4,613 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Self-Assembly of DNA: Theoretical Motivations and 2D Assembly Experiments

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    Biology makes things far smaller and more complex than anything produced by human engineering. The biotechnology revolution has for the first time given us the tools necessary to consider engineering on the molecular level. Research in DNA computation, launched by Len Adleman, has opened the door for experimental study of programmable biochemical reactions. Here we focus on a single biochemical mechanism, the self-assembly of DNA structures, that is theoretically sufficient for Turing-universal computation. The theory combines Hao Wang?s purely mathematical Tiling Problem with the branched DNA constructions of Ned Seeman. In the context of mathematical logic, Wang showed how jigsaw-shaped tiles can be designed to simulate the operation of any Turing Machine. For a biochemical implementation, we will need molecular Wang tiles. DNA molecular structures and intermolecular interactions are particularly amenable to design and are sufficient for the creation of complex molecular objects. The structure of individual molecules can be designed by maximizing desired and minimizing undesired Watson-Crick complementarity. Intermolecular interactions are programmed by the design of sticky ends that determine which molecules associate, and how. The theory has been demonstrated experimentally using a system of synthetic DNA double-crossover molecules that self-assemble into two-dimensional crystals that have been visualized by atomic force microscopy. This experimental system provides an excellent platform for exploring the relationship between computation and molecular self-assembly, and thus represents a first step toward the ability to program molecular reactions and molecular structures

    Self-Healing Tile Sets

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    Biology provides the synthetic chemist with a tantalizing and frustrating challenge: to create complex objects, defined from the molecular scale up to meters, that construct themselves from elementary components, and perhaps even reproduce themselves. This is the challenge of bottom-up fabrication. The most compelling answer to this challenge was formulated in the early 1980s by Ned Seeman, who realized that the information carried by DNA strands provides a means to program molecular self-assembly, with potential applications including DNA scaffolds for crystallography [19] or for molecular electronic circuits [15]. This insight opened the doors to engineering with the rich set of phenomena available in nucleic acid chemistry [20]

    On the Computational Power of DNA Annealing and Ligation

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    In [20] it was shown that the DNA primitives of Separate, Merge, and Amplify were not sufficiently powerful to invert functions defined by circuits in linear time. Dan Boneh et al [4] show that the addition of a ligation primitive, Append, provides the missing power. The question becomes, "How powerful is ligation? Are Separate, Merge, and Amplify necessary at all?" This paper proposes to informally explore the power of annealing and ligation for DNA computation. We conclude, in fact, that annealing and ligation alone are theoretically capable of universal computation

    Complexity of Restricted and Unrestricted Models of Molecular Computation

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    In [9] and [2] a formal model for molecular computing was proposed, which makes focused use of affinity purification. The use of PCR was suggested to expand the range of feasible computations, resulting in a second model. In this note, we give a precise characterization of these two models in terms of recognized computational complexity classes, namely branching programs (BP) and nondeterministic branching programs (NBP) respectively. This allows us to give upper and lower bounds on the complexity of desired computations. Examples are given of computable and uncomputable problems, given limited time

    DNA Computing by Self-Assembly

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    Information and algorithms appear to be central to biological organization and processes, from the storage and reproduction of genetic information to the control of developmental processes to the sophisticated computations performed by the nervous system. Much as human technology uses electronic microprocessors to control electromechanical devices, biological organisms use biochemical circuits to control molecular and chemical events. The engineering and programming of biochemical circuits, in vivo and in vitro, would transform industries that use chemical and nanostructured materials. Although the construction of biochemical circuits has been explored theoretically since the birth of molecular biology, our practical experience with the capabilities and possible programming of biochemical algorithms is still very young

    Error Correction in DNA Computing: Misclassification and Strand Loss

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    We present a method of transforming an extract-based DNA computation that is error-prone into one that is relatively error-free. These improvements in error rates are achieved without the supposition of any improvements in the reliability of the underlying laboratory techniques. We assume that only two types of errors are possible: a DNA strand may be incorrectly processed or it may be lost entirely. We show to deal with each of these errors individually and then analyze the tradeoff when both must be optimized simultaneously

    How crystals that sense and respond to their environments could evolve

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    An enduring mystery in biology is how a physical entity simple enough to have arisen spontaneously could have evolved into the complex life seen on Earth today. Cairns-Smith has proposed that life might have originated in clays which stored genomes consisting of an arrangement of crystal monomers that was replicated during growth. While a clay genome is simple enough to have conceivably arisen spontaneously, it is not obvious how it might have produced more complex forms as a result of evolution. Here, we examine this possibility in the tile assembly model, a generalized model of crystal growth that has been used to study the self-assembly of DNA tiles. We describe hypothetical crystals for which evolution of complex crystal sequences is driven by the scarceness of resources required for growth. We show how, under certain circumstances, crystal growth that performs computation can predict which resources are abundant. In such cases, crystals executing programs that make these predictions most accurately will grow fastest. Since crystals can perform universal computation, the complexity of computation that can be used to optimize growth is unbounded. To the extent that lessons derived from the tile assembly model might be applicable to mineral crystals, our results suggest that resource scarcity could conceivably have provided the evolutionary pressures necessary to produce complex clay genomes that sense and respond to changes in their environment

    Synthesis of crystals with a programmable kinetic barrier to nucleation

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    A central goal of chemistry is to fabricate supramolecular structures of defined function and composition. In biology, control of supramolecular synthesis is often achieved through precise control over nucleation and growth processes: A seed molecule initiates growth of a structure, but this growth is kinetically inhibited in the seed's absence. Here we show how such control can be systematically designed into self-assembling structures made of DNA tiles. These structures, "zig-zag ribbons," are designed to have a fixed width but can grow arbitrarily long. Under slightly supersaturated conditions, theory predicts that elongation is always favorable but that nucleation rates decrease exponentially with increasing width. We confirm experimentally that although ribbons of different widths have similar thermodynamics, nucleation rates decrease for wider ribbons. It is therefore possible to program the nucleation rate by choosing a ribbon width. The presence of a seed molecule, a stabilized version of the presumed critical nucleus, removes the kinetic barrier to nucleation of a ribbon. Thus, we demonstrate the ability to grow supramolecular structures from rationally designed seeds, while suppressing spurious nucleation. Control over DNA tile nucleation allows for proper initiation of algorithmic crystal growth, which could lead to the high-yield synthesis of micrometer-scale structures with complex programmed features. More generally, this work shows how a self-assembly subroutine can be initiated

    Proofreading tile sets: Error correction for algorithmic self-assembly

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    For robust molecular implementation of tile-based algorithmic self-assembly, methods for reducing errors must be developed. Previous studies suggested that by control of physical conditions, such as temperature and the concentration of tiles, errors (ε) can be reduced to an arbitrarily low rate - but at the cost of reduced speed (r) for the self-assembly process. For tile sets directly implementing blocked cellular automata, it was shown that r ≈ βε^2 was optimal. Here, we show that an improved construction, which we refer to as proofreading tile sets, can in principle exploit the cooperativity of tile assembly reactions to dramatically improve the scaling behavior to r ≈ βε and better. This suggests that existing DNA-based molecular tile approaches may be improved to produce macroscopic algorithmic crystals with few errors. Generalizations and limitations of the proofreading tile set construction are discussed