11,816 research outputs found

    Algebraic geometry codes with complementary duals exceed the asymptotic Gilbert-Varshamov bound

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    It was shown by Massey that linear complementary dual (LCD for short) codes are asymptotically good. In 2004, Sendrier proved that LCD codes meet the asymptotic Gilbert-Varshamov (GV for short) bound. Until now, the GV bound still remains to be the best asymptotical lower bound for LCD codes. In this paper, we show that an algebraic geometry code over a finite field of even characteristic is equivalent to an LCD code and consequently there exists a family of LCD codes that are equivalent to algebraic geometry codes and exceed the asymptotical GV bound

    Taxation and Transaction Costs in a General Equilibrium Asset Economy

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    Most financial asset pricing models assume frictionless, competitive markets that imply the absence of arbitrage opportunities. Given the absence of arbitrage opportunities and complete asset markets, there exists a unique martingale measure that implies martingale pricing formulae and replicating asset portfolios. In incomplete markets, or markets with transaction costs, these results must be modified to admit non-unique measures and the possibility of imperfectly replicating portfolios. Similar difficulties arise in markets with taxation. Some theoretical research has argued that some taxation functions will imply arbitrage opportunities and the non-existence of a competitive asset economy. In this paper, we construct a multi-period, discrete time/state general equilibrium model of asset markets with transaction costs and taxes. The transaction cost technology and the tax system are quite general, so that we can include most discrete time/state models with transaction costs and taxation. We show that a competitive equilibrium exists. Our results require careful modeling of the government budget constraints to rule out tax arbitrage possibilities.Taxation, Transaction Costs, General Equilibrium, Asset Economy

    The signatures of the new particles h2h_2 and ZΞΌΟ„Z_{\mu\tau} at e-p colliders in the U(1)LΞΌβˆ’LΟ„U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau} model

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    Considering the superior performances of the future e-p colliders, LHeC and FCC-eh, we discuss the feasibility of detecting the extra neutral scalar h2h_{2} and the light gauge boson ZΞΌΟ„Z^{}_{\mu\tau}, which are predicted by the U(1)LΞΌβˆ’LΟ„{U(1)}_{L^{}_{\mu} - L^{}_{\tau}} model. Taking into account the experimental constraints on the relevant free parameters, we consider all possible production channels of h2h_{2} and ZΞΌΟ„Z^{}_{\mu\tau} at e-p colliders and further investigate their observability through the optimal channels in the case of the beam polarization P(eβˆ’e^{-})= -0.8. We find that the signal significance above 5Οƒ\sigma of h2h_{2} as well as ZΞΌΟ„Z^{}_{\mu\tau} detecting can be achieved via eβˆ’pβ†’eβˆ’jh2(β†’ZΞΌΟ„ZΞΌΟ„)β†’Β eβˆ’j+/ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ETe^{-}p\to{e^{-}jh_{2}(\to{Z_{\mu\tau}Z_{\mu\tau}})}\to~e^{-}j+/\!\!\!\!{E}^{}_{T} process and a 5Οƒ\sigma sensitivity of ZΞΌΟ„Z^{}_{\mu\tau} detecting can be gained via eβˆ’pβ†’eβˆ’jh1(β†’ZΞΌΟ„ZΞΌΟ„)β†’Β eβˆ’j+/ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ETe^{-}p\to{e^{-}jh_{1}(\to{Z^{}_{\mu\tau}Z^{}_{\mu\tau}})\to}~e^{-}j+/\!\!\!\!{E}^{}_{T} process at e-p colliders with appropriate parameter values and a designed integrated luminosity. However, the signals of h2h_{2} decays into pair of SM particles are difficult to be detected.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, references added and typos are correcte

    Erasure List-Decodable Codes from Random and Algebraic Geometry Codes

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    Erasure list decoding was introduced to correct a larger number of erasures with output of a list of possible candidates. In the present paper, we consider both random linear codes and algebraic geometry codes for list decoding erasure errors. The contributions of this paper are two-fold. Firstly, we show that, for arbitrary 0000 (RR and Ο΅\epsilon are independent), with high probability a random linear code is an erasure list decodable code with constant list size 2O(1/Ο΅)2^{O(1/\epsilon)} that can correct a fraction 1βˆ’Rβˆ’Ο΅1-R-\epsilon of erasures, i.e., a random linear code achieves the information-theoretic optimal trade-off between information rate and fraction of erasure errors. Secondly, we show that algebraic geometry codes are good erasure list-decodable codes. Precisely speaking, for any 0<R<10<R<1 and Ο΅>0\epsilon>0, a qq-ary algebraic geometry code of rate RR from the Garcia-Stichtenoth tower can correct 1βˆ’Rβˆ’1qβˆ’1+1qβˆ’Ο΅1-R-\frac{1}{\sqrt{q}-1}+\frac{1}{q}-\epsilon fraction of erasure errors with list size O(1/Ο΅)O(1/\epsilon). This improves the Johnson bound applied to algebraic geometry codes. Furthermore, list decoding of these algebraic geometry codes can be implemented in polynomial time
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