3 research outputs found

    Growth of Performance Silver Pompano Fish Fry, Trachinotus Blocii (Lacepede) Cultured in the Net Cage at the Pond

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    Silver pompano fish is a prospective commodity that can be cultured and contains high economic value. Due to its high economic value nationally and Internationally, it is important to develop nursery business. The silver pompano fish nursery conducted in a pond become efficient because it can be easily controlled. The purpose of the study was to know the technology and growth of silver pompano fish fry in cages at a pond. Research activities were carried out in the hafa size (3x3x1m3) in ponds. The seeds were taken from hatchery with size of 5.0-6.0 cm. Stocking density of seeds were 50 pc/ m³. The nursery were reared for 90 days till the fry reached their size in between 15.0 and 18.0 cm. The commercial pellets with protein content of 28-30% with dose of 5-8% of body weight were provided in the morning and afternoon at satiation. Sampling of fry was conducted every 30 days, to measure the survival rate (SR), total length (TL) and body weight (BW). Data were processed with descriptive analysis. The results showed that the survival rate was 90.20 ± 2.60 %, total length was 16.80± 2.70 cm, and body weight was 145.20 ± 2.70 g. The diversity of fry has four size categories i.e., large (L), medium (M), small (S), and super small (SS) with percentage average of 17.50%, 52.70%, 20.70% and 9.10%, respectively

    The Effect of Salinity on Survival, Growth and Immunity Rate of Sea Cucumber (Holothuria Scabra) Juveniles

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    Sea cucumber is a stenohaline and osmoconforming organism with a low level of tolerance to salinity change. Salinity of the medium is one of the physiological factors that affect the growth and survival of sea cucumber juveniles. This study was aimed at finding out the effect of different salinities on growth, survival and immunity rate of sea cucumber juveniles (Holothuria scabra) and finding the most suitable salinity level for optimal growth, survival and immunity rate of sea cucumber. This study used a laboratory experimental method and completely randomized design with 5 salinity treatments: 24, 29, 34, 39, and 44 ppt with 3 replications. This study used fifteen 30 L-fiber glass tanks. The sea cucumber juvenile were 4.4 ± 0.2 cm in total length and 5.6 ± 0.3 g in body weight. The juvenile densities were 15 individuals/tank, fed with fresh benthos from a culture once a day in the afternoon. Coelomate was taken from the sea cucumber juveniles from each tank and used to find out the immunity rate dan also the for osmolality. The data collected were analyzed using ANOVA that was followed by Tukey's test at 5% level of significance. The results showed that the salinity of the medium has a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the growth, survival rate and immunity rate of sea cucumber juveniles. The 24 - 34 ppt salinity can support survival rate up to 100%, high growth (6.47 – 7.10 g) and immunity rate (27 – 76 x 104 phagocytic cell/mL), while at the 44 ppt salinity has an effect not only on a low survival rate (55.6%), but also on a bad effect on osmolality (303 ± 3.5 mOs-mol kg-1), growth (3.12 ± 0.34 g), and immunity (209 x 104 phagocytic cell/mL)

    Pengamatan Profil Pemijahan Induk Bandeng, Chanos Chanos Generasi 1 (G1) Dengan Implantasi Hormon Lhrh-a Pada Pemeliharaan Secara Terkontrol

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    Setiap tahun permintaan bandeng selalu mengalami peningkatan, baik untuk konsumsi lokal, sebagai umpan hidup bagi usaha penangkapan ikan tuna, untuk keperluan indukan, maupun pemenuhan kebutuhan ekspor. Penelitian dilakukan di BBPPBL, dimana hewan uji yang digunakan adalah induk bandeng hasil seleksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil pemijahan induk ikan bandeng G1 pada pemeliharaan secara terkontrol. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan bak beton sebanyak 2 buah yaitu A dan B yang memiliki volume masing-masing 150 m³, dan setiap bak diisi sebanyak 50 ekor induk dengan panjang total awal rata-rata 78,04±2,80 cm, bobot tubuh 5,80±0,45 kg. Perlakuan dalam kegiatan penelitian ini adalah (A) hormon dan B tanpa hormon. Pada bak A induk bandeng diimplant oleh hormon LHRH-a dengan dosis 50 µg/kg. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induk bandeng baik yang berada pada bak A (Hormon) maupun bak B (Tanpa Hormon) telah memijah dan memiliki profil pemijahan yang kontinyu dan menghasilkan telur yang baik. Namun pada bak A (hormon) telah menghasilkan jumlah dan kualitas telur yang lebih baik daripada bak B. Pada bak A(hormon) memijah sebanyak 26 kali, dengan jumlah total telur sebanyak 5.911.200 butir, sedangkan pada bak B memijah sebanyak 14 kali, dengan jumlah total telur sebanyak 2.720.410 butir. Hatching rate (HR) yang dihasilkan pada bak A dan bak B masing-masing sebesar 60,20-85,20% dan 50,0-74,50%. Ketahanan larva (SAI) pada bak A selama 3-5 hari, dan pada bak B selama 2-4 hari. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian hormon pada induk bandeng telah meningkatkan profil pemijahan dan jumlah telur yang dihasilkan