21 research outputs found

    PathoVA:A visual analytics tool for pathology diagnosis and reporting

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    \u3cp\u3eWe introduce PathoVA, a visual analytics system for computer aided pathology diagnosis. The diagnostic work of a pathologist involves characterizing cells and the appearance of histological sections of tissues, which are stained by techniques that highlight particular elements. Our system supports this work by recording activities in a digital tissue slide viewer, from which a diagnostic trace is constructed automatically. The visualization of the trace is enhanced with quantitative data about the tissue obtained by image analysis. Using the trace visualization, the pathologist can fill out the pathology report according to the required protocol. We demonstrate our approach on a use case of breast tissue examination. Our qualitative evaluation shows that PathoVA supports the diagnostic procedure and simplifies reporting.\u3c/p\u3

    SurviVIS:visual analytics for interactive survival analysis

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    The increasing quantity of data in biomedical informatics is leading towards better patient profiling and personalized medicine. Lab tests, medical images, and clinical data represent extraordinary sources for patient characterization. While retrospective studies focus on finding correlations in this sheer volume of data, potential new biomarkers are difficult to identify. A common approach is to observe patient mortality with respect to different clinical variables in what is called survival analysis. Kaplan-Meier plots, also known as survival curves, are generally used to examine patient survival in retrospective and prognostic studies. The plot is very intuitive and hence very popular in the medical domain to disclose evidence of poor or good prognosis. However, the Kaplan-Meier plots are mostly static and the data exploration of the plotted cohorts can be performed only with additional analysis. There is a need to make survival plots interactive and to integrate potential prognostic data that may reveal correlations with disease progression. We introduce SurviVIS, a visual analytics approach for interactive survival analysis and data integration on Kaplan-Meier plots. We demonstrate our work on a melanoma dataset and in the perspective of a potential use case in precision imaging

    A stable graph layout algorithm for processes

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    \u3cp\u3eProcess mining enables organizations to analyze data about their (business) processes. Visualization is key to gaining insight into these processes and the associated data. Process visualization requires a high-quality graph layout that intuitively represents the semantics of the process. Process analysis additionally requires interactive filtering to explore the process data and process graph. The ideal process visualization therefore provides a high-quality, intuitive layout and preserves the mental map of the user during the visual exploration. The current industry standard used for process visualization does not satisfy either of these requirements. In this paper, we propose a novel layout algorithm for processes based on the Sugiyama framework. Our approach consists of novel ranking and order constraint algorithms and a novel crossing minimization algorithm. These algorithms make use of the process data to compute stable, high-quality layouts. In addition, we use phased animation to further improve mental map preservation. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations show that our approach computes layouts of higher quality and preserves the mental map better than the industry standard. Additionally, our approach is substantially faster, especially for graphs with more than 250 edges.\u3c/p\u3

    PathONE : from one thousand patients to one cell

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    Digital Pathology is an image-based information environment, where tissue glasses are digitized by highspeedscanners. Whole-slide-images (WSIs) are generated and pathologists are empowered to analyzed and diagnose them directly on a computer monitor.\u3cbr/\u3eIn coming years, the technology uptake will harmonize the flow of images, information from Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and image analysis results. However, integration of this heterogeneous data into a single application is still one\u3cbr/\u3eof the challenges in the evolution of pathology to a digital practice

    Visual analytics for evaluating clinical pathways

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    \u3cp\u3eDigital platforms in healthcare institutions enable tracking and recording of patient care pathways. Besides the Electronic Health Records (EHRs), the event logs from Hospital Information Systems (HIS) are a very efficient source of information, from both operational and clinical point of view. Process mining allows comparison of a patient care pathway with the event log(s) from HIS, to understand how well the reality as depicted in the event log fits the expectation as modeled using a care pathway. In this paper, we present SepVis, a visual analytics tool which aims to fill the gap in current process-centric applications by looking at patients' pathways from a clinical point of view. We demonstrate the utility of SepVis in selected use cases derived by the guidelines in the management of sepsis patients.\u3c/p\u3

