4 research outputs found

    Kompetencje zawodowe kandydat贸w na pracownik贸w w ocenie pracodawc贸w : na podstawie przedsi臋biorc贸w przemys艂u maszynowego

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    Professional competences are the important issue of human resource management. Nowadays, the awareness of employers grows that the quantity of human capital is not as much important as its quality. This raises specific, high expectations towards the candidates for employees, and indirectly towards schools that educate them. The purpose of this article is to get to know the opinions of entrepreneurs on the degree of preparation of graduates of secondary schools and universities for work and their expectations regarding professional competencies of the employed staff. As an example the machine industry has been selected. The presented empirical material has been collected as a part of a wider project carried out by a team of the Institute of Research and Analysis VIVADE, of which the authors are members.Kompetencje zawodowe stanowi膮 istotn膮 kwesti臋 zarz膮dzania zasobami ludzkimi. Obecnie wzrasta 艣wiadomo艣膰 pracodawc贸w, 偶e ilo艣膰 kapita艂u ludzkiego nie jest tak wa偶na, jak jego jako艣膰. Rodzi to okre艣lone, wysokie wymagania wobec kandydat贸w na pracownik贸w i po艣rednio w kierunku szk贸艂, kt贸re ich kszta艂c膮. Celem niniejszego artyku艂u jest poznanie opinii przedsi臋biorc贸w na temat stopnia przygotowania do pracy absolwent贸w szk贸艂 艣rednich i uczelni wy偶szych i ich oczekiwa艅 dotycz膮cych profesjonalnych kompetencji zatrudnionego personelu. Jako przyk艂ad wybrany zosta艂 przemys艂 maszynowy. Przedstawiony materia艂 empiryczny zosta艂 zebrany w ramach szerszego projektu realizowanego przez zesp贸艂 z Instytutu Bada艅 i Analiz VIVADE, kt贸rego autorzy artyku艂u s膮 cz艂onkami

    Characteristic of the chemical status in the Szto艂a river

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 przeprowadzonych na rzece Sztole zlokalizowanej w po艂udniowej Polsce, w rejonie olkuskim. Pobliska kopalnia Olkusz-Pomorzany eksploatuj膮ca z艂o偶a cynku i o艂owiu ma znacz膮cy wp艂yw na chemizm tych w贸d. Pr贸bki w贸d do bada艅 pobrano w g贸rnym i 艣rodkowym biegu rzeki. W g贸rnym biegu wody charakteryzuj膮 si臋 typem hydrogeochemicznym HCO3鈥揅a鈥揗g, natomiast w dolnym s膮 to wody typu HCO3鈥揝O4鈥揅a鈥揗g. Na podstawie uzyskanych wynik贸w analiz fizykochemicznych dokonano uproszczonej oceny stanu ekologicznego i stanu chemicznego w贸d rzeki Szto艂y zgodnie z wytycznymi podanymi w rozporz膮dzeniu Ministra 艢rodowiska z 21 lipca 2016 r. w sprawie sposobu klasyfikacji stanu jednolitych cz臋艣ci w贸d powierzchniowych oraz 艣rodowiskowych norm jako艣ci dla substancji priorytetowych (Dz.U. 2016, poz. 1187). Wyniki bada艅 wskazuj膮, 偶e og贸lny stan w贸d w rzece jest z艂y, a stan chemiczny na ca艂ym badanym odcinku Szto艂y jest poni偶ej dobrego, co jest spowodowane zrzutem poprzez Kana艂 Baba w贸d kopalnianych pochodz膮cych z odwodnienia olkuskich kopal艅 rud Zn-Pb, kt贸re zawieraj膮 znacz膮ce ilo艣ci jon贸w siarczanowych, cynku oraz o艂owiu.In this paper, the results of inspections on the Szto艂a river were presented. Based on this research, the quantative status of surface water was shown. River chemistry and hydrogeological conditions are dependent on the Zn-Pb "Olkusz鈥揚omorzany" mine and the "DB Schenker" sand mine. Water samples for the analysis from the upper and middle course of the Szto艂a river were taken. The conducted analysis have led to changing the hydrochemical water type from HCO3鈥揅a鈥揗g in the upper course to HCO3鈥揝O4鈥揅a鈥揗g in the middle course. An assessment of the chemical status was carried on the basis of individual physicochemical elements of surface water and one series of survey, in accordance with Polish legislation (Dz.U. 2016, poz. 1187 and Dz.U. 2016, poz. 681). The results indicate that the status of the surface water of the Szto艂a river is bad. The chemical status are below good. Based on that research has shown that the general state of surface water is bad and the chemical state is below good. This situation is caused by water from the "Olkusz-Pomorzany" mine which contain sulphate, zinc and lead ions. Water from Baba Canal to the Szto艂a river is provided from the Zn-Pb mine

    Physical properties and texture of gluten-free snacks supplemented with selected fruit additions

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    Extrusion-cooking is used to produce directly expanded gluten-free snacks, especially for consumers with celiac disease. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of various fruits type supplementation as well as the processing screw speed on the physical properties and texture of ready-toeat corn-based gluten-free snacks. Black elderberry, chokeberry and strawberry were dried and used in the amount of 5 to 20% as a corn grit replacement. The directly expanded snacks were processed with a single-screw extruder at various screw speeds (80 and 120 rpm) and tested to measure their expansion ratio, bulk density, colour profile as well as their texture profile. The results showed the various effects of adding different types and amounts of fruit on the physical properties and texture of supplemented gluten-free snacks. A higher amount of fruit resulted in a significant decrease in the expansion ratio and an increase in the bulk density of the snacks. Reduced lightness and a more pronounced red tint were observed when red fruits were added. The desired hardness of the snacks suggested that the addition of fruit should be retained below 15% of the recipe content. The screw speeds applied showed a significant effect on the expansion, bulk density and texture of the tested snacks