17 research outputs found

    Analisis Studi Kelayakan Pendirian BUMD Pariwisata (Taman Kehati) di Kabupaten Bandung

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi potensi pendapatan wisata Taman Kehati yang saat ini dikelola UPTD Taman Kehati, mengingat Tujuan UPTD Taman Kehati sejatinya adalah pelayanan masyarakat dan tidak berorientasi laba/keuntungan maka perlu dilakukan perubahan-perubahan mendasar terkait pengelolaan wisata Taman Kehati yaitu perubahan bentuk UPTD menjadi BUMD sehingga dapat terkelola dengan profesional dan berorientasi pada keuntungan/laba. Dalam pendirian BUMD, dibutuhkan studi kelayakan yang meliputi analisa terhadap aspek financial dan aspek non financial.Hasil penelitian terhadap aspek financial meliputi : proyeksi keuangan (laba rugi dan arus kas) menunjukan laba yang prosfektif, konsisten dan berkesinambungan, Net Present Value (NPV) positif, Internal rate of return (IRR) 18,88% diatas suku bunga dasar kredit (SDBK) bank milik Pemerintah 8,00%, Net Benefit/Cost (Net B/C) 1,72 dan Discounted Payback Period (DPP) 3 tahun 11 bulan sehingga aspek financial dapat dikategorikan layak sedangkan keseluruhan hasil analisa aspek non financial yang meliputi Aspek pasar, aspek teknis, aspek manajemen, aspek hukum, aspek sosial budaya, ekonomi dan lingkungan di kategorikan layak maka disimpulkan bahwa Pendirian BUMD Pariwisata (Taman Kehati) layak untuk dilaksanakan

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Ketersediaan Produk Wisata, Citra Destinasi Terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Destinasi Kampung Karuhun Sumedang

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    Sumedang Regency is an area that has various types of tourist attractions but tourist visits to Sumedang fluctuate every year. One of the attractions in Sumedang is Kampung Karuhun which still needs improvement in several aspects. This study aims to identify the influence of the relationship of service quality, tourism product availability, destination image, consumer satisfaction and destination loyalty in Kampung Karuhun Sumedang. The research method used is a quantitative approach using a survey tool in the form of a questionnaire. This study collected data as many as 355 respondents. The analytical technique used is descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Model (SEM) and the sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The results showed that service quality had a significant effect on consumer satisfaction and destination loyalty, the tourism product availability had no significant effect on consumer satisfaction but had an effect on destination loyalty. Furthermore, destination image has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction and destination loyalty. The last finding, consumer satisfaction has a significant effect on destination loyalty. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the study offers evidence of the relationship between service quality, tourism products and destination image on tourist satisfaction and loyalty. The results of this study are expected to provide a tourism planning and marketing strategy in Karuhun Karuhun through an understanding that improving the quality of services, tourism products and destination image will increase tourist satisfaction and loyalty

    Peran Citra Destinasi dan Nilai Altruistik Terhadap Minat Voluntourism

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    This study aims to identify the role of destination image and altruistic values on voluntourism interest. The research method was used quantitatively using a questionnaire and data collected from as many as 347 respondents. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Model (SEM), and the sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The results show that the state of nature, culture and history, tourist infrastructure, atmosphere of the place, and quality of service have a significant effect on altruistic values. Meanwhile, altruistic values have a significant effect on the wishes of tourist volunteers. Other findings, public infrastructure, economic factors, and tourist recreation have no significant effect on altruistic values. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the image of the destination and altruistic values have a role to influence the desire for voluntourism.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidetifikasi peran citra destinasi dan nilai altruistik terhadap minat voluntourism. Metode penelitian digunakan kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner dan data terkumpul sebanyak 347 responden. Teknik analisis digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan Structural Equation Model (SEM), teknik sampling digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Hasil menunjukan keadaan alam, budaya dan sejarah, infrastruktur wisata, suasana tempat, dan kualitas layanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai altruistik. Sedangkan, nilai altruistik berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keinginan voluntir turis. Temuan lainnya, infrastruktur umum, faktor ekonomi dan rekreasi turis tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai altruistik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa citra destinasi dan nilai altruistik memiliki peran untuk mempengaruhi keinginan voluntouris

