16,736 research outputs found

    Phononic Josephson oscillation and self-trapping with two-phonon exchange interaction

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    We propose a bosonic Josephson junction (BJJ) in two nonlinear mechanical resonator coupled through two-phonon exchange interaction induced by quadratic optomechanical couplings. The nonlinear dynamic equations and effective Hamiltonian are derived to describe behaviors of the BJJ. We show that the BJJ can work in two different dynamical regimes: Josephson oscillation and macroscopic self-trapping. The system can transfer from one regime to the other one when the self-interaction and asymmetric parameters exceed their critical values. We predict that a transition from Josephson oscillation to macroscopic self-trapping can be induced by the phonon damping in the asymmetric BJJs. Our results opens up a way to demonstrate BJJ with two-phonon exchange interaction and can be applied to other systems, such as the optical and microwave systems.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Single-photon nonreciprocal transport in one-dimensional coupled-resonator waveguides

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    We study the transport of a single photon in two coupled one-dimensional semi-infinite coupled-resonator waveguides (CRWs), in which both end sides are coupled to a dissipative cavity. We demonstrate that a single photon can transfer from one semi-infinite CRW to the other nonreciprocally. Based on such nonreciprocity, we further construct a three-port single-photon circulator by a T-shaped waveguide, in which three semi-infinite CRWs are pairwise mutually coupled to each other. The single-photon nonreciprocal transport is induced by the breaking of the time-reversal symmetry and the optimal conditions for these phenomena are obtained analytically. The CRWs with broken time-reversal symmetry will open up a kind of quantum devices with versatile applications in quantum networks.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Nonreciprocal conversion between microwave and optical photons in electro-optomechanical systems

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    We propose to demonstrate nonreciprocal conversion between microwave and optical photons in an electro-optomechanical system where a microwave mode and an optical mode are coupled indirectly via two non-degenerate mechanical modes. The nonreciprocal conversion is obtained in the broken time-reversal symmetry regime, where the conversion of photons from one frequency to the other is enhanced for constructive quantum interference while the conversion in the reversal direction is suppressed due to destructive quantum interference. It is interesting that the nonreciprocal response between the microwave and optical modes in the electro-optomechanical system appears at two different frequencies with opposite directions. The proposal can be used to realize nonreciprocal conversion between photons of any two distinctive modes with different frequencies. Moreover, the electro-optomechanical system can also be used to construct a three-port circulator for three optical modes with distinctively different frequencies by adding an auxiliary optical mode coupled to one of the mechanical modes.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Well-Supported versus Approximate Nash Equilibria: Query Complexity of Large Games

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    We study the randomized query complexity of approximate Nash equilibria (ANE) in large games. We prove that, for some constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0, any randomized oracle algorithm that computes an ϵ\epsilon-ANE in a binary-action, nn-player game must make 2Ω(n/logn)2^{\Omega(n/\log n)} payoff queries. For the stronger solution concept of well-supported Nash equilibria (WSNE), Babichenko previously gave an exponential 2Ω(n)2^{\Omega(n)} lower bound for the randomized query complexity of ϵ\epsilon-WSNE, for some constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0; the same lower bound was shown to hold for ϵ\epsilon-ANE, but only when ϵ=O(1/n)\epsilon=O(1/n). Our result answers an open problem posed by Hart and Nisan and Babichenko and is very close to the trivial upper bound of 2n2^n. Our proof relies on a generic reduction from the problem of finding an ϵ\epsilon-WSNE to the problem of finding an ϵ/(4α)\epsilon/(4\alpha)-ANE, in large games with α\alpha actions, which might be of independent interest.Comment: 10 page

    Antibunching effect of the radiation field in a microcavity with a mirror undergoing heavily damping oscillation

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    The interaction between the radiation field in a microcavity with a mirror undergoing damping oscillation is investigated. Under the heavily damping cases, the mirror variables are adiabatically eliminated. The the stationary conditions of the system are discussed. The small fluctuation approximation around steady values is applied to analysis the antibunching effect of the cavity field. The antibunching condition is given under two limit cases.Comment: 5 pages, no figur