    Visual analytics in histopathology diagnostics: a protocol-based approach

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    Computer-Aided-Diagnosis (CAD) systems supporting the diagnostic process are widespread in radiology. Digital Pathology is still behind in the introduction of such solutions. Several studies investigated pathologists' behavior but only a few aimed to improve the diagnostic and report process with novel applications. In this work we designed and implemented a first protocol-based CAD viewer supported by visual analytics. The system targets the optimization of the diagnostic workflow in breast cancer diagnosis by means of three image analysis features that belong to the standard grading system (Nottingham Histologic Grade). A pathologist's routine was tracked during the examination of breast cancer tissue slides and diagnostic traces were analyzed from a qualitative perspective. Accordingly, a set of generic requirements was elicited to define the design and the implementation of the CAD-Viewer. A first qualitative evaluation conducted with five pathologists shows that the interface suffices the diagnostic workflow and diminishes the manual effort. We present promising evidence of the usefulness of our CAD-viewer and opportunities for its extension and integration in clinical practice. As a conclusion, the findings demonstrate that it is feasibile to optimize the Nottingham Grading workflow and, generally, the histological diagnosis by integrating computational pathology data with visual analytics techniques

    Kelp diagrams : Point set membership visualization

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    We present Kelp Diagrams, a novel method to depict set relations over points, i.e., elements with predefined positions. Our method creates schematic drawings and has been designed to take aesthetic quality, efficiency, and effectiveness into account. This is achieved by a routing algorithm, which links elements that are part of the same set by constructing minimum cost paths over a tangent visibility graph. There are two styles of Kelp Diagrams to depict overlapping sets, a nested and a striped style, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. We compare Kelp Diagrams with two existing methods and show that our approach provides a more consistent and clear depiction of both element locations and their set relations

    Visual analytics in digital pathology:challenges and opportunities

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    The advances in high-throughput digitization, digital pathology systems, and quantitative image analysis opened new horizons in pathology. The diagnostic work of the pathologists and their role is likely to be augmented with computer-assistance and more quantitative information at hand. The recent success of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision methods demonstrated that in the coming years machines will support pathologists in typically tedious and highly subjective tasks and also in better patient stratification. In spite of clear future improvements in the diagnostic workflow, questions on how to effectively support the pathologists and how to integrate current data sources and quantitative information still persist. In this context, Visual Analytics (VA) - as the discipline that aids users to solve complex problems with an interactive and visual approach - can play a vital role to support the cognitive skills of pathologists and the large volumes of data available. To identify the main opportunities to employ VA in digital pathology systems, we conducted a survey with 20 pathologists to characterize the diagnostic practice and needs from a user perspective. From our findings, we discuss how VA can leverage quantitative image data to empower pathologists with new advanced digital pathology systems

    Visual analytics for soundness verification of process models

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    Soundness validation of process models is a complex task for process modelers due to all the factors that must be taken into account. Although there are tools to verify this property, they do not provide users with easy information on where soundness starts breaking and under which conditions. Providing insights such as states in which problems occur, involved activities, or paths leading to those states, is crucial for process modelers to better understand why the model is not sound. In this paper we address the problem of validating the soundness property of a process model by using a novel visual approach and a new tool called PSVis (Petri net Soundness Visualization) supporting this approach. The PSVis tool aims to guide expert users through the process models in order to get insights into the problems that cause the process to be unsoun

    Model-based segmentation and classification of trajectories

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    \u3cp\u3eWe present efficient algorithms for segmenting and classifying trajectories based on a movement model parameterised by a single parameter, like the Brownian bridge movement model. Segmentation is the problem of subdividing a trajectory into interior-disjoint parts such that each part is homogeneous in its movement characteristics. We formalise this using the likelihood of the model parameter, and propose a new algorithm for trajectory segmentation based on this. We consider the case where a discrete set of m parameter values is given and present an algorithm to compute an optimal segmentation with respect to an information criterion in O(nm) time for a trajectory with n sampling points. We also present an algorithm that efficiently computes the optimal segmentation if we allow the parameter values to be drawn from a continuous domain. Classification is the problem of assigning trajectories to classes of similar movement characteristics. The set of trajectories might for instance be the subtrajectories resulting from segmenting a trajectory, thus identifying movement phases. We give an algorithm to compute the optimal classification with respect to an information criterion in O(m\u3csup\u3e2\u3c/sup\u3e+ kmlog m) time for m parameter values and k trajectories, assuming bitonic likelihood functions. We also show that classification is NP-hard if the parameter values are allowed to vary continuously and present an algorithm that solves the problem in polynomial time under mild assumptions on the input.\u3c/p\u3