60 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Monitoring Pemakaian Processor dan Memory Pada Linux Clustering Berbasis Web Secara Real Time

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    Cluster digunakan untuk melakukan eksekusi aplikasi-aplikasi ilmu pengetahuan, teknik dan perdagangan dalam skala yang besar. Kebutuhan suatu cluster tidak dapat diketahui secara langsung dikarenakan cluster merupakan gabungan dari beberapa komputer. Untuk itu diperlukan sebuah aplikasi monitoring. Saat ini sudah ada aplikasi monitoring cluster hanya saja masih belum bisa bekerja secara maksimal dan efisien. Aplikasi monitoring Cluster yang berbasis desktop tidak bisa diakses secara online tetapi systemnya bisa bekerja secara realtime, Sedangkan aplikasi monitoring Cluster yang berbasis web sudah dapat diakses secara online tetapi masih belum realtime. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan aplikasi monitoring untuk sumberdaya memory usage, dan processor usage pada Cluster yang bebasis web secara realtime. Dengan menggunakan teknologi ajax maka web yang dibangun dapat menyajikan data dalam bentuk grafik secara realtime. Selain itu dilengkapi juga aplikasi reporting untuk pendukung analisa dari kinerja linux Cluster. Sehingga bisa memaksimalkan efisiensi dari kinerja linux Cluste


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    Belakangan ini, pencurian identitas pribadi melalui media internet semakin marak. Berbagai cara bisa digunakan misalnya melalui phishing, email scan ataupun menggunakan piranti yang sanggup melacak gerak-gerik kebiasaan user ketika mengakses situs-situs web di internet. Kebocoran informasi ini tidak hanya terjadi secara personal tapi juga dapat terjadi secara korporat. Yang mana tidak tertutup kemungkinan kebocoran itu datang dari orang dalam sendiri. Karena itulah diperlukan adanya pengaman jaringan diantaranya dengan menggunakan metode NAC (Network Access Control). Dengan menggunakan metode NAC, seorang administrator jaringan dapat mengontrol dan mengamankan jaringannya dari aksi para user yang tidak bertanggung jawab dengan cara mengisolasi komputer user tersebut dari koneksi jaringan. Dalam pengerjaan tugas akhir ini, terdapat sebuah komponen tambahan yang digunakan, yaitu SNORT NIDS. NAC dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut dengan menambah komponen-komponen pendukung lain. Komponen-komponen tersebut diantaranya adalah hping, nmap, nessus, ethereal dan masih banyak lagi. Dengan NAC ini diharapkan keamanan dalam jaringan akan semakin terjami

    Implementasi Algoritma ECDSA untuk Pengamanan E-Mail (Verifikasi Keaslian Pesan)

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    This final project is discussed about implementation of digital signature on email delivery with java programming language. Digital signature is one of the cryptographic security services that provide assurance to the recipient of the message (receiver). Given the assurance that the sender of the message is the sender, not a third party (eyesdropper) and received messages are genuine. Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is one method of digital signatures on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). ECC is a public-key cryptography using the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) as the basic math. ECDLP used is Q = kP, where Q and P are the points on the elliptic curve of F2m Finite field and k is positive integers. This final project provide an email client application that integrated with ECDSA algorithm, so it can be able to provide digital signature on sent message, to verify the digital signature on a received message, and give a warning if the verification fails, which means received email was not genuine


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    Untuk menghasilkan karya yang lebih dibutuhkan juga perangkat komputasi yang setara dengan karya tersebut. Habisnya IPv4 valid juga menjadi kendala tersendiri di era sekarang. Implementasi grid computing dengan menggunakan pengalamatan IPv6 menjadi solusi dari masalah yang ada. Grid Computing mampu melakukan komputasi dalam skala besar yang terdistribusi dan terpisah secara geografis. Grid Computing diimplementasikan pada 9 komputer yang membentuk 1 server dan 2 cluster dimana semua node menggunakan pengalamatan IPv6. Implementasi cluster menggunakan openmpi, job scheduler menggunakan condor, dan grid engine menggunakan globus toolkit. Perkalian matrik dan Prime sum digunakan untuk menguji coba kecepatan dari sistem grid computing untuk menunjukkan seberapa cepat sistem grid computing mengeksekusi aplikasi (program parallel). Hasil dari uji coba menunjukkan bahwa implementasi openmpi menggunakan IPv6 mampu meningkatkan komputasi lebih dari 5 kali dibandingkan dengan komputasi pada 1 komputer, condor tidak bisa diimplementasikan karena versinya belum memenuhi, dan globus tidak cocok diintegrasikan dengan openmpi. Dua problem tersebut digantikan dengan Portal PHP yang difungsikan sebagai administrasi jobs. Hasilnya, aplikasi Prime Sum dapat dijalankan pada Portal untuk diteruskan ke semua node pada cluster. Kata Kunci : IPv6, Grid Computing, Komputasi Paralle

