about encouraging students to vote, but also aims to help them acquire a wide range of qualities and abilities necessary to be shapers of society. These qualities and abilities include the ability to recognize, think and judge, as well as attitudes and actions. In order for students to acquire these qualities and abilities comprehensively, it is considered effective for them to learn to discover issues in society and work on solving them. In this study, we show how to develop sovereign citizens at the elementary education level through the development of a social studies unit that aims to solve local issues

    Spatiotemporal changes in biomass after selective logging in a lowland tropical rainforest in peninsular Malaysia

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    We studied biomass changes in a lowland tropical rain forest in the Pasoh Forest Reserve of Peninsular Malaysia after selective logging in 1958. A tree census was undertaken every 2 years from 1998 to 2012 in a 6-ha logged forest plot. Total aboveground biomass (AGB) was 72 % of that in a primary forest plot within the same reserve in 1998, but reached 87 % in 2012. AGB regrowth was spatially variable within the logged forest plot and was much less in swampy areas than in upland areas. The overall annual growth rate of AGB in the logged forest throughout the study period was 1.5 % and slowed (to 0.6 %) in a dry period (2004-2006). The biomass of large trees (DBH ≥ 50 cm) increased by 56 % during the study period, but amounted to only 58 % of the biomass of the corresponding size class in the primary forest, suggesting that stand structure is still recovering from logging. Spatiotemporal variation in AGB recovery after logging needs to be taken into account for logging and subsequent management of the tropical lowland forest biome

    Landslide History Detected Based on Forest Structure: A Case Study on Mt. Gagara, Higashi-Hiroshima

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    Variations in tree species composition, tree density, and basal area were studied in relation to microtopography along the hills of Mt. Gagara within the campus of Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, where landslides have occurred frequently. Ten sampling plots with a size of 100 m2 (10 m×10 m) were positioned in upper and lower parts of the hills. Tree density was significantly higher in the lower parts than in the upper parts of the hills (p < 0.001). The density of trees with smaller diameters at breast height (DBH; < 13 cm ) was significantly higher in the lower parts than in the upper parts of the hills (p < 0.001), whereas the density of large- or middlesized trees (DBH ≧ 13 cm) was signifi cantly higher in the upper parts of the hills. The species composition in the lower hills mostly consisted of early successional tree species (e.g., Eurya japonica, Pieris japonica, Ilex pedunculosa, and Rhododendron reticulatum), whereas the upper parts of the hills rarely or never included such species but mainly consisted of late successional tree species (e.g., Symplocos lucida, and Quercus glauca). These trends indicate that forest vegetation on the lower parts of the hills has been disturbed by frequently occurring erosion and landslides, which have resulted in suppressed maturity of forest structure and species succession

    Fraying by Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) in an Evergreen Broadleaf Forest in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima, Japan

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    The fraying by sika deer (Cervus nippon) in an evergreen broadleaf forest in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima, Japan, was studied. The proportion of trees frayed by deer to the total trees sampled (N = 1209) was 8.1%. Our data suggest that sika deer performed fraying on trees irrespective of diameter at breast height. We found that of the 29 tree species examined, 16 were frayed. Cleyera japonica had a significantly higher proportion of trees frayed by sika deer than the average overall proportion, suggesting that the species attracts sika deer for fraying. By contrast, sika deer significantly avoided Pinus densiflora, Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica, and Eurya japonica for fraying. Trees frayed were significantly spatially distributed aggregately. The fraying by deer occurred randomly, regardless of slope angles; sika deer can perform fraying even on very steep slopes. Trees on ridges avoided being frayed by deer, however. This may be explained by the presence of the trees that were less favored for sika-fraying performance (Pinus densiflora, Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica, and Eurya japonica), which were mainly distributed on ridge sites

    Subaru Observations for the K-band Luminosity Distribution of Galaxies in Clusters near to 3C 324 at z\sim1.2

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    We investigate the KK-band luminosity distribution of galaxies in the region of clusters at z1.2z\sim1.2 near to the radio galaxy 3C 324. The imaging data were obtained during the commissioning period of the Subaru telescope. There is a significant excess of the surface number density of the galaxies with K=K = 17--20 mag in the region within \sim 40'' from 3C 324. At this bright end, the measured luminosity distribution shows a drop, which can be represented by the exponential cut off of the Schechter-function formula; the best-fitted value of the characteristic magnitude, KK^{*}, is 18.4±0.8\sim 18.4\pm0.8. This measurement follows the evolutionary trend of the KK^* of the rich clusters observed at an intermediate redshift, which is consistent with passive evolution models with a formation redshift z_f \gtsim 2. At K \gtsim 20 mag, however, the excess of the galaxy surface density in the region of the clusters decreases abruptly, which may imply that the luminosity function of the cluster galaxies has a negative slope at the faint end. This may imply strong luminosity segregation between the inner and outer parts of the clusters, or some deficit of faint galaxies in the cluster central region of the cluster.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    High-Resolution Near-Infrared Imaging of the Powerful Radio Galaxy 3C 324 at z = 1.21 with the Subaru Telescope

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    We have obtained high-resolution K'-band images of the powerful z=1.206 radio galaxy 3C 324 with the Subaru telescope under seeing conditions of 0.3--0.4 arcsec. We clearly resolved the galaxy and directly compared it to the optical images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. The host galaxy of 3C 324 is revealed to be a moderately luminous elliptical galaxy with a smooth light profile. The effective radius of the galaxy, as determined by profile fitting, is 1.3+-0.1 arcsec (1.2 kpc), which is significantly smaller than the value of 2.2 arcsec, published in Best et al. (1998, MNRAS, 292, 758). The peak of the K'-band light coincides with the position of the radio core, which implies that the powerful AGN lies at the nucleus of the host galaxy. The peak also coincides with the gap in the optical knotty structures which may be a dust lane hiding the UV-optical emission of the AGN from our line of sight; it is very likely that we are seeing the obscuring structure almost edge-on. We clearly detected the `aligned component' in the K'-band image by subtracting a model elliptical galaxy from the observed image. The red R_F702W-K color of the outer region of the galaxy avoiding the aligned component indicates that the near infrared light of the host galaxy is dominated by an old stellar population.Comment: 21 pages (10 figures), accepted for publication in PAS