    E-WoM Engagement and Purchase Intention on Social Commerce Specialized in Beauty Products: A Perspective from Young Female Consumers

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    This study intends to analyze the impact of e-WoM engagement on social commerce applications of beauty products on customer purchase intention. The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), and Social Support Theory were employed to investigate the effect of e-WOM engagement on purchase intention. Data were collected from 356 social commerce users in Indonesia, and PLS-SEM was used to analyze the relationship between variables. This study discovered that e-WoM engagement positively affects purchase intention. All the TAM constructs, consisting of innovativeness and social support, also have a positive impact on e-WoM engagement and purchase intention. However, information characteristics have no significant impact on e-WoM engagement. Business players of beauty products and managers of online businesses should pay attention to factors that shape customers’ attitudes to engage in e-WoM in order to stimulate positive e-WoM engagement. This study proposes a new model for research in the field of social commerce and becomes the first research concentrating on social commerce specializing in beauty products

    Bandung’s Image as a Tourist Destination: An Application of Quantitative and Qualitative Approach

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    Bandung is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia and a gateway for tourists who visit destinations around greater Bandung areas. Currently, Bandung is also known as a culinary, shopping, and nature tourism destination. Past studies have measured the image of Bandung as a tourist destination. However, the measurements were done partially due to the use of quantitative method only. Thus, the results were not comprehensive. To resolve the drawbacks of the previous studies, this study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data were collected from 430 domestic tourists by ways of structured and unstructured interviews in 20 different destinations in Bandung and the surrounding. Data were processed by descriptive statistical methods, factor analysis and content analysis. The results of quantitative analysis show that, in term of functional-attribute, Bandung was positively perceived as a destination characterized with natural scenic beauty, many interesting places, and various exotic foods. In terms of the psychological-attribute, Bandung was perceived as the right place for shopping and culinary tourism. The results of qualitative analysis indicate that, functionally, Bandung was a destination with natural scenic beauty, pleasant weather and provide various exotic foods. Psychologically, the tourists experienced calm and tranquil atmosphere, happiness, and comfort

    Millennial loyalty in Halal tourism: a destination-based analysis

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    This study seeks the answer to the proposed questions of past Halal tourism studies, namely how does loyalty form for Millennial Muslim tourists when they visit domestic or international destinations. The data for this study were collected from 432 Indonesian Muslim Millennials. Using partial least squares structural equation modelling, this research shows that Halal experience and attraction experience influence the perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty of Muslim Millennial tourists. While Halal experience is considered to be an important factor in determining Millennial Muslim satisfaction when visiting domestic destinations, Halal experience is not considered as important when visiting international destinations. Further, perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty are more influenced by experience with tourism attractions than by Halal experience when visiting either domestic or international destinations