    Implementasi OpenID Pada EEPIS Network

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    At this time most of the Internet users want the ease and convenience to gain access information that is always an update from the provided information content. On EEPIS network, the content of information is well integrated, but the digital identity facilities that provided on each content requires user to register the digital identity separately. So that each user must properly manage the digital identities on any content that accessible information. Therefore neccessery a system to allow users to manage digital identities owned. The system is a Single Sign-On system using OpenID. OpenID method is a method of open protocols that allow a user using URLs as single digital identities to sign-in into an application. In this final project, the system will be implemented and applied on the EEPIS network in the form of web based application. Future development is expected to implement OpenID authentication system and can assist users in accessing the information content services already integrated in the EEPIS network. Keywords : user, digital identity, OpenID, authentication


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    Cluster is used to execute the applications of science, engineering and trading in a large scale. Requirement of a cluster can not be known directly because the cluster is a combination of multiple computers. So, we need a monitoring application. Now, There are monitoring application for cluster but it can not work optimally and efficiently. Desktop based monitoring application can not be accessed remotely online, although the existing system is real time. The existing web based monitoring application provide a system that can not access real time to monitor the used of the processor and memory. This research intends to develop an monitoring application for processor and memory usage in Cluster based online and realtime. With Ajax technology so that web monitoring can presented processor and memory usage in graphical form online and real time. In this Application also include reporting application for supporting the analysis of the performance linux Cluster . So this application can optimizing the efficiency of linux Cluster performance

    Aplikasi Monitoring Kinerja Processor Pada Lingkungan Linux Cluster Secara Real Time

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    Linux clusters have become the paradigm of choice for the execution of applications of science, engineering and commerce in a large scale. This is because computing using cluster technology is cheaper, has high performance, availability of many components - compenents own hardware and software that we can get for free that can be used to develop applications of the cluster. This book discussing about technology, Linux clusters, the architecture of the system, software that is used to develop applications (parallel program). The aim of this study is to know the performance of 8 processor computers using cluster with Debian linux. To test this Final project will be sorting the applications in use by many of the numbers in the thousands of numbers. To monitor the performance of computer processor at cluster while executing parallel programs The results of the monitoring processor performance will be displayed in real time in graphical for


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    This paper contains a discussion of internet access problem today is very high, this resulted in increased demand for access to a secure network is getting higher. This situation requires the network admin to be more selective in allowing users to access to the network. To these problems is a method to overcome that is by using the method of Network Admission Control (NAC). The application aims to make security systems more reliable and easier, because the system can detect the identity of a personal computer that supports the dynamic vlan. Generally these applications can make a change vlan on cisco Switch by java application using the perl libraries and make the interested users can access and obtain access rights according to existing rules on the network so as to reduce the risk of the illegal user can be dangerous and expense of others. . Keyword: dynamic vlan, Network Admission Control,cisco,librar


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    In the process of sugar production, information systems software quite influential in increasing production. The software used greatly affect the decisions of each production process and control the calculation and reporting to match the real situation on the ground and reduces the possibility of fraud and human error. PT. Perkebunan Nusantara X (Persero) as the leader of production of the 11 sugar mills throughout East Java of course must always directly monitor the production process and results of each sugar factory. And if it is done manually, of course, will spend no less clear. In addition, security threats to vital corporate data is risky. Especially in the manipulation of data that could hurt the company. Background of the problems mentioned above, in this study constructed a solution in the form of Enterprise Network Application System which serves to integrate all applications Sugar Production Factory PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (s) through the Private Network and mengoptimalisai monitoring and reporting process of sugar production for rapid decision-making and accurate, and able to save the company budget in the archipelago of sugar production process improvement. Furthermore, this research will make the report of distribution process that occurs between sugar mills and PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (Persero) using a distributed database based applications using WEB, WAP and SMS gateway that aims to broaden the reach of the user's application access. Keywords: distributed database, WAP, WEB, SMS Gatewa

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Keamanan yang Berbasis Network Admission Control (NAC) Menggunakan Java dengan Komunikasi Terenkripsi

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    ABSTRACT This paper contains a discussion of internet access problem today is very high, this resulted in increased demand for access to a secure network is getting higher. This situation requires the network admin to be more selective in allowing users to access to the network. To these problems is a method to overcome that is by using the method of Network Admission Control (NAC) and Elgamal Enkripsy Method . The application aims to make security systems more reliable and easier, because the system can detect the identity of a personal computer that supports the dynamic vlan. Generally these applications can make a change vlan on cisco Switch by java application using the perl libraries and make the interested users can access and obtain access rights according to existing rules on the network so as to reduce the risk of the illegal user can be dangerous and expense of others. Keyword: Elgamal, dynamic vlan, Network Admission Control,cisco,librar
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