55 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process with open boundaries and Quadratic Harnesses

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    We show that the joint probability generating function of the stationary measure of a finite state asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries can be expressed in terms of joint moments of Markov processes called quadratic harnesses. We use our representation to prove the large deviations principle for the total number of particles in the system. We use the generator of the Markov process to show how explicit formulas for the average occupancy of a site arise for special choices of parameters. We also give similar representations for limits of stationary measures as the number of sites tends to infinity.Comment: Corrected more typo

    Dual Lukacs regressions for non-commutative variables

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    Dual Lukacs type characterizations of random variables in free probability are studied here. First, we develop a freeness property satisfied by Lukacs type transformations of free-Poisson and free-Binomial non-commutative variables which are free. Second, we give a characterization of non-commutative free-Poisson and free-Binomial variables by properties of first two conditional moments, which mimic Lukacs type assumptions known from classical probability. More precisely, our result is a non-commutative version of the following result known in classical probability: if UU, VV are independent real random variables, such that E(V(1−U)∣UV)E(V(1-U)|UV) and E(V2(1−U)2∣UV)E(V^2(1-U)^2|UV) are non-random then VV has a gamma distribution and UU has a beta distribution

    Classical bi-Poisson process: an invertible quadratic harness

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    We give an elementary construction of a time-invertible Markov process which is discrete except at one instance. The process is one of the quadratic harnesses studied in our previous papers and can be regarded as a random joint of two independent Poisson processes

    An eigenproblem approach to optimal equal-precision sample allocation in subpopulations

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    Allocation of samples in stratified and/or multistage sampling is one of the central issues of sampling theory. In a survey of a population often the constraints for precision of estimators of subpopulations parameters have to be taken care of during the allocation of the sample. Such issues are often solved with mathematical programming procedures. In many situations it is desirable to allocate the sample, in a way which forces the precision of estimates at the subpopulations level to be both: optimal and identical, while the constraints of the total (expected) size of the sample (or samples, in two-stage sampling) are imposed. Here our main concern is related to two-stage sampling schemes. We show that such problem in a wide class of sampling plans has an elegant mathematical and computational solution. This is done due to a suitable definition of the optimization problem, which enables to solve it through a linear algebra setting involving eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices defined in terms of some population quantities. As a final result we obtain a very simple and relatively universal method for calculating the subpopulation optimal and equal-precision allocation which is based on one of the most standard algorithms of linear algebra (available e.g. in R software). Theoretical solutions are illustrated through a numerical example based on the Labour Force Survey. Finally, we would like to stress that the method we describe, allows to accommodate quite automatically for different levels of precision priority for subpopulations

    Infinitesimal generators of q-Meixner processes

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    We show that the weak infinitesimal generator of a class of Markov processes acts on bounded continuous functions with bounded continuous second derivative as a singular integral with respect to the orthogonality measure of the explicit family of polynomials

    Quadratic Harnesses, q-commutations, and orthogonal martingale polynomials

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    We introduce the quadratic harness condition and show that integrable quadratic harnesses have orthogonal martingale polynomials with a three step recurrence that satisfies a q-commutation relation. This implies that quadratic harnesses are essentially determined uniquely by five numerical constants. Explicit recurrences for the orthogonal martingale polynomials are derived in several cases of interest

    The Lukacs theorem and the Olkin-Baker equation

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    The Olkin-Baker functional equation is closely related to the celebrated Lukacs characterization of the gamma distribution. Its deeper understanding is essential to settle a challenging question of multivariate extensions of the Lukacs theorem. In this paper, first, we provide a new approach to the additive Olkin-Baker equation which holds almost everywhere on (0,\infinity)^2 (with respect to the Lebesgue measure on R^2) under measurability assumption. Second, this new approach is adapted to the case when unknown functions are allowed to be non-measurable and the complete solution is given in such a general case. Third, the Olkin-Baker equation holding outside of a set from proper linearly invariant ideal of subsets of R^2 is considered

    Stitching pairs of Levy processes into harnesses

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    We consider natural exponential families of Levy processes with randomized parameter. Such processes are Markov, and under suitable assumptions, pairs of such processes with shared randomization can be stitched together into a single harness. The stitching consists of deterministic reparametrization of the time for both processes, so that they run on adjacent time intervals, and of the choice of the appropriate law at the boundary. Processes in the Levy-Meixner class have an additional property that they are quadratic harnesses, and in this case stitching constructions produce quadratic harnesses

    Exploring recursion for optimal estimators under cascade rotation

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    We are concerned with optimal linear estimation of means on subsequent occasions under sample rotation where evolution of samples in time is designed through a cascade pattern. It has been known since the seminal paper of Patterson (1950) that when the units are not allowed to return to the sample after leaving it for certain period (there are no gaps in the rotation pattern), one step recursion for optimal estimator holds. However, in some important real surveys, e.g. Current Population Survey in the US or Labour Force Survey in many countries in Europe, units return to the sample after being absent in the sample for several occasions (there are gaps in rotation patterns). In such situations difficulty of the question of the form of the recurrence for optimal estimator increases drastically. This issue has not been resolved yet. Instead alternative sub-optimal approaches were developed, as K-composite estimation (see e.g. Hansen et al. (1955)), AK-composite estimation (see e.g. Gurney and Daly (1965) or time series approach (see e.g. Binder and Hidiroglou (1988)). In the present paper we overcome this long-standing difficulty, that is, we present analytical recursion formulas for the optimal linear estimator of the mean for schemes with gaps in rotation patterns. It is achieved under some technical conditions: ASSUMPTION I and ASSUMPTION II (numerical experiments suggest that these assumptions might be universally satisfied). To attain the goal we develop an algebraic operator approach which allows to reduce the problem of recursion for the optimal linear estimator to two issues: (1) localization of roots (possibly complex) of a polynomial Q_p defined in terms of the rotation pattern (Q_p happens to be conveniently expressed through Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind), (2) rank of a matrix S defined in terms of the rotation pattern and the roots of the polynomial Q_p

    Asymptotic normality through factorial cumulants and partitions identities

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    In the paper we develop an approach to asymptotic normality through factorial cumulants. Factorial cumulants arise in the same manner from factorial moments, as do (ordinary) cumulants from (ordinary) moments. Another tool we exploit is a new identity for "moments" of partitions of numbers. The general limiting result is then used to (re-)derive asymptotic normality for several models including classical discrete distributions, occupancy problems in some generalized allocation schemes and two models related to negative multinomial distribution
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