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh instagram dan tik tok terhadap brand loyalty pada Geh Travel di masa pendemi covid-19, baik pengaruh secara partial maupun secara simulta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian asosiatif kausal, penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dua variabel atau lebih. Penelitian kasualitas di sini untuk melihat pengaruh antar variabel bebas instagram (X1), tik tok (X2) terhadap variable terikat yaitu brand loyalty (Y) pada Geh Travel.Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptef dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah follower dari akun sosial media milik Geh Travel yang sebagian besar adalah pelanggan Geh Travel, karena jumlah pupolasi yang besar dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampel penelitian. Sampel penelitian ini adalah sebagian dari populasi dimana sampel diambil dengan menerapkan rumus slovin, hal ini dilakukan karena jumlah populasi yang sangat besar yaitu sejumlah 10.700 follower. Dari penarikan sampel menggunakan rumus slovin tersebut maka jumlah sampel penelitian ini sejumlah 88 orang. Jenis data dari penelitian ini merupakan data primer yang diperoleh dari kuisioner yang disebarkan secara online menggunakan google form kepada seluruh follower akun sosial media yang dimiliki Geh Travel. Hasil analisi regresi linear bergandanya adalah Y = -11,743 + 0,477X1 + 0,755X2  + µ. Koefisien determinasi diperoleh nilai sebesar 0.927 yang berarti variabel X memberikan kontribusi sebesar  92,7%. Uji  t  media  sosial  Instagram dan Tik Tok terhadap  Brand  Loyalty,  dengan  taraf signifikansi 5% yaitu t1hitung = 4,592 dan p-value = 0,000/2 =  0,000 < 0,05 (uji pihak kanan), atau Ho ditolak yang bermakna penggunaan Instagram berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan brand loyalty. Sedangkan untuk , koefisien variabel X2 yaitu t2hitung = 9,123  dan p-value = 0,000/2 = 0,000 < 0,05 (uji pihak kanan) atau Ho ditolak yang juga bermakna bahwa penggunaan Tic Toc berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan brand loyalty. Dengan demikian, hipotesis yang menyatakan media sosial Instagram dan Tik Tok berpengaruh terhadap Brand Loyalty  pada  GEH Travel Serang Banten  terbukti  kebenarannya  dan  dapat diterima

    COVID 19 and The Emergence of Virtual Tourism in Indonesia: A Technology Readiness Index Perspective

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    For a nation, tourism is a significant source of revenue. However, due to travel bans across the nation and abroad, the pandemic Covid-19 outbreak has had a substantial impact on the tourism business. This study aims to analyze the intention of virtual tourism during the post-pandemic using the technology readiness index and the TPB model (theory of planned behavior). Data was collected from 465 tourist users in Indonesia. The data analysis technique used is structure equational model-partial least square (SEM-PLS). The results proved that all TPB constructs, namely attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control have a significant effect on the intention to use virtual tourism. The results of this study will help virtual tourism service providers and policymakers in planning services and increasing intention to use virtual tourism in the post-pandemic. The results of the study will add to existing knowledge about the literature on virtual tourism during the pandemic and post-pandemic

    Investigation of the Physical Environment and Employee Performance toward Customer Satisfaction in the Luxury Hotel: A Study in Bandung, Indonesia

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    This study aims to investigate the relationships between physical environment and employee toward customer satisfaction in luxury-hotels (four-star) and enrich the hoteliers with insight on which attributes of physical environment and employee that are most crucial to increase the satisfaction. Using quantitative approach with a large-scale survey to explore customer satisfaction, data were collected through 300 questionnaires and distributed to guests of luxury hotels around Bandung with 260 questionnaires returned. To analyze the data, a simple regression analysis was run. The main finding showed that customer satisfaction could be explained by physical environment dimension, with the highest contribution came from hotel décor. However, the result also showed that the employee dimension could also explain customer satisfaction. In fact, employee has the strongest impact towards customer satisfaction compared to physical environment. As a conclusion, it can be said that while service constitutes tangible and intangible aspects, this research shows that the intangible aspect seems to play the more vital role in delivering service in the hospitality industry. This paper will help hoteliers of luxury-hotel to decide which factors they should consider the most to increase the satisfaction of their guests

    The Dimension of Food Souvenir: An Exploratory-Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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    Food souvenirs as the tangible reminder that encounters the travelling experience are considered as an essential element in the tourism industry. However, the studies exploring the dimension of food souvenirs, are limited, and most of them applying single factor analysis, either exploratory or confirmatory. In response to the identified gap, this research scrutinizes the aspects of food souvenirs by utilizing a mixed method of exploratory-confirmatory factor analysis. The data was collected from 252 domestic tourists in Bandung, Indonesia. The exploratory factor analysis test identifies four dimensions of food souvenirs: tangible, brand and packaging, value, food quality. Although confirming the food souvenir dimension, the confirmatory factor analysis notes that the elements of the dimensions are different from that identified in exploratory factor analysis. Besides offering a theoretical understanding on the food souvenirs dimension, this study extends our understanding of a methodological issue that the exploratory-confirmatory factor analysis offers a better explanation on the food souvenir dimension compared to that of single factor analysis