23 research outputs found

    The Rabbinic Anti-Gospel in the Context of the Polemic between the Synagogue and the Church

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    This article tries to find the answers to the following questions: Can one find, in the Rabbinic writings (the Tosefta, Jerusalem Talmud and Babylonian Talmud), some texts that refer to Jesus and His followers? What is their nature? Do they include anti-Christian undertones and constitute a specific Rabbinic anti-gospel: the rabbis’ well-thought and thorough reaction to the content included in the Gospels? The author in his answers used the detailed research presented in his latest monograph entitled Jesus and His Followers in the Talmud. A Textological, Historical and Sociological Analysis, Lublin 2013. His investigation leads him to the conclusion that in Talmudic narratives Rabbis created a specific anti-gospel which was initially transmitted verbally and then written down in various contexts of their works. The aim of this anti-gospel is to challenge the authority of Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God and the Messiah from the house of David. Rabbinic narratives wish to show in a clear way that Jesus must not usurp any messianic and divine prerogatives. In the earlier times rabbis warned Jewish community against magic power and the attractiveness of the doctrine advocated by heretics. Subsequent rabbis showed the weakness and stupidity of heretical teaching, whose contradictions and lack of logic were easy to disprove by making use of proper argumentation. Jewish sages wished to prove the superiority of the Rabbinic doctrine and the biblical presentation they offered, over the Christian faith.This article tries to find the answers to the following questions: Can one find, in the Rabbinic writings (the Tosefta, Jerusalem Talmud and Babylonian Talmud), some texts that refer to Jesus and His followers? What is their nature? Do they include anti-Christian undertones and constitute a specific Rabbinic anti-gospel: the rabbis’ well-thought and thorough reaction to the content included in the Gospels? The author in his answers used the detailed research presented in his latest monograph entitled Jesus and His Followers in the Talmud. A Textological, Historical and Sociological Analysis, Lublin 2013. His investigation leads him to the conclusion that in Talmudic narratives Rabbis created a specific anti-gospel which was initially transmitted verbally and then written down in various contexts of their works. The aim of this anti-gospel is to challenge the authority of Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God and the Messiah from the house of David. Rabbinic narratives wish to show in a clear way that Jesus must not usurp any messianic and divine prerogatives. In the earlier times rabbis warned Jewish community against magic power and the attractiveness of the doctrine advocated by heretics. Subsequent rabbis showed the weakness and stupidity of heretical teaching, whose contradictions and lack of logic were easy to disprove by making use of proper argumentation. Jewish sages wished to prove the superiority of the Rabbinic doctrine and the biblical presentation they offered, over the Christian faith

    The Gospel According to St. John in the Light of Targum Neofiti 1 to the Book of Genesis

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    In the present article the author tries to answer on the questions: What is the importance of Targum texts for a better understanding of the proclamation of the Gospel according to St. John? Is there any connection between the Targum terms „Memra”, „Yeqara”, „Shekinah” and the terms which appear in the Prologue and narrative of the Gospel of John: „logos”, „doksa”, „skenoo”? How did the first followers of Jesus from Nazareth understand these terms? Could the traditions contained in Targum synagogue readings have had a bearing on the thought of the author of the Fourth Gospel? The article consists of two parts: (1) Characteristics of the Targumic tradition based on Targum Neofiti 1; (2) The terminological and conceptual convergence between Targumic tradition and the Fourth Gospel. In the present article the author tries to show that Targumic traditions enables a better perception of the New Testament writings which can often be better explained thanks to Targumic traditions rather than to the Masoretic text.Ewangelia według św. Jana w świetle Targumu Neofiti I do Księgi RodzajuW niniejszym artykule autor pragnie odpowiedzieć na pytania: Jakie znaczenie ma tekst targumiczny dla lepszego rozumienia przeslania Czwartej Ewangelii? Czy istnieje związek między aramejskimi terminami „memra”, „jeqara”, „szekina” a greckimi terminami pojawiającymi się w Prologu Janowym „logos”, „doksa”, „skenoo”? W jaki sposób pojęcia te rozumieli pierwsi wyznawcy Jezusa? Czy tradycje targumiczne obecne w liturgii synagogalnej miały wpływ na idee i myśli autora Czwartej Ewangelii? Artykuł złożony jest z dwóch części: (1) Charakterystyka tradycji targumicznych na podstawie Targumu Neofiti; (2) Terminologiczne i konceptualne związki pomiędzy tradycją targumiczną i Czwartą Ewangelią. W niniejszym artykule autor ukazuje, że wiele tekstów zawartych w Czwartej Ewangelii może być głębiej rozumianych w świetle tradycji targumicznej