    Optimal control of population transfer in Markovian open quantum systems

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    There has long been interest to control the transfer of population between specified quantum states. Recent work has optimized the control law for closed system population transfer by using a gradient ascent pulse engineer- ing algorithm [1]. Here, a spin-boson model consisting of two-level atoms which interact with the dissipative environment, is investigated. With opti- mal control, the quantum system can invert the populations of the quantum logic states. The temperature plays an important role in controlling popula- tion transfer. At low temperatures the control has active performance, while at high temperatures it has less erect. We also analyze the decoherence be- havior of open quantum systems with optimal population transfer control, and we find that these controls can prolong the coherence time. We hope that active optimal control can help quantum solid-state-based engineering.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Improving teleportation fidelity in structured reservoirs

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    Seeking flexible methods to control quantum teleportation in open systems is an important task of quantum communication. In this paper, we study how the super-Ohmic, Ohmic and sub-Ohmic reservoirs affect teleportation of a general one-qubit state. The results revealed that the structures of the reservoirs play a decisive role on quality of teleportation. Particularly, the fidelity of teleportation may be improved by the strong backaction of the non-Markovian memory effects of the reservoir. The physical mechanism responsible for this improvement are determined.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Comments are welcome. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1208.1655 by other author

    Query Tracking for E-commerce Conversational Search: A Machine Comprehension Perspective

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    With the development of dialog techniques, conversational search has attracted more and more attention as it enables users to interact with the search engine in a natural and efficient manner. However, comparing with the natural language understanding in traditional task-oriented dialog which focuses on slot filling and tracking, the query understanding in E-commerce conversational search is quite different and more challenging due to more diverse user expressions and complex intentions. In this work, we define the real-world problem of query tracking in E-commerce conversational search, in which the goal is to update the internal query after each round of interaction. We also propose a self attention based neural network to handle the task in a machine comprehension perspective. Further more we build a novel E-commerce query tracking dataset from an operational E-commerce Search Engine, and experimental results on this dataset suggest that our proposed model outperforms several baseline methods by a substantial gain for Exact Match accuracy and F1 score, showing the potential of machine comprehension like model for this task.Comment: CIKM 201

    Collective modes in a Dirac insulator with short range interactions

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    We study a Haldane model with nearest neighbor interactions. We find one-dimensional like collective modes arising due to the interplay of pseudo-spin and valley degrees of freedom. In the large band gap or moderate interaction limit, these excitations are low energy modes lying in the band gap. The dispersion relations are qualitatively different in trivial insulator phase and Chern insulator phase, thus can be used to identify the topology of the Haldane model with the bulk property. We also discuss how to detect these modes in cold atom systems. An abelian gauge theory will emerge when a physical current-current interaction is introduced to the Haldane model or the Kane-Mele model.Comment: minor version, a new reference added. Phys. Rev. B (in press

    The effect of Large Magellanic Cloud on the satellite galaxy population in Milky Way analogous Galaxies

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    Observational work have shown that the two brightest satellite galaxies of the Milky Way (MW), the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), are rare amongst MW analogues. It is then interesting to know whether the presence of massive satellite has any effect on the whole satellite population in MW analogues. In this article, we investigate this problem using a semi-analytical model combined with the Millennium-II Simulation. MW-analogous galaxies are defined to have similar stellar mass or dark matter halo mass to the MW. We find that, in the first case, the halo mass is larger and there are, on average, twice as many satellites in Milky Way analogs if there is a massive satellite galaxy in the system. This is mainly from the halo formation bias. The difference is smaller if MW analogues are selected using halo mass. We also find that the satellites distribution is slightly asymmetric, being more concentrated on the line connecting the central galaxy and the massive satellite and that, on average, LMC have brought in 14.7 satellite galaxies with Mr<0M_{r}<0 at its accretion, among which 4.5 satellites are still within a distance of 50kpc from the LMC. Considering other satellites, we predict that thereare 7.8 satellites with 50kpc of the LMC. By comparing our model with the early data of Satellites Around Galactic Analogs (SAGA), a survey to observe satellite galaxies around 100 Milky Way analogues, we find that SAGA has more bright satellites and less faint satellites than our model predictions. A future comparison with the final SAGA data is needed.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, published in MNRA