72 research outputs found

    Quality of life in patients with various Barrett's esophagus associated health states

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    BACKGROUND: The management of Barrett's esophagus (BE), particularly high grade dysplasia (HGD), is an area of much debate and controversy. Surgical esophagectomy, intensive endoscopic surveillance and mucosal ablative techniques, especially photodynamic therapy (PDT), have been proposed as possible management strategies. The purpose of this study was to determine the health related quality of life associated with Barrett's esophagus and many of the pivotal health states associated with Barrett's HGD management. METHODS: 20 patients with Barrett's esophagus were enrolled in a pilot survey study at a large urban hospital. The utility of Barrett's esophagus without dysplasia (current health state) as well as various health states associated with HGD management (hypothetical states as the subject did not have HGD) were measured using a validated health utility instrument (Paper Standard Gamble). These specific health states were chosen for the study because they are considered pivotal in Barrett's HGD decision making. Information regarding Barrett's HGD was presented to the subject in a standardized format that was designed to be easily comprehendible. RESULTS: The average utility scores (0–1 with 0 = death and 1 = perfect health) for the various Barrett's esophagus associated states were: BE without dysplasia-0.95; Post-esophagectomy for HGD with dysphagia-0.92; Post-PDT for HGD with recurrence uncertainty-0.93; Post-PDT for HGD with recurrence uncertainty and dysphagia-0.91; Intensive endoscopic surveillance for HGD-0.90. CONCLUSION: We present the scores for utilities associated with Barrett's esophagus as well as various states associated with the management of HGD. The results of our study may be useful in advising patients and providers regarding expected outcomes of the various HGD management strategies as well as providing utility scores for future cost-effectiveness analyses

    High-Throughput Screen for Identifying Small Molecules That Target Fungal Zinc Homeostasis

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    Resistance to traditional antifungal drugs has increased significantly over the past three decades, making identification of novel antifungal agents and new targets an emerging priority. Based on the extraordinary zinc requirement of several fungal pathogens and their well-established sensitivity to zinc deprivation, we developed an efficient cell-based screen to identify new antifungal drugs that target the zinc homeostasis machinery. The screen is based on the zinc-regulated transcription factor Zap1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which regulates transcription of genes like the high-affinity zinc transporter ZRT1. We generated a genetically modified strain of S. cerevisae that reports intracellular zinc deficiency by placing the coding sequence of green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the Zap1-regulated ZRT1 promoter. After showing that the GFP fluorescence signal correlates with low intracellular zinc concentrations in this strain, a protocol was developed for screening small-molecule libraries for compounds that induce Zap1-dependent GFP expression. Comparison of control compounds and known modulators of metal metabolism from the library reveals a robust screen (Z′ = 0.74) and validates this approach to the discovery of new classes of antifungal compounds that interfere with the intracellular zinc homeostasis. Given that growth of many pathogenic organisms is significantly impaired by zinc limitation; these results identify new types of antifungal drugs that target critical nutrient acquisition pathways

    Accurate molecular classification of cancer using simple rules

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One intractable problem with using microarray data analysis for cancer classification is how to reduce the extremely high-dimensionality gene feature data to remove the effects of noise. Feature selection is often used to address this problem by selecting informative genes from among thousands or tens of thousands of genes. However, most of the existing methods of microarray-based cancer classification utilize too many genes to achieve accurate classification, which often hampers the interpretability of the models. For a better understanding of the classification results, it is desirable to develop simpler rule-based models with as few marker genes as possible.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We screened a small number of informative single genes and gene pairs on the basis of their depended degrees proposed in rough sets. Applying the decision rules induced by the selected genes or gene pairs, we constructed cancer classifiers. We tested the efficacy of the classifiers by leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) of training sets and classification of independent test sets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We applied our methods to five cancerous gene expression datasets: leukemia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ALL] vs. acute myeloid leukemia [AML]), lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and leukemia (ALL vs. mixed-lineage leukemia [MLL] vs. AML). Accurate classification outcomes were obtained by utilizing just one or two genes. Some genes that correlated closely with the pathogenesis of relevant cancers were identified. In terms of both classification performance and algorithm simplicity, our approach outperformed or at least matched existing methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In cancerous gene expression datasets, a small number of genes, even one or two if selected correctly, is capable of achieving an ideal cancer classification effect. This finding also means that very simple rules may perform well for cancerous class prediction.</p

    Prospective randomized trial of argon plasma coagulation ablation versus endoscopic surveillance of Barrett's esophagus in patients treated with antisecretory medication

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    Argon plasma coagulation (APC) has been used to ablate Barrett’s esophagus, however, its role in the management of non-dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus is uncertain. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of endoscopic argon plasma coagulation (APC) for ablation of Barrett’s esophagus in a prospective randomized controlled trial in two university teaching hospitals. Fifty-seven patients using proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medication and with Barrett’s esophagus were randomized to undergo either ablation using endoscopic argon plasma coagulation (APC) or ongoing surveillance. Fifty-one patients underwent endoscopy at 12 months. Endoscopic argon plasma coagulation (APC) versus surveillance endoscopy was studied. Endoscopy and histopathological appearances of Barrett’s esophagus at 12 months follow-up was also studied. Initially, at least 95% ablation of the metaplastic mucosa was achieved in 25 of the 26 treated patients. At 12 months, 14 of 23 APC patients had at least 95% regression, and nine of 23 had complete regression of Barrett’s esophagus. No surveillance patient had more than 95% regression. The length of Barrett’s esophagus shortened significantly after APC (mean 3.0 vs. 0.5 cm). Significant regression of Barrett’s esophagus follows ablation with APC, although complete regression was achieved in less than half. The role of APC ablation of non-dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus remains uncertain.Tim Bright, David I. Watson, William Tam, Philip A. Game, Roger Ackroyd, Peter G. Devitt and Mark N. Schoema
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