    The problem of the old age in the intertestamental literature

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    In the present article the author describes the problem of an old age in the Jewish apocalyptic literature and in the Qumran texts. Old persons are presented in these texts like sages and teachers. The education given by them for children and grandchildren is based on moral and religious values. They call to observe God’s commandments and to avoid all acts which are against God and other persons. The respect and authority of the old persons described in the texts of intertestamental literature can take in consideration the biblical sources. In the Old Testament the elders of Israel are described as judges who decide about all important aspects of the life in Jewish community

    The Polemic in Jn 8:31-59 in the Context of Jewish and Christian Literature

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    Jedną z widocznych cech Ewangelii według św. Jana jest jej „potencjał polemiczny”. Wiele zdań Janowego Jezusa wobec Jego rozmówców (Żydów) ma ostry i polemiczny charakter. W niniejszym artykule autor pragnie wskazać na źródła Janowego konfliktu i polemiki w szerszym kontekście literatury judaistycznej (Izajasz, Targum Izajasza) i chrześcijańskiej (Pierwszy List św. Jana, List do Galatów). Analiza ta umożliwia wydobycie „paradygmatu polemicznego”, który mógł być wykorzystany przez autora czwartej Ewangelii i zaaplikowany do sytuacji końca I w., kiedy szczególnie żywotnym było pytanie o tożsamość „prawdziwego Izraela” w odniesieniu do ojcostwa wobec Boga i Abrahama

    Johannine Jesus as the Revealer of the Face of God

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    The present article deals with the essential message of the Fourth Gospel which is based on the relation between Father and Son. The main motive of this article is the last verse of the Prologue (Jn 1:18) which appears like leitmotive in the various contexts of the Gospel of John. In the first part of the article the author describes the relation between Father and Son in the Fourth Gospel. He stresses especially a deep communion between them which determines the function of Son as the Revealer of His Father. In the second part of the article the author makes analysis on the function of Jesus as the Revealer of Father. This function can be seen especially in His words and acts. The main goal of this function is the faith of the Jesus’ disciples in God who is the loving Father and Donor of salvation. In the power of faith every human being can recognize in Jesus the face of Father whose main feature is Love until the mystery of the Cross.The present article deals with the essential message of the Fourth Gospel which is based on the relation between Father and Son. The main motive of this article is the last verse of the Prologue (Jn 1:18) which appears like leitmotive in the various contexts of the Gospel of John. In the first part of the article the author describes the relation between Father and Son in the Fourth Gospel. He stresses especially a deep communion between them which determines the function of Son as the Revealer of His Father. In the second part of the article the author makes analysis on the function of Jesus as the Revealer of Father. This function can be seen especially in His words and acts. The main goal of this function is the faith of the Jesus’ disciples in God who is the loving Father and Donor of salvation. In the power of faith every human being can recognize in Jesus the face of Father whose main feature is Love until the mystery of the Cross

    Theological Concept of the Fourth Gospel in the Context of Jesus’ Glorification Prayer (Jn 17:1-5)

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    The analysis of Jn 17:1-5 in its textual, literary, exegetical and theological dimensions shows the importance of Jesus’ prayer to His Father. The prayer of glorification includes a deep theological perspective expressed by the connection between the Son and the Father, earth and Heaven, the believers and God. The glorification of the Father in the prayer of the Son obtains its dynamism in the glorification of the Son in the realization of the Hour. The concept of the Johannine Hour reveals its eschatological character which can be fulfilled in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Son. The prayer of Jesus opens the Heaven for every person who together with Him can fulfill the will of God. In the glorification of the Father by the Son (earthly glorification) and the Son by the Father (heavenly glorification) the believers obtain eternal life in the Heavenly Love of God

    „To wam przykazuję, abyście się wzajemnie miłowali” (J 15,17). Wzajemna miłości uczniów Jezusa jako budowanie wspólnoty Kościoła w świetle czwartej Ewangelii

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    In the present article the author searches for the answers on the following questions: What is the function and meaning of the commandment of love in the Fourth Gospel? How is the relation of love between Father and Son? How Jesus manifests His love to the disciples? How the disciples of Jesus form the Church community by realization of the commandment of love? The answers on these questions are searched in the following aspects: 1. The love of Father revealed in His Son; 2. The love of Jesus to His disciples; 3. The commandment of love in the life of the disciples; 4. The formation of the Church community in the space of love.W niniejszym artykule autor stara się odpowiedzieć na następujące pytania: Jaka jest funkcja i znaczenie przykazania miłości w czwartej Ewangelii? Jak ukazana jest relacja miłości pomiędzy Ojcem i Synem? W jaki sposób Jezus manifestuje swoją miłość wobec uczniów? W jaki sposób uczniowie poprzez realizację przykazania miłości stają się budowniczymi Domu, któremu na imię Kościół? Poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na te pytania zostanie przedstawione w czterech aspektach: 1. Miłość Ojca objawiona w Synu; 2. Miłość Jezusa wobec uczniów; 3. Przykazanie miłości w życiu uczniów; 4. Budowanie wspólnoty Kościoła w przestrzeni miłości