4 research outputs found

    Wp艂yw oceny jako艣ci na szkolnictwo wy偶sze w Holandii

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    In 1988 the Association of Universities in Netherlands (VSNU) started a quality assessment system of education, that consists of self-assessment and external assessment of study programs operating nation-wide. In 1990 a similar system was introduced in the non-university sector of higher education. The visiting committees judgements are intended, first, to enhance the quality of the study program. Improvement of the quality of education cannot be expected immediately. However, after some years, it should become visible what are the effects of the quality assessment system on the quality activities of higher education institutions. This question is addressed in this paper. Attention is paid to quality management activities, the utilization of evaluation results and the satisfaction on the study program level with quality assessment system, which was introduced.W 1988 r. Zwi膮zek Uniwersytet贸w Holenderskich (VSNU) zapocz膮tkowa艂 wprowadzanie systemu oceny jako艣ci kszta艂cenia, kt贸ry obejmuje samoocen臋 plac贸wki oraz ocen臋 dokonywan膮 przez zewn臋trzn膮 komisj臋, wizytuj膮c膮 ka偶dy kierunek studi贸w. System ten dzia艂a w skali ca艂ego kraju, w roku 1990 zosta艂 nim obj臋ty sektor nieuniwersytecki szkolnictwa wy偶szego. Oceny dokonywane przez zespo艂y wizytuj膮ce maj膮 na celu przede wszystkim polepszenie jako艣ci kszta艂cenia na poszczeg贸lnych kierunkach studi贸w. Nie mo偶na oczekiwa膰, aby w efekcie zastosowania systemu szybko nast膮pi艂a poprawa jako艣ci kszta艂cenia, ale po kilku latach powinno ju偶 by膰 widoczne, jaki jest jego wp艂yw na dzia艂ania instytucji szkolnictwa wy偶szego w dziedzinie jako艣ci. W艂a艣nie t膮 kwesti膮 zajmuj膮 si臋 autorzy. Przedmiotem ich szczeg贸lnego zainteresowania s膮 takie zagadnienia, jak dzia艂ania zwi膮zane z kierowaniem jako艣ci膮 (quality management activities), wykorzystywanie wynik贸w przeprowadzanej oceny, a tak偶e stopie艅 satysfakcji poszczeg贸lnych kierunk贸w studi贸w z wprowadzonego systemu oceny jako艣ci

    Effects of Quality Assessment in Dutch Higher Education

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    W 1988 r. Zwi膮zek Uniwersytet贸w Holenderskich (VSNU) zapocz膮tkowa艂 wprowadzanie systemu oceny jako艣ci kszta艂cenia, kt贸ry obejmuje samoocen臋 plac贸wki oraz ocen臋 dokonywan膮 przez zewn臋trzn膮 komisj臋, wizytuj膮c膮 ka偶dy kierunek studi贸w. System ten dzia艂a w skali ca艂ego kraju, w roku 1990 zosta艂 nim obj臋ty sektor nieuniwersytecki szkolnictwa wy偶szego. Oceny dokonywane przez zespo艂y wizytuj膮ce maj膮 na celu przede wszystkim polepszenie jako艣ci kszta艂cenia na poszczeg贸lnych kierunkach studi贸w. Nie mo偶na oczekiwa膰, aby w efekcie zastosowania systemu szybko nast膮pi艂a poprawa jako艣ci kszta艂cenia, ale po kilku latach powinno ju偶 by膰 widoczne, jaki jest jego wp艂yw na dzia艂ania instytucji szkolnictwa wy偶szego w dziedzinie jako艣ci. W艂a艣nie t膮 kwesti膮 zajmuj膮 si臋 autorzy. Przedmiotem ich szczeg贸lnego zainteresowania s膮 takie zagadnienia, jak dzia艂ania zwi膮zane z kierowaniem jako艣ci膮 (quality management activities), wykorzystywanie wynik贸w przeprowadzanej oceny, a tak偶e stopie艅 satysfakcji poszczeg贸lnych kierunk贸w studi贸w z wprowadzonego systemu oceny jako艣ci.In 1988 the Association of Universities in Netherlands (VSNU) started a quality assessment system of education, that consists of self-assessment and external assessment of study programs operating nation-wide. In 1990 a similar system was introduced in the non-university sector of higher education. The visiting committees judgements are intended, first, to enhance the quality of the study program. Improvement of the quality of education cannot be expected immediately. However, after some years, it should become visible what are the effects of the quality assessment system on the quality activities of higher education institutions. This question is addressed in this paper. Attention is paid to quality management activities, the utilization of evaluation results and the satisfaction on the study program level with quality assessment system, which was introduced

    Comparing quality in Europe

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    As higher education begins to operate increasingly in a European framework, consequences for the assurance of quality in higher education are bound to become evident. A pilot study to develop a methodology for the comparison of quality across different higher education systems is described. The project involved comparison of ten study programmes in economics in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. A design derived from general considerations about the concept of quality and about the nature of higher education and different systems incorporated two stages. First was the collection of information and the processing of this information into manageable data sets; second was the assessment of the information by way of peer review. The proceedings and principal findings of both stages followed the overview of the project design. The article concludes by highlighting some implications of this pilot project for the future of quality assurance in higher education on a European scale