3 research outputs found


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    A study was conducted to assess the impact of farmers’ education on dairy farming knowledge, national food safety standards, animal diseases, and farm production practices. Farmers’ lack of awareness is likely a contributing factor to food standards not being met in most cases. The data are collected from 150 respondents randomly selected from farmers’ municipality database, in two regions of Kosovo (Gjilan and Ferizaj). The data were collected through face to face interviews and personal visits based on a structured questionnaire. Significant differences were found among farmers (higher level of education compare with primary education) in regard with food safety standards, animal diseases, milk yield, use of milking machine, milk cooling tanks, animal identification, farm register, feeding the animals according to the production level, etc. Awareness, teaching and training programs for dairy farmers can improve: animals feeding, cows’ milk yield, diseases control in animals and reduce the public health risk of milk-borne zoonosis. Also public and donor support schemes for farmers should be strongly linked to food safety standard implementation.Provedeno je istraživanje radi procjene utjecaja obrazovanja farmera na poznavanje rada mliječne farme, nacionalnih standarda sigurnosti hrane, bolesti životinja i postupaka u proizvodnji farme. Pomanjkanje znanja farmera u većini slučajeva vjerojatno doprinosi nepoštivanju standarda hrane. Podaci su prikupljeni od 150 ispitanika nasumce izabranih iz općinskih podataka o farmerima u dva područja na Kosovu (Gjilan i Ferizaj). Podaci su dobiveni u osobnim razgovorima i osobnim posjetima na temelju pripremljenih anketa. Dobivene su značajne razlike među farmerima (viši stupanj obrazovanja u usporedbi s osnovnoškolskim obrazovanjem), s obzirom na standarde sigurnosti hrane, bolesti životinja, prinos mlijeka upotrebu strojeva za mužnju, posuda za hlađenje mlijeka, identifikaciju životinja, registar farme, hranidbu životinja prema stupnju proizvodnje, itd. Svijest, programi obrazovanja i prakse za mliječne farmere mogu poboljšati hranidbu životinja, prinos mlijeka krava, nadziranje bolesti životinja i smanjiti rizik zdravlja ljudi mlijekom prenosivim zoonozama. Također, planove za poticaje javnosti i darovatelje farmerima treba usko povezati s provođenjem standarda sigurnosti hrane


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    lstraživan je utjecaj zadnjeg dijela graviteta u Albaniji na Holstein-friesian visoko bređih junica, uvezenih iz Njemačke, na masu kod telenja i porodnu masu teladi. Promatrana su dva stada: Xhafzotaj stado sa valjanom hranidbom i držanjem i Valias stado sa lošom hranidbom i držanjem. U Xhafzotaj stadu utjecaj bređosti u Albaniji na masu krava i teladi nije bio signifikantan. Prosječne vrijednosti su bile 520.3 ± 3.6 kg za masu krava i 35.4 ± 0.4 kg za porodnu masu teladi. Nasuprot tome u Valias stadu utvrđen je signafikantan utiecaj duljine graviteta u Albaniji na mase krava i teladi. Što su krave duže razdoblje graviteta provele u Albaniji manja je bila masa krava pri porodu i porodna masa teladi. Prosječne vrijednosti su iznosile 488.1 ±3.1 kg i 30.0 ± 0.3 kg. Može se zaključiti da držanje visokobređih junica u nepovoljnim uvjetima ima negativan utiecaj ne samo na masu krava nego i na porodnu masu teladi.Since some pregnant Holstein Friesian heifers were imported from Germany, a study has been conducted to show the effect ofthe prriod ofpregnancy, ocecuring under Albanian conditions, on the cows live weight and calves birth weight. Two herds were analyzed: the Xhafzotaj herd with proper feeding and management and the Valias herd with food feeding and management. The management and feeding of the animals were different and the reaction of the cows to those factors was different, too. In the Xhafzotaj herd, the effects of the period of pregnancy in Albania on the live weight of the cows and birth weight of calves was not significant. The average values of these factors were: 520.3 ± 3.6 and 35.4 ±0.4, respectively. In the Valias herd the effects of the period of pregnancy in Albania on the live weight of the cows and birth weight of calves was significant. The length of pregnancy period in Albania is accompanied by decrease of the calves birth-weight. The same decrease is seen in the live weight of the cows five days after their calving. The average values of these factors were 488.1± 3.1 and 30.0 ± 0.3 It may be concluded that when Holstein-friesian cows are put under unfavorable conditions concerning feeding and management, there is a tendency to transmit the stress to the foetus